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Unleash the Night (Dark-Hunter 8)

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"Or maybe they're wrong. I don't think you're dangerous, Wren. At least not physically. But what you do to my body might be considered criminal in some states."

He offered her a smile. "Thanks for taking me in and not calling the cops."

"No problem. Believe me, letting a gorgeous naked man into the house isn't a hardship for most women."

He gave a short laugh at that. "I can't believe how well you're taking all this."

"That's only because you were unconscious for the worst of it. I've had enough time to adjust to the fact that there was a half-dead tigard on my floor that had come into my house in the guise of my boyfriend."

Wren still found it hard to believe how calm she was. He'd expected her to flee and leave him alone at the very best. At the worst, he'd expected her to turn him over to the authorities.

Normally, he would have never trusted anyone with his well-being. But with the trank taking effect, he'd had no choice except to hope that Maggie wouldn't betray him.

And she hadn't. She'd kept him safe, and from the looks of the makeshift pallet he was on, she'd tended to him while he was out.

As Wren started to sit up, she helped him. Her hands felt good on his naked skin, soothing as he leaned back against her couch. He would give anything to keep those precious hands on his body, but unfortunately, she pulled back.

"How long have I been out?"

"Four days."

He froze at her words. That couldn't be right. Could it? "What?"

She nodded. "I told you, I had ample time to get used to you being a big cat. I've been terrified every day that you wouldn't wake back up."

Terror consumed him. If she'd left her house...

It was a thousand wonders that the ones after him hadn't already found them both and killed them. "What have you been doing while I was out of it?"

She indicated a small pallet on the floor beside him.

"I stayed close by in case you needed something. All I did was clean the blood off the back porch, then I locked the house down. I didn't know who was after you, but I was afraid that whoever they were, they might find you, so I kept the phone ready to call for help if they did."

Tenderness flooded him over her actions. It was unthinkable that someone would do all that for him. Not once in his life had anyone ever sought to protect him. He'd never had any delusions about Nicolette. Had he ever done anything to endanger her life or those of her family members, she'd have tossed him out in a heartbeat.

But Maggie hadn't. She owed him nothing and yet she had kept him safe even though it endangered her own life. It was inconceivable.

He let out a relieved breath that she'd had the good sense to stay put. "Has anyone else come by?"

"No. I kept the windows and doors shut tight, just in case."

He was amazed they hadn't found him, but then again, unconscious, he hadn't been putting off his scent or a trail. He had to be careful now. His kind would be sending out psychic feelers. If he used his magic, such as he was doing right now to remain human, they could find him.

Closing his eyes, he masked his powers. But he wouldn't be able to do that long before it weakened him even more.

Sooner or later, he'd have to leave a trail that they could very easily trace.

"We have to get out of here ASAP."

She looked confused by that "Why? I have plenty of groceries."

"I can't let them find me in your house, Maggie. There's no telling what they might do to you."

"I'm a big girl, Wren. And I have a mighty big gun, fully loaded."

He scoffed at her bravado. "If you think back to the night we met when I got shot, you'll remember that guns aren't real effective on us. At least not unless you shoot us in the head at very close range."

She twisted up her face in disgust.

"Yeah," he breathed. "Like I said, we need to go."

Marguerite didn't know what to say. She didn't want him to leave. "How many more are there like you?"

"Enough to make the cast of a Cecil B. DeMille film look like a two-man opera." He reached up and cupped her cheek in his palm. "They'll be coming for me, Maggie, and they won't stop until I'm dead. You've been to Sanctuary and they know it. Sooner or later, they will find you if I leave you behind. They'll use you to get to me."

Her head swam at what he was saying. "I can't leave. I've got school. Responsibilities..."

"You can't go to school if you're dead."

She began to panic as the true horror of her situation dawned on her.

This couldn't be happening.

"I'll go to my father. He can protect us."

Wren vanished from in front of her. Two seconds later, he was behind her. "He can't protect you from my people," he whispered against her ear.

"How did you do that?" she asked, unable to believe the extent of his abilities.

"It's easy. My people can travel through time and they can use magic at will. There's no human on this earth who can keep you safe from them. Trust me."

Anger welled up inside her at what he was saying. She felt powerless, and that was the one thing she hated most of all. She was a grown woman in charge of her own life, and she didn't like the thought of having no way to protect herself. There had to be something they could do.

"If I can't use a gun to protect me and we can't hide, then what are we supposed to do? Am I supposed to give up my entire life because I slept with you?"

Wren pulled back at her words, which struck him like a physical blow. She was right. He was asking too much of her. It wasn't fair. Why should he expect her to sacrifice the rest of her life for him?

It was too much to ask of anyone. Not to mention she'd had a life that had been perfect until he'd entered it. No, she didn't need something like him screwing up her future. He'd never brought happiness or joy to anyone. She'd been one of only a very small handful of people who'd ever really been nice to him. He wouldn't pay her back by hurting her.

There was only one way to settle this-

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