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The Perfect Indulgence

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“Don’t want to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

“Okay.” He didn’t seem at all offended. “So what’s the big life plan from here?”

She groaned silently, not sure what to say. It was a perfectly normal get-to-know-you question, but no one knew about her plan to go to college, and she liked it that way. Zac had caught her studying at Carmia Park one day and she’d been tempted to tell him what she was up to, but he’d let the encounter pass without comment. That same temptation was dogging her now, but she’d be a fool to trust her secret to a guy she barely knew. Who knew how he’d react? It was hard enough for her to believe her dreams would come true sometimes, and that was without anyone else pissing on them.

“I’m just going to hang at Slow Pour until something better comes along. Maybe get married someday.”

“Really?” He turned to look at her, frowning. “No college?”

She fidgeted in her seat, uncomfortable lying, reassuring herself this was none of his business unless they grew close enough that she felt comfortable sharing.

“Nah. It’s not for me right now.” When he made no comment, she glanced over at him a few times. No reaction? He bought it? She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or hurt. “What about you?”

“I’m going to steal cars. No, actually carjack them. And do crack. And meth. And die young in a blaze of stupidity.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” She rolled her eyes.

“No, it’s not nice. It’s crap, like your answer.” He glanced at her, looking annoyed. “Hang at Slow Pour? Get married? What are you afraid I’ll do if you tell me the truth, suck out your soul or something?”

She whipped around to face him, stunned by his outburst. What the hell was that? “Is this your famous temper?”

“You’re a terrible liar, for one thing. And you’re studying. Psychology or something. Zac told me.”

She couldn’t handle the accusing stare anymore and sat back furiously in her seat, folding her arms across her chest. She was utterly pissed off, both at him and at herself for lying when her instinct had told her to confide in him. “I told you I was staying at Slow Pour for a while, which is true, and that college isn’t for me right now, which is also true. I don’t owe you any explanation beyond that.”

“Oh, that’s nice. Now who has a temper?”

“Back off, Luke.”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Don’t knife me or anything. I don’t need any more trouble.”

His humor took her anger down a notch. “I’ll try not to.”

They drove for a long while in strained silence. Summer felt sick, aware that she wasn’t blameless for the change in the mood between them, and that she was being stubborn and immature by not making an overture to peace.

But so was he.

By the time they got to Carmia, however, she was sick of the tension, thinking of the fun they’d had at the mission, not wanting to thwart what could turn into a good friendship that might help them both. “Look, Luke. I’m sorry if it hurt you, but honestly, there are things I don’t share with people I don’t trust, and that was—”

“Why did you go anywhere with me if you don’t trust me?”

Her anger flared again, sharp and hot. Fine. If he was going to keep being a jerk, she’d do the same. “I felt sorry for you.”

“Oh, that’s great. Thanks. Appreciate it.” They were silent except for her terse directions until he pulled up in front of her house. “See ya around.”

Summer didn’t move. She couldn’t let it end like this. “Luke. You’re being unreasonable. We only just met.”

“I don’t date women who feel sorry for me.”

She rolled her eyes and shoved open the door. “You said this wasn’t a date.”

“Get the hell out of my car, Summer.”

“I’m gone.” She shut the door hard and peered in the window. “Nice temper, by the way. You’ll go far with that.”

He put the car in gear and shot it forward. Summer watched until he was out of sight, lips jammed together, arms folded over her chest.

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