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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Bethany smiled as tears welled in her eyes at his thoughtful kindness. Even so, she couldn't help teasing him. "I believe you were thinking of yourself more than me. You won't have to worry about grass burns on your knees or random, randy limbs in your backside."

He laughed. "You know me so well. But I must admit that I'll be missing those intimate moments with the tree. I think after my last encounter with its branches we might be married ... at the very least betrothed."

She groaned at his twisted sense of humor as he opened the door. The moment he did, a huge dog mauled her.

"Down!" Hector snapped, pulling him away. "Beth, meet ... skylos. He hasn't been named yet. But he's the size of a horse and is here to also keep you safe. I have a woman who'll come to feed him every morning for you. Or you can take him with you when you go home ... which I'd prefer. I'd rather you have a protector at all times."

She heard the fear underlying his tone. He really was afraid for her. Leaning down, she stroked the dog's ears as he licked her face. "What color is he?"


"Hey there, boy." She kissed his furry head. "I think I shall call you ... Dynatos."

"Dynatos it is," Hector agreed then he took her inside and gently led her around so that she could find where everything was placed and not get hurt.

The front door opened into a room with a table, two chairs, and a place to cook and prepare food. There was a room off to the right with a bed, chest, and two more chairs set before a fire.

Though tiny, it was very cozy.

Still ... "I can't take this from you, Hector. It's too much."

"Yes, you can. I want you to have it."


"Beth..." He pulled her back against his front and nuzzled her neck. "Please take it and give me some peace of mind about your safety."

He so often broke her heart. Whatever had happened to him at war had really damaged a part of him. While her safety had always concerned him before, he was now obsessed with it. He was forever teaching her new ways to disarm an attacker-not that she needed his tricks, but she couldn't tell him that. Whenever he fell asleep, he had ferocious nightmares that caused him to wake up frantic and angry.

Even now, he trembled in her arms.

Offering him a grateful smile, she kissed his cheek. "All right, Hector. Thank you."

Styxx closed his eyes as he held her and just let the scent of her skin soothe him. There was nothing in this world he valued above her. Nothing he wouldn't do to make her happy or keep her safe.

"So," he whispered in her ear. "What should we test first? The lake or the bed?"

She snorted playfully. "I knew you had an ulterior motive."

"Hey, I gave you the choice of the lake first."

"Umm-hmmm ... but I know you didn't mean it."

"I've been a perfect gentleman."

"That's not what the part of you poking me says." She turned his arms and kissed him. "I suppose I should take mercy on you." She nipped his chin, making him all the harder, before she dropped her hand to stroke his erection. "But no. I'd rather fish." Laughing, she ran past him.

Styxx groaned out loud as Dynatos chased after her. "You're so cold, my lady! Cruel. Heartless!" He caught up to her at the front door.

Expecting her to open it, he was surprised when she spun about and fell back against the wood. She buried her hands into his chiton and pulled him into her arms for a kiss so hot, it made his head reel.

Then she sank down on her knees in front of him and lifted the hem of his chiton.

Styxx couldn't breathe as she ran her hand over him, and when she took him into her mouth, it was all he could do to remain upright. "I love you, Bethany," he breathed as he sank his hand into her soft hair.

She licked the underside of him. "I love you, too."

His legs trembling, Styxx was completely distracted by her when Dynatos came up behind him unexpectedly and slammed into his back. He barely caught himself against the door before he knocked Bethany over. "Damn it, dog!"

Laughing, she pulled away. "Are you having trouble with your gift, sweetie?"

Styxx tried to push the mountainous beast back. "Not at all."

Bethany laughed harder as she heard Hector grunting in his attempts to move the dog out of his way. "Are you sure it's a dog and not a bear?"

"I'm thinking horse, given its weight."

She could hear the dog jumping and licking. "He doesn't seem ferocious."

"He can be when he's not yours." The door opened and then closed.

Suddenly, Hector scooped her up in his arms and ran with her to the bedroom, where he laid her on the bed. "Now, where were we?"

Dynatos barked at the door then rammed it.

"Distracted, I believe."

Hector placed his head down on the center of her chest and sighed. "I swear I'm cursed."

Laughing again, she led his lips to hers. "I can ignore him if you can."

He lifted the hem of her gown until she was exposed to his questing hand. "I can definitely ignore him ... And a house fire..." He teased her breast with his lips. "End of the world..."

She spread her legs farther apart and whispered in his ear as she guided his hand to the juncture of her thighs. "Then come inside, my lord, and play to your heart's content."

January 22, 9529 BC

"Where was Acheron taken?" Styxx demanded as he entered his father's study.

The king looked up with a scowl. "You dare use that tone with me, boy?"

Penalty for striking the king is death.

Moments like this, he really didn't care. Especially since his back, wrists, face, and side burned in such a way as to let him know his brother had been viciously beaten. But angering the old bastard wouldn't get him what he wanted.

Even though it galled him, he modulated his tone. "Where is he, Father?"

"Downstairs. You said you wanted him home. So he is."

In the dungeon? It was the only "downstairs" they had from here.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Styxx spun about, intending to free Acheron immediately.


A fierce tic started in his jaw as he turned back toward his father. Aside from setting his brother free, the only other thing he really wanted to do at present was tutor his father well on the fact that there was no boy left inside the man who'd taken hundreds of lives in battle for this kingdom. "Majesty?"

"Before you consider putting your will over mine. Or think for one instant that because my army believes you're some great war hero they want to follow, you have leverage ... think again. I know all about your little blind Egyptian whore and where the two of you meet. I even know you bought her a place to live. I suggest, for her continued health and well-being, that you learn to curb your temper."

Styxx went cold at his threat against Bethany. "You wouldn't dare."

His father arched his brow. "I am king. You would do well to remember that. And I will do as I please, and you will do what pleases me or I will show you the exact extent of my power. While I would hate to be without an heir, I am still of an age that I could father another. Now ... where were you going?"

Don't. Kill. Him.


"Good choice. Give your beautiful mistress my best."

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