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The Christmas Deal

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As he poured hot chocolate into a paper cup from a big plastic container, thumbing down the spout, excitement skittered through him. Would Dale actually be able to get him a job? Obviously Logan had to do an interview and prove himself at whatever it was, but if he could actually get money coming in, it would be such a relief.

He popped a sugary donut in his mouth. It would be more than a relief to have a job again. It would feel so damn good to not be useless anymore. He could get a place and stop freeloading off Seth, and save money for Connor and be worth something again.

Although he had to admit that the thought of moving out of Seth’s house wasn’t as happy as it should have been. Probably because even with a job, he’d never be able to afford something as nice as Seth’s place. And with Connor at school, he’d be alone most of the time. But that was fine. Maybe he and Seth could still hang out. Maybe…

Shoving another donut in his mouth, Logan told himself to stop being such a moron. He might not even get the job even if Dale could help him, and that was a big if anyway. And he and Seth… It was stupid to think about. They had a deal, and that was it. It was temporary.

“I thought you were just faking it with Seth?”

Stomach dropping, Logan gripped his paper cup a little harder and took a gulp, burning the roof of his mouth. “I am.”

Holding his own cup, Connor was watching him suspiciously, his eyebrows almost meeting. “Really?”

“Of course.” Logan forced a laugh.

“Because you look at him the way you looked at my mom, back at the beginning. When I thought maybe things wouldn’t suck.”

Logan tried to figure out what Connor was saying. It didn’t make any sense. “When you thought… But you hated me from day one.”

Connor looked down at the donuts, shrugging. “You weren’t so bad, I guess.” He picked out a chocolate one and ate it.

“I…” Logan had no clue what to say. “Oh. Thanks?”

Connor huffed, eating another donut and mumbling, “Anyway, Seth seems into you. But you’re just pretending. Right?”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Logan glanced at where Seth stood off with Jenna and Jun, drinking their hot chocolate and laughing about something.

Connor rolled his eyes, licking crumbs from his lips. He looked up at Logan, apparently waiting for an answer.

Heart thumping, Logan chugged his hot chocolate, wiping his mouth after. “Guess we’re both good actors.” Sure, he and Seth were screwing, and they were into it, but that’s all it was. That was the deal—casual.

“Guess so.”

Logan tried to think of something to say. “You looking forward to lunch with Santa?”

There was that familiar scowl. “I’m not some little kid.”

“I know. But it’s Christmas. My mom used to say we all get to be kids at Christmas.” He hadn’t thought of that in years, and for a moment, he missed her so damn much.

This was Connor’s first Christmas without Veronica, and he wanted to tell him that it would be okay, and that it would get easier over time. Or at least it would be different. It would still hurt like hell sometimes, but not all the time.

But he didn’t say any of that because Connor was already gone with a handful of donut holes, off to hang with some kids around his age. Shit, Logan really needed to get presents for Connor to open. Jenna would surely be getting some for Christmas Eve at her place, but they’d be at Seth’s on Christmas morning.

And shit, he needed to get Seth a present too. More than one. With no money, he’d have to borrow from Jenna and Jun, and what if he didn’t get a job after all? He was suddenly afraid he’d puke up hot chocolate all over the snow.

“Okay?” Seth asked as he walked up. “Don’t tell me all that sledding has made you green around the gills and not me.” He squeezed the back of Logan’s neck over his scarf, and Logan concentrated on deep breaths, a stab of pain in his chest flaring and then easing.

He almost said he was fine and shrugged Seth off but let Seth ground him until he could give him a real smile.

Chapter Sixteen

“Well, if that isn’t the moony face of a man in love!”

Seth jolted as Angela’s twangy voice rang out from alarmingly close by. He realized he’d been too busy staring at Logan rolling the base for a snowman. And at Logan’s firm backside as he bent over to perform said task, his short leather jacket riding up, jeans clinging to his butt and thighs.

Squirming, he tried to laugh. “Guilty as charged.” He raised his gloved hands. Ha, ha, ha. Hilarious.

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