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Styxx (Dark-Hunter 22)

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Acheron froze in place then blinked as if he couldn't believe what he'd heard. "Estes is dead?" he repeated hollowly.

The king sneered at him. "Yes. Were that it were you in his place."

Acheron took a deep breath and the relief in his eyes was tangible. His thoughts rang in Styxx's head. It's over. It's finally over. The twisted bastard's dead and I'm free....

For the first time, Acheron met his gaze. Styxx saw his own shame, self-loathing, and absolute relief mirrored in those swirling silver eyes that were set in an identical face.

And while they were free of Estes's future acts, nothing would ever erase those done to them in the past.

I know, brother. And I'm so sorry.

Acheron's relief made their father furious.

"How dare you have no tears for him. He sheltered and protected you."

Scoffing, Acheron turned his dry gaze toward the king. "Believe me, I've paid him well for his shelter and concern. Every night when he took me to his bed. Every day when he sold me to whomever paid his price."

"You lie!"

Those words slashed across Styxx and stole his breath, and left him gaping in disbelief. You fucking piece of shit! How could you deny what is right in front of you? How could he call Acheron a liar when he bore witness to it?

In that moment, for the first time, Styxx was truly glad he'd killed Estes. His only regret was that it hadn't been more violent and painful an end.

Acheron glared at the king. "I'm a whore, Father, not a liar."

With a bellow born of grief, fury, and hatred, the king attacked his brother. He beat and kicked furiously at Acheron, who didn't bother to fight back or protect himself in any way.

Styxx struggled to breathe under the ferocity of his father's assault as his own body reacted to every blow. It was all he could do to remain standing. If he didn't do something fast, they were all going to learn the truth of the twins.

Gods help them both if that happened.

Racked in agony, he pulled his father away from his brother. "Please, Father," he said between gritted teeth as he struggled not to show his own pain. "Calm down. The last thing you need is to tax your heart. I don't want to see you die as Estes did."

As expected, the reminder that Estes had been younger and had died of a supposed seizure in his sleep calmed his father and gave Styxx a chance to suppress the damage his father had done to him. He wiped the blood from his face again while his father glared down at his twin.

Ryssa had gone to Acheron's side.

"Don't," Acheron said, pushing her away. He spat the blood from his mouth to the floor where it landed in a stark red splatter.

"Get out," their father snarled at him. "I don't ever want to see you again."

Those words hit Styxx even harder than his fists had.

Acheron laughed at that and met Styxx's gaze without flinching. "Rather difficult, isn't it?"

The king started for him, but Styxx put himself between them. He had to get them apart and sort through this.


"Guards," he called, wanting them to pull his brother to safety until their father calmed.

They appeared instantly.

Acheron glared at Styxx with a hatred that was palatable. I know you hear me inside your head, brother. Just like you always did when we were children, and I want you to see how much your precious father really loves you that he could throw us out so easily.

Tell me truthfully, Styxx, do you suck and lick Father's cock and balls at night? You must choke on his testicles and suck him hard and dry for him to be able to love you so and deny me.

Rage, dark and deadly, blinded him as Acheron's vicious thoughts hit him hard. How dare Acheron throw that in his face when Acheron knew exactly how much it hurt! It was beyond cruel. Even harsher was the memory he had of Acheron oiling Styxx's body and prepping him for the men Estes sold him to.

Welcome to my world, brother....

There had been no remorse in Acheron over what had been done to Styxx, not even when Acheron had seen Styxx's horrendous scars left by the priests. His brother had mocked those, too.

Next time you should let the brands cool before you masturbate with them.

In that moment, Styxx wanted to kill his own brother. Twin or not.

Instead, Styxx jerked his chin toward Acheron. "Put this trash on the street where it belongs."

Acheron pushed himself to his feet. "I don't need their help. I can walk out the door on my own."

Styxx glared at him with the same hatred Acheron had for him. And you better while you're still able.

Ryssa shook her head. "You need clothes and money."

Their father curled his lip. "He deserves nothing. Nothing but our scorn."

Acheron's battered face was completely stoic. "Then I am rich indeed from the abundance of that which you've shown me." In all his naked glory, he sauntered to the door then paused to smirk one last time. "You know, it took me a long time to realize why you hate me so much, Majesty." Acheron locked gazes with Styxx. "But then it's not me you really hate, is it? What you truly hate is how badly you want to fuck your own son."

Their father bellowed in anger as the brutality of his words tore across Styxx's heart. In that moment, Styxx knew the full depth of his uncle's depravity. He had driven a permanent wedge between him and Acheron.

One that nothing would heal after this. Styxx would never forget this slap in the face.

And neither would Acheron.

With his head held high, Acheron left the room.

Ryssa raked them both with the full weight of her condemnation. "How could you? I told you what Estes was doing with him and you denied it. How can you blame him for this?"

Their father shook his head. "Estes didn't do this. Acheron did it himself. Estes told me the way he parades himself and flaunts his body. The way he tempts everyone. He's a destroyer just as they said at his birth. He will not rest until he ruins every person he's around."

"He's just a confused boy, Father. He needs a family."

Her words cut straight through Styxx. And what am I, dear sister? She was every bit as blind and self-absorbed as their father. How could she see Acheron so clearly and him not at all?

But then given the harsh brutality of his brother's parting comments, he knew his brother was as far from innocent in thought as he was in action.

In that one moment, Styxx hated all of them. His father. His mother. Ryssa and Acheron.

But most of all, he hated himself.

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