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Sins of the Night (Dark-Hunter 7)

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Not wanting to encourage him to interrupt any more, she hid her laughter. "Would you just watch the movie?"

"But that didn't happen. They're making all this up."

She tossed a pillow at him. "Look, Chatty Cathy, I'm not interested in historical accuracy. If I was, I'd be reading the Iliad-"

"That wasn't accurate either."

Danger paused as he gave her a clue to his real age. "Just how old are you?"

He scoffed. "Older than Ilion, obviously."

"So did you teach Ash how to be vague or did he teach it to you?"

He tossed the pillow back at her, then returned his attention to the TV where Helen was entering the scene. "They never get Helen right, do they? Man, she was truly beautiful. You should have seen her. She had a laugh that sounded like angels singing. And her body... Well, it was no wonder they had to get all her suitors to swear that they wouldn't kill her husband out of sheer jealousy."

Danger didn't comment. Scoping out other women wasn't her forte. Not to mention, she was turning a little green over his appreciation for a woman that had been dead for thousands of years.

"We can't all be Helen, now can we?"

She saw the "uh-oh" descend on his face as he realized what he'd just said. "You're beautiful too."

"Yeah," she said sarcastically. "Save it, bud. Too little, too late."

For once he was quiet.

At least until they got to the scene with Paris and Helen naked in Helen's bedroom. Alexion looked back at Danger. "So his butt has no appeal for you?"

Danger choked on her popcorn. Good Lord, the man had no couth. He'd ask her anything. She was never sure what might come flying out of his mouth next.

Coughing, she looked at him in disbelief.

"Not really," she answered once she could catch her breath again. "I'm not a big Orlando Bloom fan, unless he's playing Legolas in Lord of the Rings. Now Legolas is one elf I wouldn't toss out of my bed for eating crackers. I have to give the casting director credit. Whoever looked at him and thought, 'gorgeous blond elf,' definitely deserves an award of some kind."

He indicated Eric Bana, who was playing Hector. "What about him?"

"He's okay, but not my taste. I'm not that attracted to brunets. I like blonds better, which is why I adore Orlando as Legolas and not Paris."

There was no missing the spark of interest in his eyes. "That's good to know."

Danger had no idea why she liked teasing a man she really should hate, and yet she couldn't seem to help herself. "Well, that information does you no good."

"Why not? I'm blond."

"Yes, but you're not human." She looked back at the screen where Brad Pitt, as Achilles, was fighting with his cousin. "Then again neither is he," she said with a breathless sigh. "I swear, that man is a god."

Alexion snorted. "He's not a god and that wasn't Achilles's cousin in real life. Not unless you make him a 'kissing' cousin if you catch my drift."

"Drift? That was more like a typhoon, Mr. Suave, and you're not telling me anything I didn't know except for the Brad being a god part. There you're most definitely wrong. Just look at that body."

"It does nothing for me."

"Well, it should."

He made a sound of disagreement. "I've seen better."

She gave him an arch stare.

"Not like that," he snapped indignantly. "I mean... I never-"

"Give it up, Greek man. You've already drifted out to sea and are drowning fast."

Alexion should have been angry and appalled by this turn in their conversation, but he strangely wasn't. It had been countless centuries since anyone had teased him like this. He had to give her credit, she was swift and intelligent.

He watched her as she ate the popcorn. "Why is that white?"

"How many questions are you going to ask me?"

"I was only curious. And given how many questions you've asked me, it's only fair that I return the favor."

"Yeah, well, you don't have to do it in the middle of my movie." She sighed as she raked her hand through the popcorn. "It's always white unless you put stuff on it." She held the bowl out to him. "Want some?"

"There's no need. I can't taste it," he reminded her.

"It's air popped without butter or salt. There's not much to taste, but you can feel the texture of it, right?"

He supposed. Reaching out, he took a small handful and ate it. True to her prediction, it did feel odd in his mouth. It was crunchy and light. "Why do you eat this if it has no taste?"

"I like it. It's good for you."

"You're immortal. Nothing foodwise is bad for you."

She gave him a menacing glare. "Would you just watch the movie?"

Danger was a bit stunned when he shifted so that he could sit beside her on the couch. He also continued to eat her popcorn. It was really odd to have someone here with her. Not even Keller shared her late-night/early-morning movie. It was something she'd always done alone to unwind after her duties. There wasn't a great deal of Daimon activity in Tupelo. Most Dark-Hunters got rather testy when they weren't busy, but she kind of liked it.

So she spent many nights at home alone with her DVD collection or on the phone talking to other female Dark-Hunters. Her favorite ones to talk to were Ephani, who was a local Huntress and Zoe, who had just been moved to New York City. Both of them ancient Amazons, they had some interesting takes on how to treat men.

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