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The Dream-Hunter (Dark-Hunter 10)

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GEARY HADN'T GONE NEAR ARIK SINCE SHE'D LAST LEFT him. She had no idea whether or not she should believe him, and until she had more facts she wanted to be as reserved as possible where he was concerned.

They'd just docked and she was in the process of putting her things away for her trip back to town.

She looked up from the table as Tory burst into the room. "Holy Shinola, Gear, you've got to come see this!"

Frowning, she set her pad aside and followed Tory to the deck. Geary looked around but couldn't rind anything that should have excited Tory. Nothing looked out of place. Christof and Althea were going over inventory while a couple of the other sailors were checking the line. Thia was on the deck in a bikini, sunning herself.

"What's up?"

Tory pointed toward the shore.

Geary followed the line of Tory's finger. And as soon as she saw what Tory was pointing to, her jaw dropped.

Holy Shinola nothing. Holy shit and then some.

Just at the edge of the dock was a white Rolls-Royce that had a driver in full chauffeur regalia standing by the door with his gloved hands folded in front of him.

But that wasn't the impressive part. Not by a long shot.

What made her gape was the hot piece of cheese who was on the dock, striding straight for them.

With shoulder-length black hair, the man had a gait that was just plain sexy. It was one of raw determination and extreme confidence. He wore a white linen suit with a pale blue shirt that had been left undone to show the promise of a very well-defined body. On any other man that suit might have brought his sexual preferences into question, but on this one there was no doubt. He was all male and all deadly.

A dark pair of Versace sunglasses covered his eyes, which she had a sneaking suspicion were trained on her.

Tory cleared her throat. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he's Arik's brother. What do you think?"

Yeah, that would be her guess. They both held an identical arrogant swagger-as if the world were their stage and they were the only actor in town capable of playing on it.

Without a word to Tory, Geary moved forward to meet the man on the gangplank.

He paused in front of her with a hint of a grin an instant before he deftly removed the sunglasses. Her breath caught as she saw the same exact killer eyes that Arik possessed. It was followed by a dimpled smile so choice that it actually made her heart race.

"Kyrios Catranides?"

He offered his hand to her. "You must be Megeara. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

She shook his hand, but before she could let go, he brought it to his lips and laid a very romantic kiss on her knuckles. Her hand actually tingled from the sensation of his lips on her skin. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

He released her at the same time the smile faded from his lips. His gaze slid past her.

She turned her head to find Arik standing there. He was silent and cool as he regarded his brother. So cool, in fact, she was about to get frostbite. There was definitely no love lost between them. They looked like two opposing soldiers sizing each other up before battle.

"Arik," Solin drawled in a velvet baritone. " Long time no see."

Arik inclined his head to Solin. "Yes, indeed. I hope you've been well."

Solin laughed. "It depends on whom you ask. Well has a variety of meanings. But I'm fit enough to cause problems. That really is all one can expect in life, no?"

"It's all I expect out of your life anyway."

Solin tsked at him. "And yet here you are, asking for my help. Call me crazy, but one would expect a little less belligerency."

"Would they?"

Solin seemed to take his brother's challenge in stride as he turned to Geary. "So tell me, lovely lady, where on earth did you happen to find my wayward brother?"

She glanced at Arik over her shoulder to see him watching her before she answered. "Floating in the sea, but he won't tell me how it is he came to be there."

"Knowing Arik, I'm sure he angered someone who threw him in, hoping he'd drown."

"Actually they threw me in hoping I'd land on someone else and drown them . Unfortunately, you swam away too fast."

Geary had to stifle a laugh at Arik's unexpected comeback. He had a very dry sense of humor.

"Well, score one for you." Solin returned his sunglasses to his face. "I have the permits waiting, but as a favor to Stefan we should not keep him late in the office or he might change his mind."

Geary practically leapt forward. "Most definitely not."

As they headed for the dock, Thia came running up behind them... still in her bikini. The top of which barely held the woman's assets in. "May I join you?"

Solin gave her a speculative once-over that Geary was sure took in her cousin's mussed appearance that somehow managed to seen both seductive and naive.

"I think you should stay here, Thia."

Folding her arms over her chest, which only emphasized the size of said chest, Thia pouted. But it did nothing to change Geary's mind. If anything, it only cemented her decision more. The last thing any of them needed was for Thia to hook up with a billionaire playboy.

Before Geary could wrangle the men to the car, Solin approached Thia with that deadly swagger. He gave her a proper bow before taking her hand and placing a light kiss on it. "Don't fret, love. We'll be back."

Thia preened under his attention. At least until Arik cleared his throat. "Isn't she a bit young for you?"

Solin answered with a deep, evil laugh. His gaze went to Geary for an instant before he released Thia

and headed for his car.

"What was that?" Geary asked Arik as they followed along after him.

"His idea of a joke. I'm afraid my brother is a bit of a head case most days. You'll have to forgive him.

I'm told he has the intellect of a ten-year-old."

Solin snorted. "And still you aspire to my level. Wow, Arik. Does this mean you function on the intellect of an infant?"

Instead of being angry, Arik merely stared at his brother. "Perhaps. After all, infants and I do have at least one thing in common."

"And that is?"

Arik's gaze dropped to her breasts. "I think you can figure it out. Then again, maybe not. You are, after all, only functioning on the level of a ten-year-old."

Geary had never been aroused, amused, and highly offended all at the same time before. It was a strange combination. "Could we please change this topic?"

Solin paused at the car as his chauffeur opened the door for him. "Yes, let's."

They allowed her to enter first. Arik followed her in and then Solin. He sat across from them, and even though she couldn't see his eyes, she could tell his gaze was fastened on her.

When he spoke there was no mistaking the note of humor in his tone. "So you seek Atlantis. What an odd quest for such a beautiful lady."

Unlike Thia, Geary wasn't buying into his act. "You charm me, sir. I'm hardly beautiful."

"Not true. All women are beautiful and a woman such as you... I'm willing to bet there are some men who are willing to barter their souls just to be close to you."

She laughed out loud. "You should sell snake oil. I'm told it's highly profitable."

"Yes, but I've already made my fortune in other things."

"Such as?"

"Viagra," Arik said drily. "My brother learned to take a personal problem and profit by it."

"It's true," Solin agreed with a heavy sigh. "It pained me to see a man as young as Arik stricken with impotency. Therefore I had to do something to help the poor soul. But alas, there's nothing to be done for it. He's as flaccid as a wet noodle."

Geary had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

Arik didn't miss a beat on his comeback. "How creative of you to project your problem onto me. But then they say that celibacy is enough to make a man lose all reason. Guess you're living proof, huh?"

"Are you two going to battle like this for the rest of the trip?" Geary asked. "Perhaps I should sit up front with the driver and give you two enough space to beat the crap out of each other and settle this like grown adolescents."

Solin gave her a half-amused grin. "No need for that. I think we can manage a bit of a truce... for your benefit anyway."

"Hmm... makes me wonder why you're being so kind to Arik and me when it's obvious you two aren't exactly friendly."

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