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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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"And you can have them. Please, for the love of the gods, take them, if that's what you want. They've never brought me any kind of comfort or joy."

"Is that why you're plotting to kill Father?" Acheron asked.

Styxx's jaw went slack again. "Are you insane? Why would you accuse me of such a thing?"

"Because I know it's true. You're plotting against him, and you've tried to blame me for it."

Styxx shook his head at the ridiculous accusation. "When have I the time to plot against anyone?"

Ryssa snorted. "You're gone for days at a time and no one knows where you are. Tell me, honestly, that you're not meeting with your coconspirators." She nodded at Acheron. "I believe you, little brother. It's just the sort of thing he'd do."

Styxx was aghast at them. Gods help him if they repeated that poison to his father. The king was just stupid enough he might believe them. "I've plotted against no one. I was the one stabbed in his sleep. Not Father."

Acheron went pale. Does he know?

Styxx turned his anger to his brother. "You did it, didn't you? You're the one who tried to kill me."

Ryssa stepped between them. "Don't be ridiculous. Acheron did no such thing. Why would he? If something happens to you, it would kill him, too."

"No," Styxx breathed as he glared at his brother. "And Acheron knows that. If he dies, I die. But my life has no impact on his at all. Is that not right, brother?"

Growling, Acheron ran at him and shoved him back so that he stumbled and fell to the floor. "I hate you! You should have died when I stabbed you and stayed dead!"

"What is this!"

Eyes wide, Acheron retreated at the sound of the king's roar. Ryssa put herself between them so that she could protect the one brother she loved against the brother she couldn't stand.

She might as well have gutted him herself. That was what it felt like.

"Answer me!" their father demanded as he looked from Ryssa and Acheron to Styxx.

"It's nothing, Father," Styxx said, making sure to keep his tone level and calm as he pushed himself up from the floor. "Just squabbling among siblings."

Ryssa narrowed her gaze on him. "Did you know Styxx is plotting your death, Father?"

Styxx gaped at her accusation.

His father turned a suspicious eye to Styxx. "Have you proof of your words, daughter?"

Then Styxx heard it. The speculation in her mind that she now had full rein to kill him and not harm her beloved Acheron.

If Styxx is gone, Father will have to love and accept my brother....

"It comes from a reliable source."

The look on his father's face said that the stupid bastard believed her. Shocked anger riveted him to the floor.

Ryssa would actually see him dead.

Narrowing his gaze on his sister, Styxx jerked the crown from his head and shoved it into his father's hands. "Take it. Ram it into whatever orifice you can manage. I really don't care. I've walked out on all of this before and will gladly do so again. The gods know being prince has never brought me anything but absolute fucking misery."

"We know the truth, Styxx!" Ryssa snarled.

Styxx curled his lip at her. "You don't know anything, you stupid bitch." He raked his father, her, and Acheron with a sneer. "None of you do, and I'm done with you all."

He just wanted Bethany. Turning away from them, he headed for the stairs to leave and never come back.

"Guards!" his father roared. "Seize the prince."

When they moved forward, Styxx glared at them. "Do you really think you can take me?"

Only one was dumb enough to try. Styxx had him disarmed and flat on his back before his father could blink. Bellowing in rage, he threw the guard's sword into the wall where it embedded into the stone.

His fury riding him hard, Styxx turned his lethal gaze to his gaping father. "If I wanted you dead, Majesty, you'd be dead by my hand already. And if I wanted your fucking crown, I'd have taken it when I marched my army through...." Styxx's voice trailed off as he had a profound flashback of having said this to his father before, and yet ...

The memory was so vague. More like a dream than reality.

What in the name of Hades?

He locked gazes with his brother as Acheron's allegations rang in his head. I know you've tried to kill him. I know it! And you blamed me for it.

Styxx wasn't sure what Acheron was thinking. None of it made sense.

And still suspicion darkened his father's eyes. So be it. It wasn't like he'd gone down any in the king's estimation.

Disgusted, Styxx looked at Apollodorus who was now distraught and crying from the chaos. "I'm so sorry, dear nephew. You deserved much better than to be born into this travesty of a family."

"Styxx!" his father roared, but Styxx ignored him as he met Acheron's fearful gaze.

Now he knew for certain that Acheron had tried to end his life. And his brother knew that he knew. But what difference did it make? Really? Whatever he did to retaliate against Acheron would rebound onto him and he'd be punished, too.

Perhaps the worst punishment of all was that Acheron would be saddled with Ryssa for a sister. Jealous, treacherous bitch that she was. I just hope she never turns on you, brother.

Tired of their crap, Styxx made his way out of the palace, to his horse. How he wished he could be with Beth today. He needed to see a set of eyes that didn't hate him. Feel a hand on his skin that didn't begrudge him anything, or wish him ill.

Five more days ...

He'd had longer separations from her. But for some reason it hurt more today.

Soon, though. Soon they'd be married and no one would ever force him to be away from her for another heartbeat. Ever.

* * *

"Where have you been?"

Styxx paused on the palace stairs as he heard his father's voice. "I went riding."

"I wasn't sure you'd be back."

Not like he had any reason to return and honestly, he still wasn't sure why he bothered. Other than this was all he knew.

Styxx turned slightly on the steps to glare down at his father. The old man looked tired and, if he didn't know better, sad. "What do you want from me, Father?"

I wanted a son I could be proud of.

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