The Christmas Deal - Page 45

Still, as Seth came, spurting over Logan’s knobby knuckles, he imagined that kiss, closing his eyes and letting himself go, his head thrown back and spine arching.

Logan wasn’t far behind, and his groan as Seth milked him was delicious. Pulling his sticky hand free, Seth wiped it on a stray napkin. They breathed hard, and Seth mumbled, “Thanks. That was…”


“I… Thanks.” Before he could stop himself, Seth nuzzled at Logan’s cheek. Not kissing him, but almost…

Logan inhaled sharply, shuddering. Then he cleared his throat and sat up straight, breaking contact. “All part of the deal, right?”

It was like a splash of cold water, and Seth tucked himself into his sweatpants, nodding. “Right. Yes. Okay, good night!” He balled up the napkin in his fist and made a hasty retreat.

All part of the deal. Nothing more.

He repeated the words to himself like a mantra as he went to bed and stared at the ceiling far too long.

Chapter Eleven

“Shoot!” Seth tightened his arm around the cardboard box full of wine bottles, feeling it slip as he turned the key in the lock.

His front door sprang open, and he almost sprawled flat on his face. He would have if not for Logan’s strong hands on his arms. Logan took the box, easing it onto the floor by the mat. “Close one. You almost cussed.”

Seth laughed as he closed the door, the warmth of the house beckoning. Not to mention Logan. A pang of longing filled him—the urge to pull Logan into a hug, to kiss him hello the way he would a lover. A partner. He had to remind himself that this was all pretend.

Well, aside from the orgasms.

Those were very, very real. The night before, Seth and Logan had eaten Thai delivery in the great room while watching TV. After some time for digestion, Seth had blown Logan, on his knees between Logan’s legs, glad of the thick throw rug.

Logan hadn’t offered to do the same yet, and Seth hadn’t asked. He was getting off powerfully just with the touch of Logan’s rough hand, the hot puff of his breath on Seth’s cheek, the press of their thighs and shoulders when they sat close. In those moments, Seth could almost forget that it was only a bargain between them.

“Table’s here,” Logan said.

“Oh, thank goodness!” There had been an unexplained delay, and Seth had devised a backup plan. “Glad we won’t have to throw together an IKEA special.”

“Me too. It looks great. Boss lady’ll love it.”

Today was the big day when Angela came to dinner, and Seth had taken a few of his banked personal hours to pick up the groceries and start cooking. His stomach tightened. “I can’t believe Angela Barker is actually coming to my house for dinner.”

It was time to stick to business and remember their deal and why they were doing this in the first place. It was time to be professional and keep his head about him.

“You’ll do great. Jenna said that floppy-haired guy got the dirt on Angela’s fave food?”

“Matt, yeah. His girlfriend is the office manager, and she knows everything. And Jenna looked up recipes that should fit the bill.”

“Bet she gave you a very specific shopping list too.” Logan’s lips quirked into a smile.

Oh, how Seth wanted to kiss that mouth. Wanted to get completely naked with Logan and feel the whole press of his body, skin-to-skin from head-to-toe. He wanted to make Logan moan and sigh and be happy. Seth wanted to take that heaviness shrouded around him and make him smile all the time.

“Gee, how’d you know?” he joked, and Logan smiled wider.

And fine, maybe it was more than lust sparking in Seth. But he had to keep it in check, because affection and feelings weren’t on the menu. Logan identified as straight, and he’d made his boundaries clear.

Even if he’d ended up caressing Seth’s hair when Seth had gone down on him again, groaning before he’d reached out, as if he’d been giving in somehow. It didn’t mean anything, and Seth needed to remember that this was all simply part of their deal.

He nodded to the wine and grocery bags as he yanked his feet free from his winter boots. “Pricey Bordeaux and rib-eye steaks. Guess I’d better figure out how that grill out back works.”

“You ain’t used it before?” a gruff voice asked, feet shuffling toward them in cheap slippers.

“Mr. Derwood!” Seth felt nervous and embarrassed that he’d just been thinking inappropriately about Logan. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

The man grunted. His shoulders were stooped and his face lined, belly large and fingers stained with tobacco. He wore track pants and a striped sweater. Seth had been shocked to learn he was only in his sixties. Bill said, “Got yer wine rack in.”

“Oh! Thank you so much.”

Logan added, “Hope it’s okay. And I wasn’t sure how you wanted to do the decorations and tree, so I won’t be offended if you move stuff.”

Tags: Keira Andrews Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024