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She's the One (Boggy Creek Valley 3)

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Scrunching up her face, Arabella blew on her coffee. “I can’t imagine that felt good. At least when you were in Boston, you didn’t know what he was doing.” She glanced down at her coffee, and I could see the sadness move over her face. “Living here in Boggy Creek and seeing Hunter dating…it’s been so hard. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to just stand on top of a mountain and scream. Somehow, I always thought if I did that, he would hear it and magically understand. It’s hard, hearing about him being with other women. Though I don’t blame him one bit.”

“Doesn’t make it hurt any less, I’m sure.” I took a sip of coffee, then set it down. “You know, you should stand on top of a mountain and scream. We both should.”

Arabella laughed sadly. “I’ve been running from my past for so long, Abs. I don’t think I know what normal life feels like anymore. I mean, this last year I’ve felt a bit normal. I’ve gotten out more, gone to lunches with Greer and Willa. It helped—and don’t you dare say you’re sorry again, Abby!”

I reached for her hand, and she gave it to me. “Do you still have nightmares?”

She nodded. “Yes. All the time. I still look over my shoulder when I’m in town. I sometimes feel like I’ll never be able to get away from it.”

Arabella closed her eyes.

“You know what?” I said. “We need to do it.”

She gave me a sweet smile. “Do what?”

“Climb the mountain and scream!”

Chuckling, she said, “I was kidding.”

“I’m not, Arabella. Let’s do it. Kyle can take us. You know how much he loves to hike up in the White Mountains. We’ll be safe with him.”

She chewed on her lip. “It’s tempting. But it’s been snowing a lot already, and I’m sure the mountains have gotten even more.”

I reached for my phone in my back pocket and pulled up Kyle’s number. “Then let’s have Kyle decide. I’m making the arrangements before you say no!”

The phone rang while Arabella simply shook her head.

“Hey, Abby. It’s weird seeing your name pop up on my phone,” Kyle said with a soft chuckle.

The sound of a dog whining filtered through the line. “Is there a dog there?”

Kyle laughed. “Yeah. It’s my new partner.”

“Wait, your new partner is a dog, or they’re just making dog sounds?”

Another laugh. God, it felt so good to talk and be around my friends.

“It’s a puppy. Her name is Cat. She’s going to be coming home with me in a few days to start training as a K9.”

“Wait, you named your dog…Cat?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Um, why?”

“It’s short for a name.”

I opened my mouth, then shut it. “What’s it short for?”

“Don’t ask that.”

My mind raced to figure out why a man like Kyle would name his K9…Cat. And then it hit me.

“Oh my God! I know why! I know why!” I shouted as I smiled. Turning to Arabella, I said, “Kyle is getting a puppy, but she’s going to be his partner. And her name is Cat!”

“I thought police dogs were male?” Arabella said. “You’re with Arabella?” Kyle asked.

“Yep, don’t change the subject, Kyle Larson. You named that dog after—”

“Abby Harris, I swear to God. Shut up now, and I’ll do anything you want me to.”

I covered my mouth with my hand while Arabella stared at me with a confused look. “Anything?”

“Yes, you little…”

Tsking, I said, “Be careful, Kyle, or I might feel the need to share what I know.” I chuckled, then added, “It’s Boyer now, by the way.”

Kyle sighed. “Tell Arabella most K9s are male dogs, but Cat is going to be trained specifically for drugs.”

I nodded and then looked at Arabella who seemed utterly lost. “He said most K9s are males, but Cat will be trained to sniff out drugs.”

Arabella’s brows rose, and she sat down at her little table in the kitchen. “Didn’t know we had a drug problem in Boggy Creek.”

“Listen, I won’t keep you,” I said to Kyle, “but Arabella and I want to go hiking.”

There was a moment of silence before he replied with an, “Oooookay.”

I laughed. “Up to a very tall mountaintop. Maybe Cloudland Falls or Franconia Ridge, if we can get up there. Will you take us?”

He paused again, and I thought I heard him say “Hunter.” Maybe he was with him. “Of course I’ll take you guys. When do you want to go?”

“When can you take us? The sooner the better.”

Kyle chuckled. “You do know it’s been snowing; we might not make it all the way to the top depending on how much snow has fallen up there.”

“That’s fine. We just need someplace to scream.”

“Scream?” he asked in a confused voice.

“Yep, scream. This is where I’m calling in my return favor for keeping my mouth shut.”

Kyle grumbled something, and I was pretty sure I heard the word “women” in there somewhere.

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