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Lady Pamela and the Gambler (The Merry Misfits of Bath 3)

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He led Miss Davenport to the bed and released her arm. “We will just sit here for a while and then make our way to the staircase.”

“What about Mrs. Parker?” That was the first time she spoke, and he was surprised at the sultriness of her voice. No wonder she was ‘popular.’

“Lord Mulgrave managed to get a map of the building. He is confident in his ability to avoid detection.”

“Mrs. Parker has a man at the back door.”

Nick nodded. “We allowed for that.” He patted her hand. “Don’t worry, Miss Davenport, we will get you out of here tonight if I have to toss you out the window.”

For the first time since he laid eyes on her, she smiled.

Nick listened by the door until he was sure everyone was busy with their night of pleasure and no longer roaming the halls. He signaled to Miss Davenport and she joined him from where she’d sat on the bed the entire time they were in the room. He turned to her and raised his finger to his lips and slowly opened the door.

The hallway was dark but lit by various sconces on the walls. Enough to keep it private and mysterious, but light enough for him to maneuver his way to the back staircase.

Miss Davenport leaned in close to his ear. “Maybe I should lead the way?”

“Do you know it quite well? Mrs. Parker said you were new,” he whispered back.

“Not so new that I can’t find my way out of here.” Again, she smiled, which he found encouraging.

They made their way quietly, ignoring the moans and groans from behind the doors of the rooms they passed. Once they reached the staircase, Marcus stood there, the map in his hands. “So far, so good,” he said.

Instead of offering introductions, they all proceeded down the stairs. “I found it necessary to put the man at the door to sleep. His head will hurt for a while but no serious injury.” Marcus grinned as they hit the bottom step and opened the door to the narrow alleyway.

“This way.” Marcus hurried toward the back of the building where Nick spotted his carriage. They were all panting when they arrived at the vehicle. They quickly entered the carriage and settled in.

Miss Davenport took one look at the two men sitting across from her and burst into tears.

Pamela was again attempting to wear out the carpet in Mr. Montrose’s drawing room as she paced back and forth. Mrs. Fletcher sat near the fireplace working on a bit of needlepoint.

It had been almost three hours since Marcus and Nick had left to attempt to rescue Lizbeth. Pamela was imagining all sorts of things in her mind, ranging from Nick thrown in jail to being murdered.

Her heart pounded and her stomach twisted when that thought rose up to scare her to death. In the past few hours she’d come to realize she was in love with the man. She had been for some time but was so certain he was not serious in his pursuit of her.

He’d been the first person who truly did not care about her stutter. He was kind, caring, thoughtful, and was willing to take time and money to rescue a friend of hers to whom he had no connection. If he managed to escape with Lizbeth without getting his fool head shot off, she would tell him.

She came to an abrupt halt as the sound of carriage wheels drifted through the walls. She raced over to the window and watched as first Nick jumped from the carriage—all in one piece, thank God—then Marcus, who turned and held out his hand.

Lizbeth stepped out and Pamela had never been so happy to see someone in her life. She raced to the door and flung it open before poor Grossman could do it.

“Lizbeth!” Pamela flew down the stairs and grabbed her so hard they both stumbled backward. Luckily Marcus was behind them and caught Lizbeth in his arms while Nick grabbed Pamela to keep her from falling.

“What do you say we take this reunion inside? We don’t want to alarm the neighbors and have them start asking questions.” Nick pried them apart and led Pamela upstairs.

They settled into the drawing room with Mrs. Blossom hurrying in with tea. Every English woman’s solution to any matter. Good. Bad. Happy. Sad.

The two men poured themselves a brandy. Nick turned to Lizbeth and Pamela gripping each other’s hands where they sat on the settee. He held up his hand. “Here is to a successful evening.”

Successful indeed.


It had been two days since Miss Davenport’s rescue from The Naughty Nest. Nick smiled at the thought of the two women who had been inseparable since that night.

He sat at the desk in Montrose’s library contemplating his next move. Mallory had sent along a note that morning that at his request, his sister, Lady Berkshire had offered Miss Davenport a place to stay at her house in Bath. She would be leaving with Mallory’s escort the next morning.

Nick and Marcus had brought Miss Davenport to the Metropolitan Police station to report what had happened to her. He’d been stunned and angered at their lack of interest. They took her statement and he was sure it was filed away somewhere never to be seen. It was no wonder Mallory was so frustrated at trying to get a bill passed to protect women and children.

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