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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"Where's your father?"

"I left him in his rooms with his guards."

Galen glanced about the empty chamber. "Who's guarding you?"

Styxx held his sword up from where it rested on the floor beside Galen. "Me."

Galen scoffed as he glared at the wound and took the sword from Styxx's scarred hand. "And you're doing a mighty fine job of it, I must say. Why wasn't there a guard at your door?"

Styxx hissed as the warm water burned the injury. "You know I don't like people around me."

Galen arched a brow at that. "And yet you tolerate my sorry ass."

"You're entertaining."

"Keep insulting me and I'll stitch your wound myself. I know how much you enjoy that."

Styxx snorted as he remembered all the times he'd cursed Galen as the old man stitched his wounds after battle. "What can I say? Your delicate touch stings me."

Galen's gruff smile melted into a stern glower as he helped Styxx out of the water and to bed. "I don't want you to sleep again without at least two men on your door. I will be doing random checks and if I find your door unguarded again, I'm going to start standing at the foot of your bed at night. All night long."

Apollo would love that. Which was part of the reason Styxx hadn't wanted anyone at his door. That and he could hear their thoughts.

But Galen was right. After this, he couldn't afford to be stupid.

"Yes, sir."

Galen growled as he looked about the room and especially at the huge bloodstain on his sheets and the floor next to the bed. "Where's that damned physician? You could have bled to death by now." Then his frown deepened as he realized that they were in the room alone. Where's your father? What kind of man doesn't bother to check on his own son when he's damn near murdered in his sleep? No wonder he didn't care about killing my boy. He couldn't care less about his own.

Stupid bastard.

When he glanced back, Styxx took care to keep his expression blank. "Can I get you anything?" Galen asked.

"I'm fine."

The physician came in. Galen stayed while Styxx was stitched then afterward Galen went to help search.

* * *

Hours later after Styxx, against Galen's dire threats, had rejoined the search for his attacker, it was obvious the culprit had escaped. Damn. It'd happened so fast and unexpectedly that he hadn't seen even the smallest detail as to who it'd been.

On his way back to his chambers, Styxx paused as he saw Acheron returning to his own room. Alone. Fully dressed and wearing a cloak and shoes, Acheron had obviously been outside the palace.

"Where have you been?"

Acheron glared at him. "You don't own me. I owe you nothing." Bastard.

Styxx held his temper in check. "No, you don't. But you should be careful. My attacker might come for you."

Thank the gods you didn't see me.

That unexpected thought slapped him harder than Ryssa had.

"I'll take care it doesn't happen to me," Acheron mumbled as he headed for the stairs.


He paused to look back at him.

Styxx wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to ask if Acheron had killed him. If his brother had discovered the truth Styxx had learned that afternoon when he'd first met Bethany. That he couldn't die unless Acheron did.

If Acheron knew, he gave nothing away while he waited for Styxx to speak.

"Sleep well."

Acheron scowled at him before he turned and continued on his way without responding.

February 23, 9527 BC

Bethany wanted nothing more than to see her prince. She'd had enough of Archon and the others raging over the fact that no one could find Apostolos, and that they only had a few more weeks until Apollymi came out of her jail, wanting their collective throats. If they kept this up, she was going to move to Egypt and be done with the lot of them.

She pushed open the cottage door. Dynatos ran ahead, barking happily. "Styxx?"

"Right here, sweet." He pulled her gently against him and held her close.

"What happened?"


"Don't lie to me. I can feel it in the way you touch me. What's wrong?"

Styxx ground his teeth then smiled. He could never hide his feelings from her. She had an uncanny way of seeing his every emotion as if she could read his thoughts as well as he read everyone's but hers. "I think my brother tried to kill me while I slept."


"Don't breathe a word of it to anyone, please. I have no proof, and the last thing I want is to see him hurt over a suspicion that could be false."

Trembling for him, she ran her hands over his body, seeking an injury. "Were you hurt?"



He took her hand and led it to the stitches.

She sucked her breath in sharply at the location. "Your heart?"

"No. My heart is here." He placed her hand over her own chest.

"You're not amusing."

He pulled her back into his arms and laid his head on her shoulder. "Just hold me for a little while. Please."

His humble, heartfelt request brought tears to her eyes. She sank her hands into his hair that was slowly growing longer and held him close. He'd needed her and yet again she hadn't been here for him because she'd been off with the others. It nauseated her that she'd let him down again. Yet he said nothing about it.

And as minutes went by and he didn't withdraw from her, she realized just how hurt he really was. Not physically, but emotionally. Who could blame him? If he was right, his own family had attempted to slaughter him while he slept. No wonder the man had so much trouble sleeping.

"Did you tell Galen your suspicion?"

"No. I was afraid to. As I said, I have no real proof and didn't really catch a look at my attacker."

Which meant he'd talked to no one about it, but rather had lived in silent torment. "When did this happen?"

"Four days ago."

She ground her teeth in anger that he'd been so long alone. "I'm sorry, Styxx."

"There's nothing for you to be sorry over. You didn't stab me, did you?"

She growled at his ridiculous question and ignored it. "You were hurt and I wasn't here."

"You were with your family. I understand."

He always said that to her, as if it was more important to him that she honor that obligation over the love she had for him. "You're my family, too."

"It's all right, Beth. Really."

Tears choked her as she held on to him. He was her family now ... more than he knew. He was the father of her unborn son, but she couldn't tell him that yet. It was too soon.

She'd only realized it yesterday. For a couple of weeks now she hadn't felt well, which was extremely unusual for a goddess. Then, two nights ago, she'd dreamed of their son. He'd been fair-haired like his father with blue eyes and a precious smile, and he'd been dressed in a Greek helm ... a very small version of his noble father.

She'd conceived him when Styxx had been in her temple eight weeks ago, and their son would be born October fourth. She wanted to tell Styxx so badly that it was a physical pain. But she was terrified of how he might react. For too long Apollo and the other gods had played with his life. How would he react when he learned that his blind human fisherwoman was a goddess from two pantheons, far stronger than Apollo?

While Styxx might still love her, he'd be crushed that she'd lied to him. Or worse, he might blame her for not helping him combat Apollo or for fighting against Styxx and his people in their war with Atlantis.

Given the way he'd reacted in her temple when he'd discovered her emblem ...

It was possible he'd hate her forever. Not to mention what her mother's pantheon had done to him for the year she'd ignored him, and paid no attention to them. He had every right to hold that against her. Her undeniable stupidity deserved nothing less.

And eventually, she would have to tell him the truth, however today wasn't the day. Today, she wanted to focus on him and his needs.

In a few weeks, she'd tell him about their baby. Then later, she'd confess the rest. She just hoped he'd welcome the news of their son.

They'd never really spoken about children. And given the brutality of his own childhood, she'd stayed away from the topic out of respect for his pain. But he must have thought about it. As heir to Didymos, it was expected that he'd have children one day. Yet how strange that he never mentioned it to her.

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