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Nothing to Hide

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Passing the kitchen as quietly as possible, she overheard Erik and Sandra having what sounded like an earnest discussion. Out in the fading light, she walked the straight line to the cottage leisurely and purposefully. At the door, she knocked and took a step back, calm smile in place.

Where had she gotten this much sangfroid? This much courage? She’d spent most of her adult life pretending she was more refined than she was, but never to this degree. Plus, she was about to seduce a man she barely knew—a calm, conscious decision, made in hot blood. Allie had never come close to doing something like this. Maybe the clothes had turned her into a new woman?

Never mind. She had the courage, and she was loving every second of it. That was all she needed to know.

“Hey, the party’s arrived.” Jonas’s surprise gave way to a thorough inspection and a slow, appreciative grin. “Wow. Look at you. You’re beautiful. It’s as if that outfit was made for you.”

“Thank you.” She held his gaze, a cool smile in place, though her cheeks were warming with pleasure at his compliment. He must have just showered. Damp, dark hair curled around his face, his blue eyes vivid against skin warmed by the sun. Around his mouth and on his cheeks, the barest hint of beard showed he’d shaved for their after-dinner date. He wore loose, comfortable shorts and an unbuttoned blue-and-white patterned shirt through which his very nice chest showed.

“Guess I’m underdressed.” He backed into the cottage, buttoning his shirt. She thought about stopping him, but decided it would be more fun to unbutton it herself again later. “Come on in. I was about to pull out beer for us, but for some strange reason I’m now thinking champagne...”

“Me, too. Same strange reason I bet.” She let him take the bucket. “Can we sit out on the deck?”

“Absolutely, Ms. McDonald. It’s a beautiful night. Though there’s not much room out there for the Charleston.” He led the way through the sliding door out onto the deck and set the bucket on the table. Perfect. They had a fabulous view of the lake, but Sandra and Erik couldn’t see them from the house unless they came down to the beach, which was unlikely.

Jonas removed the bottle from its ice bedding and began twisting off the cage, staring at her the whole time. “Is it okay if I can’t take my eyes off you?”

“I think it’s fine.” She made a slow turn to show off the dress. When she came around again, Jonas was still holding the bottle, having made no progress opening it.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

“Need help with the cork?” she asked sweetly.

“Uh, no.” He busied himself again. “But men’s brains can only handle one thing at a time. Where are Erik and Sandra?”

“Talking in the kitchen. Sounded pretty intense.”

His left eyebrow rose. “I have a feeling they’ll be busy for quite a while.”

“I have that same feeling.” She watched him for signs of emotion, but he seemed calm about Sandra pairing off with his brother.

Good thing.

The cork came out with a soft pop, followed by a wisp of mist that looked like smoke. Jonas expertly poured the foaming gold into the glasses and handed her one. “Here’s to a beautiful night with a beautiful woman who has apparently time-traveled to be with me.”

“She has.” Allie sipped the cool, bubbly heaven, and sat gracefully in the chair he held out for her. “Your great-grandmother was quite the woman.”

“That’s what Grandma Bridget always told us. What made you think so?”

“Diaries. A pile of them.” Allie crossed her feet demurely at the ankles and sipped her champagne, which was so much better than the stuff she bought that she was retroactively embarrassed. “She kept one her whole life. Did you know?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You and Erik should take a look. I hope it’s okay that I’ve been reading them.”

“Sure.” He was watching her with a glint of warm amusement in his eyes. “What are you finding out about her?”

“She was a very smart woman. Very practical. Strong.” She sent Jonas a coy look from under her hat brim. “Very sexual.”

“Really.” He looked pained. “Do I want to know this about a relative?”

“She was quite the se-duc-tress.” Allie enunciated carefully, forming her lips and tongue around the word, giving it sensual weight.

The pained look dissipated; his gaze intensified. “Was she?”

“I learned quite a bit.”

“Tell me.” His voice turned husky.

“For example.” She took off the cloche, shook out her hair leisurely, enjoying the cool breeze on her scalp. “It’s a good idea to make a man want you until he can’t think of anything else.”

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