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Lunchtime Chronicles: Passion Fruit

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I went to bed with a huge smile.

In my dream, naughty things occurred.

It was night. A pink moon hovered in the sky, casting a haunting glow.

Zain drove me in a white rolls Royce. He wore a tuxedo, but the tie was undone. The top of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his tattoo.

Wearing a sparkling pink gown, I leaned back in the seat.

“Are you comfortable?” His voice vibrated through me.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Let me know, if there’s anything I can do for you.”

I glanced out of the window.

We sped down a road outlined by a beach. And just when I thought we were going to bypass it, he pulled into the beach’s entrance.

I turned his way and joked. “We’re going for a swim?”

A wicked smile spread across his face. He drove past the parking lot, zoomed onto the sidewalk, and then took the rolls Royce right onto the sand.

I gasped. “Zain!”

“I wanted to show you the beach.” He stopped the car right at the shoreline. Waves sped our way and then swayed back into the ocean.

Nervous giggles left me. “Well, I definitely see it now.”

“Nadia.” Zain turned off the car and turned to me. His voice was a soft whisper. “Are you going to give me a chance?”

My breathing picked up. “There’s small complications.”


“We’re neighbors.”


“I have kids too. I need to be focused when I’m dating someone. I have to pick the right person.” I sighed. “Like I said. There’s complications.”

“Fuck your complications.” In the next breath, he grabbed my waist and pulled me halfway over the console. Shocked, I gasped and attempted to say something. His mouth slammed against mine.

A groan left me.

His muscular chest rose and pressed against my breasts.

A wild groan left his lips.

Lusty fire blazed through me. With that kiss and those huge hands exploring my body, I let go and climbed completely over the console. Seconds later, I straddled his lap, bumping into the steering wheel.

“There we go.” He nipped at my bottom lip. “Come to me.”

The sparkling gown rose up my thighs.

Groaning, he hit me with a piercing gaze. “No complications now?”

I felt his cock hard and rubbing against my thigh. “No.”

“All it took was a kiss.” He grabbed my ass with his hands. “Many princesses have been won that way. But, you’re a queen. How do I win you?”

“Love me.” I gripped his shoulders and ground against him.

“That’s too easy.” He devoured me with a hot kiss. He slipped his hands up to the top of my dress. A second later, he snatched it down, exposing my breasts.

My pulse grew frantic.

“First, I’m going to take my cock out and bounce you on top of it.” He lapped at one of my nipples.

I moaned.

“Then, I’m going to take you out of this car, bend you over the hood, and fuck you again. After that—”

My alarm sounded, waking me up.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Under the soft comforter, I had my hands in my panties. I pulled them out. A lusty shiver ran through me.


I could still feel the lingering touch of Zain’s tongue against my nipple, his hard cock pressed against my thigh, and the rough sexiness of his hold on me.

That was. . .hot. . .as fuck.

My alarm blared again.

I turned over and shut it off.

God, that was so real.

A small part of me wished it had been real. In the dream world, there would be no consequences.

Damn he looks good in a tuxedo. I wonder if that’s true in real life?

I sat up in bed and scratched my head.

I don’t think he can wear anything and not wet my panties.

Speaking of wet panties. Mine were soaked.

I checked the clock, trying to calculate if I had enough time to masturbate.


I liked to get two hours of writing in before the boys woke up and I had to get them ready for school.

Discipline, Nadia. You have to finish Undercover Passion. Do it!

Groaning, I dragged myself from my bed, took a super quick shower, dressed, made some green tea, and got to my office minutes later.

Setting the steaming cup on my desk, I lowered in my seat and reviewed where I’d stopped.

Angel thought she’d snuck into the club. She’d intended to walk in with her main suspect, Christian Carlisle. It worked. The only problem was that he let her know immediately that she hadn’t fooled him.

“Okay. Stop thinking about Zain.” I stretched my arms and then began typing.

“Diana was a dear friend,” Christian said. “When she was found dead, I demanded the Chicago Police keep me updated. I hired my own private detective to look into this. When I learned you were assigned to the case, I had my detective shadow you. He has followed you all month.”

Angel gripped her purse tighter, ready to grab the gun if necessary. “And what did your detective find out?”

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