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Unleash the Night (Dark-Hunter 8)

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Chapter 16

Two days later

With Maggie by his side, Wren walked through the doors of Sanctuary like he owned it. It was so strange to be back after all that had happened. There was an eerie sense of deja vu that he couldn't quite shake.

He'd spent the last twenty years cleaning tables here, never once thinking about a time when he wouldn't call this place home. Never thinking about the world that existed outside these walls. He'd lived here as a recluse and a hollowed-out shell.

Now he was facing a whole new life with a whole new family. Maggie, Marvin, and his father. It was scary in a way and yet he looked forward to it. It was almost as if he'd been reborn. The old Wren was gone and in his place was a man who knew exactly what he wanted.

And that was the woman at his side.

His heart pounding, he held Maggie to him as he walked up to Dev, who was sitting in front of the door.

"Welcome back," the bear said to him as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah," Wren scoffed. "Don't worry. I'm not staying. I'm only here to get Marvin, unless one of you bastards ate him."

Dev's eyes danced with humor. "Remi tried to, but that little bugger is fast. He's been hiding out in Aimee's room ever since."

Wren wasn't amused. Without another word, he led Maggie through the bar, to the kitchen, and to the door that led to Peltier House. As was typical, Remi was there with a scowl on his face.

"Blow me, bear," Wren snarled at Remi's intimidation. "Move your lumbering ass or get it kicked."

Remi crossed his arms over his chest as he glared defiantly at Wren.

"Let him pass, mon ange."

Wren glanced over his shoulder to see Nicolette behind them. Her face was stoic, but for once he sensed no animosity from her.

Remi's face registered shock at his mother's words. "The woman-"

"She is cleared to go with him," Nicolette said, interrupting Remi. "She's one of us now."

Wren inclined his head to her before he smirked at Remi. Remi wanted to fight, he could smell it. But fortunately for the bear, he moved aside.

Wren opened the door and let Maggie enter first. He still didn't trust the bears, and he wanted to keep his eye on her while they were here to make sure no one hurt her in any way.

Lo followed him into the parlor. "I'm sorry for what happened, tiger."

He laughed bitterly at that. "No, you're not."

Nicolette pulled him to a stop as he reached the stairs. "It was your own fault, you know? You were never really one of us here."

"Never one of your dupes, you mean." Wren shook his head. "No, Lo, I wasn't. Unlike the other fools here who would lay down their lives for you, I do know the truth. You do what you have to, but in the end, you don't want any of us here. We're nothing to you but a means to an end, and in a weird way, I almost respect that. It's Darwin's law. Either you eat the bear or the bear eats you. My goal is to be the diner, never the dinner."

Wren looked to where Maggie waited on the first step, watching him with pride gleaming in her brown eyes. "I only owe my loyalty to one person."

Nicolette nodded. "I understand. And our laws still apply. Now that you've been pardoned-"

"Save it, Lo. I've got enough human in me that I don't intend to let bygones be bygones. You turned on me and I can't forget that. I have too much to lose now."

Nicolette inclined her head to him. "Then you will understand if I ask you to leave?"

"I'm just here for the monkey."

"Then get it and get out."

"Believe me, I intend to." Wren headed up the stairs with Maggie in front of him. He led her down the hallway to Aimee's room before he knocked and waited.

"Come in."

He pushed open the door to find the bearswan on her bed in human form, watching TV. Marvin dropped the banana in his hands, then ran screaming at Wren. He launched himself into Wren's arms.

Wren caught him against his chest with a laugh. "Hey, buddy," he said as the monkey latched his arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "I missed you, too."

By Aimee's face, Wren could tell she was stunned to see him here.

"Thanks for watching out for him."

"My pleasure."

As Wren turned to leave, Aimee stopped him. "I have a few things for you."

He frowned as she knelt by her bed and pulled out a plastic box. "It's the handful of things that you left behind."

Wren was stunned to see the sweatshirt Maggie had given him along with the rest of his clothes.

"I know how weird you are about your scent, so I put it in an airtight container."

A wave of tenderness for the bearswan swept through him. Unlike her mother, Aimee was human, and for once he didn't mean that in a derogatory way. "Thanks, Aimee."

She smiled at them. "No problem."

"How's Fang doing?" Maggie asked.

Sadness darkened Aimee's features as she looked away. "I don't know. I'm not allowed to see him anymore. They're watching me now. All the time."

Wren felt for her. He couldn't imagine what it must be like to be banned from the person he loved. He would kill anyone or anything who came between him and Maggie. "I'm really sorry."

A bittersweet smile curved Aimee's lips as she looked back at them. "Don't be. You two give me hope."

"For what?" Wren asked.

"For my own future." Aimee kissed him lightly on the cheek. "You two take care."

He inclined his head to her. "You, too, Aimee."

Marvin leapt from Wren's shoulder to Maggie's. He ruffled her hair, then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Maggie laughed. "I think he likes me."

"He better," Wren said in a light tone. He looked back at Aimee. "Good luck, bearswan."

"Thanks, cub."

Wren wrapped his arm around Maggie and flashed them back to her house.

No, it was their house now.

He finally had a home. After all this time, he had somewhere he really belonged. The feeling washed over him with a joy the likes of which he'd only known in one place...

Maggie's arms.

"Poor Aimee," Maggie said as she took Marvin to see where his food and water were kept on the kitchen counter. "Do you think she'll ever find a way to be with Fang?"

"I don't know. To have him, she'd have to give up her family. I doubt that'll ever happen."

Marguerite sighed dreamily as Wren came up behind her while Marvin splashed in his water cup. She leaned her forehead against Wren's cheek as he held her close. The scent of him enveloped her and made her hungry for him.

Everything was perfect Or at least very close to it. Because of the time travel, she'd only missed one week of school. With the help of Dr. Alexander, she'd be able to make it up without an incident and without failing.

She and Wren had decided that she would finish up her last semester of law school and then they would travel for a while before she even thought about taking the bar exam.

That sounded like heaven to her.

As Wren held her, she watched Marvin explore her kitchen cabinet. "Where did Marvin come from?"

She could feel Wren smiling. "I don't know. He was in Savitar's car when he saved me. He's been with me ever since."

"He's a cute little monkey." She sighed as she felt Wren's bulge against her hip while he gently nuzzled her neck.

"Marvin," Wren said in a husky voice. "Go check out your bedroom and shut the door."

The monkey squealed at Wren before he complied.

"Smart monkey," Marguerite said with a laugh.

"Mmm," Wren breathed against her throat before he gently laved her skin.

Fire coursed through her veins as he lifted the hem of her short leather skirt and ran his hands over her.

"You are a hungry little tiger, aren't you?" she said as he pushed her panties down her legs.

"Insatiable." He loosened his pants before he lifted the hem of her skirt to bare her from the waist down. He raised her up to sit on the countertop.

Marguerite hissed as he slid himself deep inside her.

She wrapped her body around his as he thrust against her hips.

She loved feeling the power of him inside her. Loved the fact that he was all hers. There was nothing else like her Wren.

She clasped him to her as she came fiercely.

Wren growled as he felt her body convulsing around his. There was nothing in life he treasured more than this woman. He quickened his strokes and in a few more thrusts he joined her in her paradise.

He held her to him and let her breath scorch his skin. Their bodies still joined, he reveled in the feel of her. For her, he was willing to do anything.

"Do you mind if I stay right here inside you for the rest of the day?"

She actually purred. "Not at all."

Biting her lip, she stroked him with her body, making him hard all over again.

Wren growled at how good she felt as he reached down to unbutton her silk blouse. He smiled at the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra.

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