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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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February 1, 9528 BC

Styxx was still extremely ill from his fight with Acheron. The last thing he'd wanted was for his father to call him down to his study, especially given what had happened the last time he'd been here.

His head aching, he paused in front of the king's desk. "You summoned me, Majesty?"

His father handed the scroll he'd just signed over to the scribe on his left. He unrolled another and responded without looking up. "I wanted to let you know that I've negotiated a marriage contract for you."

Stunned, Styxx was frozen for several heartbeats as that unexpected news slapped him hard. "May I ask to whom?"

"An Egyptian princess ... what's her name ... Ned ... Nef ... Nera..." He searched about his desk. "Ah. Here it is. Nefertari. She and a royal envoy will arrive in about two weeks so that you can meet her. If you're acceptable to her, the marriage will proceed." His father pierced him with a malevolent glare. "You will be acceptable to her, understood?"

Don't worry, old man. I promise I won't piss on her.

"Is there anything else, Majesty?"

"No. I'm done with you."

He didn't miss the anger underlying his father's words or the next thought ...

Get out of my sight, before I do order you whipped. Ironically, his father wasn't as mad at Styxx as he was at Acheron. The king had never intended for Apollo to find out about his brother. But now that the Olympian knew, his father was holding Styxx responsible for it.

Whatever. Styxx turned around and left then grimaced as his nose started bleeding. Knowing better than to let his father see it, he returned to his room and grabbed a cloth to hold against it while he waited for it to stop.

But what hurt worse than the remains of the beating was the shattered remnants of his heart. He didn't want to marry a princess.

He wanted Bethany back.

Unable to stand it, he went to search for her again. Still, the chest that held her necklace was where he'd left it and there was no sign of her anywhere. For whatever reason, she'd never returned to him.

Even their original spot was completely undisturbed. Nothing had been left in his tree. No trace of her whatsoever.

Bereft, he returned to the cottage and opened the chest that contained her necklace. The moment he saw the contents, his world truly came undone.

On top of the necklace was the ring he'd given her that he'd accepted from Kreon. The one she'd been wearing the last time he'd seen her that he'd playfully twisted round her finger.

She had been here.

And this was her way of saying good-bye.

Tears fell down his cheeks as he roared in anger and overturned the table. He sent the chest with the ring and necklace flying.

At least she'd finally let him know that she was all right. That nothing had happened to her.

She'd gone on with her life, and left him to his.

Fine. There was no need in searching for her anymore. It was over....

Like everyone else in his life, she didn't want him. He wasn't worthy of her heart or her love.

I am nothing.

Furious and hurt to an unbelievable level, he considered burning the cottage to the ground. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe someone would happen upon it who needed a place to stay. Maybe they could find happiness here in his stead.

Heartbroken, he glanced around then left without bothering to close the door.

He swung up onto Troian and turned the horse toward the city. Without looking back, he dug his heels in and rode away from the only place he'd ever been happy.

What is so wrong with me that no one can love me? That no one will keep me?

Stop it! You're a prince. Who are you to feel sorry for yourself?

But in his heart, he knew the truth. He wasn't a prince. He was a just a tired whore, and the only one who wanted anything to do with him was a god he couldn't stomach. Not because Apollo loved him, but because Apollo craved the sense of power he had whenever he made a royal Greek hero beg and suffer. Their relationship was all about dominance and force.


Styxx's abject humiliation and subjugation to Apollo's higher power. He was nothing more to Apollo than a toy was to a toddler. Something to be used and discarded, or bashed against furniture whenever its owner was displeased about something.

I have no real value to anyone....

There was no use in fighting it or crying. It was merely a fact.

Even worse, he couldn't change it.

February 13, 9528 BC

"You're being remarkably accepting of your marriage. Should I be worried?"

You might be if I was sober, old man.

Styxx shrugged at his father's question as they walked toward the throne room. "This is my duty, is it not? To marry and breed for you and Didymos. It's what you've trained me for."

"I'm still shocked over your complacency."

Styxx slowed down as he felt the mark on his back heat up to the point it stung.

"Apollo," his father greeted happily as the god appeared in front of them. "Glad to have you join us for the betrothal ceremonies."


"Styxx is to marry an Egyptian princess."

Apollo gave Styxx an arch stare and there was no missing the light of jealousy in his eyes. "Really? I hadn't heard."

Styxx knew better than to say a single word on the matter since it would only succeed in pissing off either his father or the Olympian.

"Indeed," his father continued. "She arrived earlier and is about to be received in the throne room. Would you like to join us?"


As the king resumed his walk, Apollo cut Styxx off. The expression on his face said he was as pleased by the news as Styxx was.

"How long have you known about this?"

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