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Love Match (Love Match 1)

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“Uh, that would be upstairs.”

“That was our old room.” Luke smiled in what he hoped was an enigmatic way. “We’re staying somewhere else tonight.”

Jesse grinned delightedly, and Luke’s heart skipped a beat. Jesse was twenty-seven now, but still hadn’t lost his boyish enthusiasm. Luke was thirty-eight—pushing forty, as his trainer Aaron liked to remind him when they got together for their weekly session—but Jesse kept him feeling young.

A car was waiting for them, and they wound their way through the streets of Paris, the old buildings rushing by as the Lexus made its way along the narrow streets. When they arrived at their destination, Jesse’s smile grew even wider. “The George V? You got a room here? Seriously?”

Luke simply winked in return and tipped their driver before getting out. The doorman ushered them inside the beautifully appointed lobby, and a woman appeared as if out of thing air. “Bon soir, gentlemen. Jean-Paul will show you to your suite.” A man had also materialized, and he led them to the elevator.

Once upstairs on the top floor, Luke tipped Jean-Paul and shut the door to the suite. Jesse turned in a slow circle, gawking. “And I thought the Hilton was nice. Holy shit, Luke. This room must cost a small fortune!”

“Good thing you just won the French Open.”

At the reminder of that afternoon’s victory, Jesse beamed. “Yeah, good thing. It’s also a good thing you got that job with ESPN.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Please, I do sixty-second how-to tutorials on improving your strokes. It’s not like I’m a commentator.”

“Not yet. But you will be.” Jesse noticed the private terrace and opened the doors wide. “Oh my god! Have you seen this view?”

Luke had inspected the room a few days earlier, and the incredible view of the Eiffel Tower had sold him on it. The bathroom overlooked the city skyline as well, and the accommodations were luxurious in every way. Overstuffed cream-colored chairs and pillows with gilded accents made the rooms resplendent.

Standing behind Jesse on the terrace, Luke wrapped his arms around Jesse’s waist. “Not bad, huh?”

Jesse sighed contentedly. “Not bad.” He turned in Luke’s arms and pressed their lips together. “What’s the bedroom look like?”

They made quick work of their clothes as they crossed the living room, and were naked by the time Luke pressed Jesse down into the soft mattress in the golden bedroom, the duvet tossed aside. Their kisses started out playfully, but soon their tongues were demanding, breath coming in short gasps.

Jesse arched up, rubbing their hardening cocks together. “I missed you so much,” he muttered.

“I’ve been here the whole time.” Luke pulled back, catching his breath, a smile playing on his lips. “But I missed you more.”

Jesse’s arms wrapped tightly around Luke’s back. “Sorry I’ve been so distracted.”

“It’s safe to say your distraction paid off.”

The infectious grin was back. “I won. I can’t believe I actually won.”

“Just trying to show me up as usual.”

“That’s right. Next time we get in a fight I’ll be sure to remind you that there’s only one French Open champion in this relationship.”

They laughed and kissed again, bodies moving together, skin soon becoming slick with sweat. Luke moved lower on the huge bed, his lips marking his path down Jesse’s body. He took Jesse’s cock in his mouth, making Jesse gasp with pleasure. Luke took him deeper into his throat, wrapping his hand around the base of Jesse’s cock as his head bobbed up and down. When he knew Jesse was getting close, Luke pulled back, his tongue making one last sweep around the tip of Jesse’s cock.

Jesse panted. “God. Now.”

Wanting nothing more than to plunge deep inside him, Luke cursed himself silently for not getting the lube out of his suitcase ahead of time. He slid off the bed and was back in a flash with the slim tube. Kneeling, he slicked himself as Jesse watched hungrily.

As Luke lifted Jesse’s legs to his shoulders, Jesse pulled him down for a kiss. “Fuck me,” Jesse gritted out, his teeth pulling at Luke’s lip. Then there were no more words as Luke thrust inside him in one swift motion. The heat was intense, the feel of skin on skin almost enough to bring him over the edge. They hadn’t used condoms for years now, and trusted each other completely.

Luke only started moving when he was back in control, the feel of Jesse tight around him making his whole body tingle with pleasure. Sometimes he marveled at how he could still want Jesse just as much now as the first time they’d met. Jesse’s body was as familiar as his own now, the taste and smell and feel. In the past, he’d wondered if they’d ever get bored with each other, but Luke never stopped wanting him.

They moaned in unison as Luke rocked in and out, Jesse’s head thrown back on the pillow, his mouth open. “Oh god, Luke. More.”

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