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The Dream-Hunter (Dark-Hunter 10)

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"Not really. There are a lot of tag-team Skoti out there who make it their habit to work together." He looked her up and down, taking in her delectable body. She was prime material for his kind to play with in dreams. "I'm surprised you haven't been visited."

"Oh, I'm not. Artemis fed the last person who made a pass at me to a wild boar. When it comes to my dreams, she's even worse. Only the most suicidal would tread there."

"Oooh." He sucked his breath in sharply at her warning that actually made him smile with anticipation. It also made him instantly hard. "You make it all the more tempting."

She returned his smile, only hers was beguiling, with a hint of malice and challenge. "And you still haven't answered the question of the day. Why are you here, Skotos?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Originally, I was just going to screw with Arik. But I'm rethinking that now. I mean honestly, this whole situation shouldn't be the least bit interesting, but with you here that means that Artemis is extremely interested. And anything she's interested in I'm interested in, which means things around here are about to get really interesting. Wouldn't you say?"

"Not really. Why not save yourself the headache and sod off?"

"Oh see now, that's no way to get me to leave. You're pushing me away. Why?"

"I find you irritating."

He laughed at that. "I haven't even begun to irritate you yet. Imagine what I could do if I applied myself?"

Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "I can imagine. I can also imagine ripping your throat out and tying my shoes with your larynx."

"Really, kori , you have to stop. You're seriously turning me on."

She screwed her face up at him. "You're a sick bastard, aren't you?"

"Is that not the very definition of a Skotos?"

She stepped back from him before she looked around the boat to make sure no one was within earshot.

Her gaze paused on Arik. "As you can see, we already have one of you on board. We don't need another."

"That's what everyone thinks, but they were running a special. Two Skoti for one, so here I am in all my glory just to get under your skin or skirt. I'm really not particular."

"Yes, but there is a law that says you can send back defective merchandise. I can't think of anything more defective than you."

"I can. An immortal possessing god powers who passes herself off as a servant and expects the rest of us not to notice. Definitely defective, don't you think?"

"I think it's none of your business."

"Hmm..." He really was becoming intrigued by her, and that was highly unusual for him.

She cocked her head and looked at him. "Why do you hate Arik so anyway?"

The question was a non sequitur and surprised him. "Excuse me?"

"I have the powers of a god, remember? I can feel your emotions and they are ripe with malice. Why do you hate him?"

He gave her a patronizing smirk. "If you know that much, then you should know the answer."

"I can only feel emotions, I can't trace their roots. And you are eaten alive by what I feel, which also begs the question of how a Skotos has emotions that strong."

Solin shrugged. "I'm only a halfling, remember? We're immune to the curse."

"Ah," she said as if she finally understood.

He was intrigued by her tone. "What?"

"I was wrong. It's not hatred, it's envy."

He laughed at the very idea. Him jealous of a Skotos? Pah-lease. "You don't know what you're talking about."

He could tell by her tone that she was amused by his denial. "Yes, I do. The smell of it is all over you.

You're ripe with it. Envy is just gnawing away at you like a worm inside a juicy apple." She tsked at him.

"Yep, there's not enough deodorant in the world to mask that odor."

She was being ridiculous and he was growing tired of dealing with her.

"This discussion is over." He started away from her.


He paused to look back. "Yes?"

"I've already told Arik and now I'm telling you I will not allow him, Geary, or anyone else to uncover Atlantis. Ever."

He sneered at her concern. "As if I give a shit about Atlantis. I have much more self-serving interests at heart."

"And what would those be?"

"As you so eloquently put it, it's none of your business. Good day, goddess. And good luck."

ARIK PAUSED AS THEY NEARED THEIR DESTINATION. Apollymi's voice grew louder as the boat slowed. They were only a few feet away from where the main harbor of Atlantis had once stood. If Arik closed his eyes, he could still see it in his mind.

It'd been a bustling port, filled with merchants, pirates, and fishermen. Prostitutes, sailors, and officials had blended in seamlessly on the docks that had always been crowded to overflowing. The smell of fish, spices, and perfumes had hung heavy here as the capitol city had glistened on a mountain from behind stone walls.

Highly advanced, the Atlanteans had been a peaceful race who'd only wanted to help others. But Zeus and Apollo had refused to let them exist that way. The Greek gods had waged war on the Atlantean pantheon by manipulating their people.

In the end, it'd been those people who'd suffered most.

Pushing that thought aside, Arik glanced about the boat that was filled with people wanting to learn the

truths he already knew. Humanity was better off with Atlantis at the bottom of the sea.

The crew rushed about as they set up for their doomed excavation. Arik crossed the deck to where Solin stood by the pump. "I need a favor."

"Haven't I done enough for you?"

Arik scoffed. "Considering what you did to me, no. Or more to the point, hell no."

"I would disagree, but curiosity has me by the throat. What is it that you want now?"

"Knowledge," Arik said simply.

"Of what?"

"How to dive."

Solin's eyes narrowed speculatively. "Why?"

Arik gave him a droll stare. "Why do you think? I want to make sure they don't venture into the wrong area and disturb a certain goddess. I can't do that two hundred feet above her, can I?"

Solin still looked less than convinced. "Megeara won't let you go."

"If I know what I'm doing, how can she stop me?"

Solin laughed. "You've got a lot to learn about women." He narrowed his eyes before he placed his hands on Arik's head.

Arik felt a sharp stinging pain an instant before he had all the knowledge he needed to dive like a pro.

Unfortunately, he also had a nosebleed. "What the hell?"

Solin looked on him derisively. "You're human and I just rewired your brain. It doesn't like that. As gods, we can accept these things. As a human..." He pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Arik.

Great. Just great. Arik wiped the blood away before he went over to Megeara, who was checking the air hoses. "Where's my suit?"

Geary actually gaped at the unexpected question. "Excuse me?"

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