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Love Match (Love Match 1)

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“Kid, you’ll have to pull out, claim an injury. It’ll be better this way. We can head back home as early as tonight. We’ll get a flight out ASAP.” Jeff put his hand on Jesse’s shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t give them any more material to work with, and hopefully this’ll all die down by the time the tournament is over.”

Jesse looked between Luke and Jeff and finally acquiesced. “Okay, if that’s what you guys think is best.”

Luke said, “I’d better have a shower and get out to the practice courts.”

Jesse frowned. “But won’t there be reporters everywhere? How are you going to concentrate?”

He shrugged. “I’m going to have to tune it out. This tournament’s far from over, and I’m not being chased away.”

“Just I am, I guess.”

“Jesse, it’s not like that. It’ll be better for you to be back home. You and Jeff can get some good training in. Here you’ll just be—”

“In the way?” Jesse finished.

Jeff cleared his throat. “I’ll be out in the hall. Come out when you’re ready to go, kid.”

Luke waited until the door had closed before approaching Jesse, cupping his face in his hands. “Jess, you know this isn’t what I wanted. You know I’d rather have you here.” He kissed him. “God, I hate the thought of not seeing you. I’m going to miss you.” Luke knew it was the truth.

Jesse sighed and leaned against him. “I’m going to miss you, too. So much.”

They kissed, tongues gliding together, lips soft. Luke wished there was more time, wanted to undress him and make love to him for hours. Maybe they could just stay in the room forever, the outside world forgotten.

A commotion in the hallway put an end to that notion. They broke apart and stood stock still as they heard security guards arguing with reporters, the voices starting to fade as they moved away down the hall.

“I guess I’d better get out of here.”

“Yeah. We can’t see each other before you go, it’s just too risky. It’ll have to wait until I’m back home.” He kissed Jesse again. “Look at the bright side, I could flameout in the next round and be home before you know it.”

Jesse smiled. “I’ll hope for the best, then.”

Their gaze met for a long moment, both reluctant to part. Luke thought about how strange it would be to be alone again, his bed empty, even if it was just temporary. How much he’d miss the taste of Jesse’s mouth, the feel of his body, the sound of his laughter. “Fuck it,” he growled as he pulled him close.

Their mouths met hungrily and they pulled at each other, desperate to get close one more time. They stumbled to the bed, Jesse quickly moving onto his hands and knees, pulling his pants and briefs down just enough as Luke yanked his own pants down and slid on a condom.

He pushed into Jesse with a grunt, his hand moving to Jesse’s mouth to stifle his loud groan. Luke knew it was rough and that Jesse would feel it later, but he didn’t care. Jesse panted, his head tipped back, mouth open as Luke thrust into him. Luke’s lips fastened on the side of Jesse’s neck, marking the pale skin there.

“Oh, god,” Jesse murmured. “Harder, Luke, harder.”

He gripped one of Jesse’s shoulders and pounded into him, his balls slapping against Jesse’s ass. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, so he reached around and found Jesse’s leaking cock, giving it a few hard strokes. He felt Jesse seize up, and warm come splashed his hand as Jesse gasped his name.

Luke felt the tingle spread through his body and let himself go, shooting long and hard, filling up the condom. They both collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard. Jesse turned his head, and they kissed gently. Luke breathed him in, fingers moving through his soft, blond hair.

There was a knock at the door. “We’d better get going,” Jeff said.

“Be right there,” Jesse called out.

They kissed once more and got up, straightening their clothes, cleaning up as best they could. At the door, Luke kissed him one last time. “Just remember, they can’t prove anything.”

Jesse nodded. He looked at Luke for a long moment and then said “See ya,” his smile tremulous. He opened the door and was gone.

Luke stood alone for a long time until the phone began ringing again. He pulled the cord from the wall.

Hotel security met Luke at his door and escorted him down to the back entrance of the hotel. As he walked through the kitchen, Luke tried to ignore the eyes of the staff trained on him. He strode confidently, paying no mind to the whispers and odd giggle that reached his ears.

Flashbulbs exploded at he scooted into the car and reporters ran down the alley. Luke kept his head down and pretended they weren’t there. The driver was impassive as they made their way towards Wimbledon and didn’t listen to the radio or attempt to make small talk. Luke was grateful.

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