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The Perfect Indulgence

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Had she called him any names? “Sorry, Bodie, that was uncalled-for. But I’m not interested in spending the night with you.”

She might as well have slapped him across the face. He was that stunned. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No. No, I’m not. I enjoyed...” She searched frantically for a way to tell him the truth. “I enjoyed the dinner and margaritas, but I’m calling it a night.”

“Okay, but we can sleep together another time, right?”

“No.” She laid a hand on his cheek. “You are totally sexy, but you’re not the guy for me.”

“Damn. I thought I was in.” He rubbed his shoulder thoughtfully. “It’s Zac, huh. You like smart guys.”

Her eyes shot wide. “What? No. He’s— No. Zac’s just a friend.”

“Whatever.” He shrugged. “Well, okay, guess I’ll go back to the bar and try again.”

Chris blinked at him. Did he really just say that? “Gosh, Bodie. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.”

“Yeah.” He grinned and gave her a thumbs-up, already backing down her front walk. “That’s what they all tell me. See ya around.”

He swaggered back to his convertible. Chris went into the house, closed the door and stood for a few seconds, trying to comprehend a universe that would produce a specimen like that.

Eva would love this. She grabbed her cell phone and dialed her sister.

“Chris, oh, wow.” Eva burst into nervous giggles. “I can’t believe you just called me.”

Chris frowned. “Why?”

“Oh, because—” Ames’s voice rumbled in the background. “Right, okay. I don’t know, Chris. I was just thinking about you!”

Chris was mystified. What was Eva up to? Had she been swimming in the margarita bowl, too? “We’re twins, Eva. This happens all the time.”

“I know, but...” The line became muffled. Eva’s and Ames’s voices mumbled urgently.

“Eva?” Chris wandered into the living room. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Nothing, sorry, I was distracted. So how are all your hot California men doing?”

“Funny you should ask.” Chris told her the Bodie story, sparing nary a detail. By the time she finished, Eva was giggling madly.

“Oh, Bodie. So hot, and also so not. But I’m glad you’re done with him and Gus, because that means Zac is next on the list.”

“Zac’s not even on the list.” She sounded so knee-jerk panicked even to herself, that it was obvious Zac was not only definitely on the list, but sitting right at the top in bold, all caps, underlined twice.

Damn it. She should not have had more than one drink tonight.

“Oh, right, Chris, right. Zac’s not on the list. Yeah, okay, I believe you.”

Chris’s heart started beating wildly. She could not even think about Zac without anxiety clouding her vision. In fact, she was getting all worked up and annoyed right now. “He and I had a late-night talk on the beach yesterday.”

“Ooh, yes?”

“It was okay at first, and then we had a disagreement. I’m telling you, we just don’t get along. So then he walked me home.” She was getting more and more worked up, pacing Eva’s living room. “And then, when I said good night, he kissed me.”

Eva gasped. “Wow! This is—”

“I couldn’t believe it!”

“Oh. You couldn’t?” Eva sounded confused. “Why not?”

“Well, I mean—” Chris gestured to the air, trying to remember why this had seemed like such an outrageous story when she started it. “I mean, we weren’t on a date or anything. It was wrong! And so—”


Her arm dropped. The classes she’d taken at the Peace, Love and Joy Center had made her question why she flew off the handle like this, but her alcohol-fogged brain was not working well tonight, so...forget it. “What?”

“Men kiss women they like and are attracted to. This is what happens here on our planet.”

Chris wrinkled her nose. “I know that.”

“So...? Was it a good kiss?”

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