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The Christmas Deal

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For some weird reason it reminded Logan of his grandma’s sitting room, with fake flowers in vases and plastic on the couches. Which probably sounded like an insult even though he didn’t mean it that way. He’d always wanted to rip the plastic off those couches and bounce on them.

Logan asked, “He’s a good boss?”

“Oh yeah, the best. I mean, he’s technically not my boss, but he should be. Will be after this caper.” She grinned, waggling her eyebrows and adding fresh bananas to the fruit bowl by the toaster. “I still can’t believe you’re doing this.”

He snorted. “Me either. Not a lot of options.”

Her face softened. “I know. But Seth really is so great. Kind, generous, patient. He deserves this promotion so much. I’m really glad you’re helping each other. I can’t tell you how many times he covered for me when I was pregnant and puking. Picked up so much of my slack. I just wish he wasn’t so tough on himself. I think it’s because of his upbringing.”

“Right. Crazy religious parents?”

Jenna grimaced. “Yup. I mean, we grew up with standard-issue Catholic guilt, but his family’s evangelical church took it to a whole new level. Seth’s always been a bit reserved, but when Brandon dumped him, it was a big shock. Really did a number on him.”

“What happened there?” Logan had already decided this Brandon was a fucking idiot.

“Ugh.” She opened the fridge and loaded up the crisper drawer. “I guess Brandon was already having doubts before they moved, but he thought the change of scenery would fix their problems or something. Like a fresh start would make him fall back in love with Seth. That’s apparently what he told Seth when he was leaving. Obviously that never works, so when he met another guy at the gym, he bailed. That was over a year ago now, and Seth seems…stuck.”

She opened a cupboard and pulled out a jar of natural peanut butter, taking a spoonful and saying through it, “I think this caper will do wonders for him. At least he’ll finish his house.” She held out the jar, the spoon inside.

Logan filled his mouth with the sticky peanut butter, pondering what Jenna had told him. When he swallowed, his tongue still coated with thick residue, he asked, “Seth’s not seeing anyone else?”

“Not that I know of. Of course, I don’t want to pry.”

“Of course not,” Logan said dryly.

She smirked. “Shut up. But as far as I can tell, he hasn’t dated at all the past year. He’s such a catch! Handsome and sweet. Don’t you think?”

Shrugging, Logan said, “Sure.” He didn’t usually think of men’s looks or personalities that way since that stuff didn’t matter when it came to simply getting off.

But yeah, Seth was in good shape and had a nice smile and blue eyes. And a lot of people would have backed the hell out of the deal after Logan and Connor started going at it, but Seth had been patient with them.

“I’m sure he could get laid easy,” Logan said.

Jenna sighed. “He could if he wanted to, but I think he’s got some hang-ups about casual sex. When I suggested he try Grindr, he almost choked on his tongue.”

Logan had to laugh. “Do you ever mind your own business?”


“You know, I was wondering about the house. Seth said he bought it, not they bought it.”

“Yeah, apparently Brandon’s never been good with money.” She swirled the spoon around the peanut butter jar. “It’s a blessing that Seth was smart enough not to put the house in both their names. Honestly makes me think he had his doubts too, even if he hadn’t admitted it to himself.”

“I guess.” Logan thought of that voice that had told him marrying Veronica was nuts and that they barely even knew each other. But his life had been garbage, and there she was, beautiful and kind and taking care of him.

“Do you think Connor’s going to agree to go on the retreat next weekend?” Jenna asked. “And, more importantly, that he’ll behave?”

“Maybe. Guess he won’t have much choice. And he’ll be stuck with me all the time if he doesn’t get in line at school.” Logan hesitated. Might as well just spit it out. “He’s getting kicked out if he doesn’t.”

The spoon clattered to the counter. “Shit.”


“But he’s a genius. I remember Veronica saying he practically had a photographic memory.”

“Yeah, but he’s been skipping class and blowing off assignments. Being an asshole to other kids. Acting reckless. He has to do good on his exams next week, or else.”

“Maybe it would help to supervise him this weekend. Make sure he studies.”

Logan unpacked a jumbo box of bran cereal. “Maybe.”

“I think Seth can be a good influence on him. And you.”

“Me? I ain’t studying for jack shit.” He slid some jars of baby food across the island. “Thank Christ. You know school wasn’t my strong suit.”

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