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Devil May Cry (Dark-Hunter 11)

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That sucked. "You've got to be kidding."

"Oh I never kid about Artemis. I promised her I'd sit here and do nothing so here I am doing nothing. Much like a really tall, bored guard dog. Personally, I'd rather be throwing myself onto an electric fence-be about the same, I think."

Kat growled low. "Where is she?"

"Still with her father."

She leaned her head back and cursed at the ceiling. She hated having to go up there. "All right. Sit tight and I'll go talk to her."

He laughed. "Good luck."

Kat quickly flashed herself outside the main hall of Zeus's temple where the gods gathered to party. She stayed in the shadows as she got the lay of the situation. Apollo was off to the right with Ares and Demeter while Athena sat with Aphrodite and Nike. Hades was in a corner with Persephone while Zeus laughed with Hermes.

Luckily, Artemis was alone, drinking from a two-handled goblet. Music filled the air as other gods frolicked, danced, and laughed.

Moving as carefully and silently as she could, Kat worked her way over to her mother who jumped in surprise as she realized Kat was there.

"What are you doing here?" Artemis snapped.

"I need to talk to you."

Artemis glanced about nervously. "This is a bad time."

She had no idea. "I can't stress the importance of speaking to you. Now."



Artemis glowered at her before she pushed herself up from the table and walked her outside to the gardens. "What?"

"I need you to release Acheron."

She laughed, then sobered. "No," she said firmly.

"Matisera, please. The Dimme are about to break free and if I can get him out, he can help corral more Charontes and-"

"Are you insane?" she hissed. "Have you ever seen what happens when the Charonte are set loose? No, you haven't because you're still alive. They're like unleashing locusts with piranha teeth and there's no stopping them."

"But Acheron could control them."

"And he could get killed which is one thing I will never allow."

"What about me?"

"You'll be fine."

Kat was completely appalled, but she was also determined. "I need his help."

Artemis waved her hand. "Leave the humans alone and don't worry about them. We can always make more." And with that, she turned and left.

Kat stood there with her mouth hanging open. She couldn't believe that was all her mother had to say. We can always make more.

Why was she even surprised? What, honestly, had she expected? It wasn't like her mother was going to suddenly wake up and be Mother Teresa.

Disgusted, Kat flashed herself back to Sin's penthouse. He gave her an expectant look.

She held her hand up to stop him from speaking. "Don't even ask."

"Typical Artemis response?"

"I said don't ask." Her heart heavy, she walked over to the weapons he'd laid out on his bed and picked up a small crossbow which at the moment, she'd have liked to shoot into her mother's evil heart.

She'd no more lifted it, than a bright flash illuminated the room. She turned, ready to fire at the source of it.

Until she saw Deimos... and fifteen other members of the Dolophoni.

She couldn't have been more stunned to find her grandmother there.

Sin stepped back, his face suspicious. "What is this?"

"Back up," Deimos said sincerely. He pinned Kat with that dark, deadly stare of his. "I heard what you said to Artemis... and her response. We're not all so cold."

One of the females smiled. "Besides, fighting is what we do best."

Sin considered it for a second before he held his hand out to Deimos. "Welcome to the battle."

Deimos inclined his head before he shook Sin's hand. "For the record, this doesn't mean I like you."


As Sin started for Kat's map to show them the layout of the cavern, D'Alerian, M'Adoc and M'Ordant appeared.

Kat was even more stunned than she'd been with Deimos.

"You have room for three more?" M'Adoc asked Sin.

"Sure," Sin said. "We can always use more fuel for the pyre."

Kish snorted. "For the record, I don't burn well."

Xirena ruffled his hair. "Trust me, human, all of you burn well."

"That's right," Simi added. "The Simi can ignite most folks and fry them up extra crispy."

Kish sighed. "Lovely."

Ignoring their exchange, Sin ran over the plans with everyone. "The good news is, they haven't had time to round up as many humans to sacrifice. I'm hoping that whatever they did to speed up the clock, they didn't know about."

Damien grimaced. "What if they did it on purpose?"

"Let's be positive, shall we?" Kat said in the voice of a kindergarten teacher, "Let's pretend that we're all going to survive this."

Kish grinned. "I'm with Kat. I like her plan. A lot."

After glaring at him. Sin clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "All right, kids. We're going to a party where they don't like us very much. Everyone know what they're doing?"

"Not a clue," Kish chimed in happily. "But I think certain death and dismemberment is in my forecast, followed by light rain of guts and flayed skin."

"So much for being Mr. Positive, huh?" Damien laughed.

"Let's see how you're laughing when they toss your butt out in daylight."

"I think I can handle it." Damien stepped forward, but Sin stopped him.

"You need to sit this one out."

Damien glared at him. "Bullshit."

"No," Sin said, his tone determined. "Kish is right. It's daylight and I'm not willing to take that chance."

Still, Damien wasn't sold. "We'll be underground."

"And we'll be blasting holes in the walls. If someone hits the right place, daylight and dead Damien."

A tic started in Damien's jaw, but he ultimately conceded. "Fine. But remember when they kick your butt, I tried to save it."

Sin clapped him on the back before he surveyed each member of their team. "I wish I could think of something inspirational to say to all of you. Some great speech to send you off to battle with, but as I look around-"

"All I see is people going to die," Kish wailed.

Kat laughed. "Pretty much. But if we have to check out, let's take as many of them as we can." She moved to Sin's side and took his hand in hers. "You're not alone, babe."

He squeezed her hand. "Thank all of you for being here. Mankind may not know about you, but I know they're grateful. Now let's go kick demon ass."

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