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Nothing to Hide

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“It’s Erik.”

“Oooh, your favorite colleague and sexual predator.”

“Ex-colleague. Who finally did stop hitting on me.”

“Because you’re not there anymore.”

“Good point.” Allie answered the call. “Hey, Erik.”

“Alli-i-ie.” He yelled her name so loudly Allie yanked the phone from her ear. Julie rolled her eyes and went back to her magazine.

“Shhh, Erik. Jeez, you just made my head explode.”

“And that’s a problem because...”

“What’s going on? No!” She raised her hand dramatically. “Don’t tell me. Boynton wants me back. They’re begging, in fact.”

“They should be. They’re morons for letting you go.”

Even though Erik tended to say whatever people wanted to hear, she decided this time he was being absolutely sincere. “They certainly are.”

“So how are you doing?”

“Anxious. Frustrated. Bored.”

“Need a little excitement?”

“Uhh...why don’t you tell me what kind of excitement first, then I’ll tell you if I need it.” A lead on a job was the kind of excitement she needed. Erik trying to get into her pants was not.

Getting into female pants was what Erik did. If he could get women to pay him for sex, he’d be twice the billionaire he already was, due to family megabucks. Sometimes she thought the only reason he paid her so much attention was because he still hadn’t succeeded with her. Nor would he ever, which she’d told him in no uncertain terms, but to Erik that was so much blah-blah-blah.

The funny thing was, Allie liked him. Really liked him. She respected that he worked hard at a day job like the rest of the poor rats in the race. And she suspected that underneath all the BS and swagger there was an insecure mess of a guy with a really good heart. She even managed to feel a little sorry for him. Which meant she was nice to him, which, unfortunately, meant he thought he still had a chance. Men were pretty slow about stuff like that.

“This is the chance of a lifetime, Allie.”


“How’d you like to spend a week in the Adirondacks on Lake George? Or two weeks?”

“Your family’s summer house?” She’d heard about the place and had seen a few pictures—beautiful house, beautiful lake. The temptation was immediate, even as she was formulating her no-thank-you speech. Leave hot, smelly New York in July for a luxury oasis? For a wonderfully cool, breezy, relaxing week...or two? It would be impractical, irresponsible, and serve as needless encouragement for the Great Horned Predator, but who wouldn’t be tempted?

“Yes, our cottage in the woods.”

Allie snorted. If that enormous place was a cottage, she was the queen of planet earth. “So, Erik, we’re talking a week up there, just the two of us?”

Julie shook her head emphatically no.

“Oh. Well... Wait, I haven’t gotten to the best part.”

“I’m listening.” She was a little afraid of the best part.

“My grandmother and great-grandmother were total fashionistas and they never threw anything away. The attic is full of their clothes. In mint condition.”

Allie came to full attention. Antique clothes. Her passion. “Really.”

“Here’s the best part. Mom wants to get rid of them before we sell the house.”

“You’re selling that place?”

“Yeah.” His voice thickened. “Since Mom and Dad moved to Germany they can’t get back here often enough to make it worthwhile. I’ve been after my brother to buy it with me, but so far no good. I’d buy it myself, but it’s too much for one person to keep up. And they’re right, the house deserves to be used and lived in.”

“Erik, that’s terrible.” She knew how much he loved the place.

“It is. But back to the clothes. There are at least four trunks. You’ll get first rights to everything.”

“I’ll— Everything?” Allie stood there, blinking at Julie’s curious stare. Erik’s grandmother and great-grandmother would mean clothes from the 1920s and ’40s. This could be an amazing collection. It could be fashion nirvana. “Wow. That sounds incredible. But,’ll just be you and me up there?”

Julie waggled her finger urgently, no, no, no.

“Allie, Allie, Allie. You still don’t trust me?”

“Nuh-uh,” she said pleasantly, her heart still pounding at the thought of all those clothes. Would she sell her body for this chance?

Umm...not quite.

“I’m not going to try anything. I swear.” He was trying very hard to sound sincere. Or maybe he was sincere. It was frustratingly hard to tell with Erik. “I figured you’d want first shot at the clothes. Plus, you being in a tough spot and all, I thought the break would be nice, too.”

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