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Ends of the Earth

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“Aside from the fact that it gets way too cold here at night for July. The tent didn’t leak, so that’s something.”

“Cold? There wasn’t even any frost this morning!” Ben teased.

“Did I mention it’s July?”

“City slicker.”

“Damn right.” Jason grinned.

Ben waited a few minutes to see if any other campers would brave the sodden weather, but soon led the way onto the trail. Maggie and Jason listened attentively as Ben told them about the birds in the area, giving background info on the various species.

After he’d run through his bird lessons, he asked Maggie, “Do you remember what to do if you spot a bear?”

Jason snorted. “Pray? Kiss your butt goodbye?”

Maggie sighed. “Dad. Be serious, please.”

He raised his hands. “Sorry.”

She rattled off the information Ben had told them the previous day about bear attacks, and Ben nodded. “You know your stuff. Good job, Maggie.”

“Oh, and we should sing while we walk so they can hear us coming. What do you want to sing?”

“Know anything by the Beatles?” Ben asked teasingly.

Her face lit up. “Of course! ‘Yellow Submarine’ is awesome.” She loudly launched into the first verse.

Jason hummed along, peering into the dense woods, clearly ill at ease now that he’d been reminded of the potential for danger. “Whose idea was it to come out here again?”

Maggie broke off from singing. “Don’t worry, Dad. Remember, Grizzly attacks are very rare.”

“If you say so, honey.”

“I say so. Sorry, didn’t mean to worry you.” Ben clapped Jason on the shoulder and led them farther down the path toward a lookout.

Beyond a wooden railing, a vista of trees unfolded below, with mountain peaks disappearing into the clouds in the distance. Even in the gray drizzle, the view was remarkable, but Ben wished he could have shown it to them in the brilliant sunshine.

“Wow,” Maggie breathed. “This is so cool.”

Jason pressed a kiss to her head. “It really, really is.”

Ben felt strangely proud and pleased by their awe. Not that he had anything to do with the gorgeous view, but it was gratifying to see his home appreciated.

“Am I allowed to look for rocks?”

It took a second for Ben to realize Maggie was talking to him. “Sure, just be careful. Make noise in the bush, and don’t go too far from the trail. Stay in sight.”

“Okay!” Maggie darted off.

Jason frowned. “Are you sure that’s okay? I don’t want her to damage anything.”

“Don’t worry. The ecosystem isn’t quite that fragile.”

“She’s a budding geologist too, as you can tell,” Jason added.

“I can indeed.”

They watched Maggie’s progress with an easy silence between them. Ben was dying to ask Jason some questions, but he figured it was best to play it cool and start slowly. “So, Maggie’s eight?”

“Yep. Well, eight and a quarter, as she will insist loudly if you ask her.”

“Funny how when we get a little older, we’re not so eager to add on to our age.”

“True. Although I’m twenty-five, and I wouldn’t mind looking a little older.”

Whoa. Jason didn’t just look young. Ben blinked at him, doing the math. “So you were…”

“Seventeen when Maggie was born. I know, I was young. Believe me, I know.”

“Sorry. I don’t mean to pry.”

“Sure you do.” Jason smiled easily, a little dimple appearing in one cheek. “Most people are curious. It’s okay as long as they’re not dicks about it.”

“Well, I try not to be a dick. How am I doing so far?”

The dimple deepened. “Not bad.”

In a rush of want, Ben leaned closer, taking a step despite himself. Jason was a grown man, but there was an innocence about him that affected Ben in a way he couldn’t explain. Jason hummed with a sweet warmth he wanted to touch. Needed to touch.

Jason’s brows drew together, and he licked his lips. “Ben?”

Maggie called out from the trees, “Dad! How many rocks can I bring home?”

Heart thumping, Ben reached down and plucked a wet rock from the sodden leaves and dirt. “Speaking of which, this is a…” His mind whirled. Rock. “Um, I’m blanking on the name, but maybe Maggie would like it.” It was only an ordinary gray stone, but it was a little shiny in the rain, at least.

Jason answered Maggie. “As many as you can fit in the pockets of your jeans. The ones you’re wearing, I mean.” To Ben he said, “Cool, thanks.” He took the rock, their fingers touching, and Ben could swear a spark shot all the way to his balls.

“Sure. No problem.” He managed not to squeak like a teenaged boy.

Jason shook his head as Maggie bent over again, her red poncho flashing through the leaves. “You should see her room. Rocks everywhere.”

Breathing deeply, Ben regained control. “No Barbie dolls for her, huh?” He was being officially nosy now, but he needed to concentrate on something other than how hot Jason Kellerman was.

“Oh, she likes her dolls too. Maggie isn’t…easily categorized.”

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