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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"What else have I done?" He dreaded the answer.

Galen ground his teeth. "Honestly? You've been a royal asshole. Well ... not you. The other Styxx. And you ... or rather he, pissed off a lot of your men."

"How so?"

"He repealed the pensions and upped their yearly service quotas with no extra pay. He insulted all of us and has been behaving like an out-of-control brat to everyone. Even your father has had enough of you."

Styxx would give Apollo credit. He'd warned him that he was going to ruin him and he had. Not that Styxx had all that much to lose in terms of his reputation. But he hated that his men had suffered for it. That wasn't something he'd foreseen.

First thing he'd do was take care of them.

And Galen.

He tried to get up and start on it, but the moment he moved, he groaned in absolute agony and fell back onto the bed. Grimacing, he glanced to his mentor. "How bad do I look?"

Galen held up Styxx's arm that was riddled with bruises and cuts. "This is the least damaged part of you. You look like you fought Echidna and all her children. And I'm pretty sure the hydra swallowed you whole and shit you out her back end."

Styxx let out an exhausted breath. "Nice to know I look like I feel."

Galen laughed. "Now that's the prince I remember. Welcome home, son. I've missed you."

But I'm going to bet no one else has.

"Is the imposter still here?" Styxx asked.

"I don't know. I'll go to the palace and check then report back." After rising, Galen hesitated. He went to his chest and pulled out a mirror.

Styxx took it from him and gasped. One side of his face was bruised and swollen. His left eye was completely red and purple, and his nose and lips were crusted with blood. Even with his heightened ability to heal, it would be days before he could be seen. Unless ... "We could say I had an accident."

Galen pulled the top of Styxx's chiton down to show him the perfect handprint around his throat. "I guess someone attempted to save you by strangling you?"

"My father would probably believe that."

Galen snorted. "The goddess was right. If you go home right now, your father will summon a physician, and I'm rather sure you have other injuries you don't want him to see."

"Fine." Styxx relented. "What mouth is this?"


"Oof..." The month of marriage and Apollo's festival. Bad fucking timing all the way around for him. "Has the festival passed?"

"Finished two days ago."

Thank the gods for that small mercy. Except for the fact that his double would have been here for it. "Did I attend?"

"Like a drunken camp whore."

Styxx could have done without that analogy. But at least the festival gave him an easy excuse for not being home. "Tell my father I was abducted by a lucius nymph and pulled to her lair."

"For the record, I resent being called a lucius nymph."

His mentor's humor caused a tear to slide from the corner of his eye as his homesickness and gratitude slapped him hard.

Galen frowned.

Styxx cleared his throat as he forced his emotions into restraint. "Sorry, Galen. It's just good to be home ... and safe. Even if it means looking at your grizzled face."

Galen took his hand and held it. "It's good to have you back and I will tell your father, but I'm sure your so-called laziness will not endear you to him."

"Let him beat me for it. At least he won't fuck me first." Styxx sucked his breath in as he realized the slip he'd made.

But there was no judgment in Galen's eyes. "Rest easy, Highness, and I'll return as soon as I can."

Styxx watched until Galen left. He still couldn't believe he was here. He'd never thought to see home again.

Let's show His Highness how we treat puny Greek whores in Atlantis!

He flinched at the memory as hostile voices assailed his thoughts. Images of him being brought down by packs of dogs and leopards, and shoved into traps, tore through him. But as bad as they were, they were infinitely better than the other memories he had. And nothing was ever going to drown out the sound of the crowds cheering as he was brutalized for public entertainment.

Growling out loud, he wished to the gods he could go back in time. Regardless of his orders or the repercussions, he'd have marched his army straight up the Atlantean queen's ass and planted his phoenix banner through her forehead.

January 17, 9527 BC

"You ready?"

Styxx nodded. "No."

Galen laughed. "For a moment, I almost thought you were."

Taking a deep breath, Styxx left the barracks. He was still extremely sore and cut in places he was able to cover. But worse was the fear in his heart. He had no way of knowing what he was about to walk into.

How much damage had Apollo done to him and his family relationships? While Galen had filled him in on what he could, there were still giant gaps in his information.

As they neared the palace, Galen pulled him to a stop. "We can always go back and let you rest for a few more days."

Don't tempt me.

"My father is already going to be pissed beyond endurance. No need in making it worse." Grinding his teeth, he started up the stairs and cursed the architect for every one of them.

By the time he reached the top, he was trembling in pain.

Galen stood at his back. "Take a moment if you need it."

Styxx wiped the sweat from his forehead then walked in. It was even stranger to be here now than it'd been when he'd come back from war.

The most disconcerting part was that no one knew he hadn't been home. I am totally irrelevant.

While he'd always had the suspicion, facing the reality was a lot harder.

"Where in the name of Hades have you been?"

Styxx exchanged an I-told-you-so glance with Galen. "In bed, Father."

The king's glare intensified until he burst out laughing. "At least you're honest. I trust you rode her well, then?"

Styxx was too startled to answer as his father approached him with humor in his blue eyes. Who are you and what have you done with my father?

Was this another imposter?

Styxx looked back at Galen. "She didn't complain."

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