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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"In bed."

She arched a censoring brow as Dynatos returned to her side. "Rather presumptuous of you, isn't it?"

It felt so good to smile again. To be around someone who didn't hate him. "Indeed, but I was hoping some stray maid would happen by and ravish me."

She sat down next to him and gave ... the wall an arch look. "Some stray maid?"

"Mmm." He took her hand and kissed her palm. "Would you happen to know one who's available?"

Her playfulness gone, she scowled at him and quickly lifted her hand from his lips to his brow. Then she gasped. "You're burning with fever."

"No wonder I feel so awful."

She cupped his cheeks in her hands. "Hector ... it's very high. Why aren't you in bed?"

"I am in bed."

"No ... your bed. You shouldn't have come here while you were still so ill."

"I wanted to see you."

Even so, she was livid.

Styxx ground his teeth as her reaction slapped him like a blow. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't please anyone. "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"Yes, were you healthy. But damn, Hector. Damn!"

A part of him shriveled with every expletive. He shouldn't have come here and bothered her when it was obvious she'd rather do something else. If he knew anything in life, it was that people didn't like to tend others when they were sick.

He'd been wrong to burden her. "Sorry. I'll leave." He rolled to get up.

She shoved him back onto the bed. "Don't you dare move." She growled at him. "How could you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Risk my life!"

Maybe it was the fever, but he was completely confused now. "I'm not risking your life, Beth. I'm not contagious."

"Yes, you are killing me. Do you not understand that every breath you draw is tied to mine? Now take your clothes off."

He bit back a smile. "That's my girl."

"No. Not for that. I need to get your skin cooled down."

"Fine ... but would you please stop yelling at me. I've rather had my fill of it for a while." He pulled his chiton off, and started shivering immediately.

Bethany covered him with the blanket then coaxed the dog to lie down by his side and keep him warm. "Who's been yelling at you?"

"Everyone. It's to the point I'm beginning to think my name has been changed to 'Damn It' or 'Asshole.'"

Tears glistened in her eyes. "I'm not yelling at you, Hector. I'm scared for you. There's a big difference."

"All right. But from inside my head, it's hard to hear that difference."

Bethany kissed his brow then went to fetch water and a cloth so that she could bathe him to lower his body temperature.

His head throbbing, Styxx shivered even more while he idly stroked the dog's head.

Returning, she placed her bowl on the small table by the bed and wet her cloth. As she sponged his cheek, she fingered the whiskers there and along his jaw and chin. "You haven't shaved in a while."

His gut clenched at the unintended insult he'd given her. "I didn't mean to offend you with it. I-"

"I'm not offended, sweet. Just surprised and concerned. It's not like you, and it tells me exactly how sick you really are. I can't believe you came here when you're so ill. Someone should have kept you at home and tended you better than this. I could beat them senseless over your lack of care."

Styxx held her hand against his lips and savored the softness of her skin and the precious scent of it. Then he kissed her palm. Gods, it felt so good to be with someone who wasn't hating him.

"By the way, I was surprised by your messenger."


She nodded.

"How so?"

Bethany ran the cloth over his chest, raising chills in her wake. "It struck me as odd that such a high-ranking officer would bother running an errand for a foot soldier."

Styxx cringed as he realized Galen would have given rank out of habit. Damn ...

"It is odd," he admitted. "For reasons that mystify me, too, the old buzzard took a liking to me. When I became ill, he actually returned from leave to check on me, and he was the only one I trusted to get word to you. I'm very lucky he agreed." There, all of it was honest truth.

She wrung out the cloth. "I don't find it odd that other people see the greatness in you that I do."

"You and Galen are rare. Most people have little use for me."

"That's their loss." She paused in bathing him as her wrist brushed against his hard cock. Her right brow shot north.

"I know your intent was to cool me down, akribos, but your tender touch has the opposite effect on my body."

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