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The Perfect Indulgence

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“Zac!” This time there was no tenderness in her voice, only demand for her release.

He lunged over her immediately, one hard thrust taking him in all the way. Chris cried out, nearly losing her mind at the pleasure. She spread her legs wider, drew her knees up to her shoulders, urging him to drive harder. He obliged her with strokes that shook the bed, made her grab at the headboard to keep from banging into it.

Then his thrusts slowed to a stop, though his breath still came hard. He lay still for a moment, until she registered that the music had changed again. “Make You Feel My Love.”

Zac lifted his head, this time moving in an entirely different rhythm, a slow in and out, pausing to grind his hips over her clitoris while Adele’s rough, throaty voice sang of love and comfort.

Chris hooked her legs over his, using the leverage to push back against him, slow in, slow out, gazing into his blue, blue eyes, thinking that she’d never felt this close to anyone, never allowed herself to be this wide-open. Not to anyone.


He kissed her, took her lower lip into his mouth and sucked gently.

“Mmm.” His back was long and lean under her fingers, his buttocks firm. She pushed her fingers into the muscle, feeling it contract as he moved.

His body tensed; his motion accelerated. Chris responded once more, her desire climbing, body gathering itself, reaching toward the climax, maybe this time...

He pulled out nearly all the way and slowly pushed just the tip of his cock in and out of her, stretching and teasing until she was so close, so close, not able to get over, but so close...

With a groan he thrust all the way back in, then again and again. She dug her fingers into his back, close to screaming, feeling the orgasm approaching inevitably now.

It tore into her, nearly unbearably intense, and she was yelling, oh, oh, oh, thrashing her head, completely out of control and letting herself be that way.

Zac tensed, shouting his own pleasure as he came with her.

The song finished. Another came on, and in an incredibly weird coincidence, it was “Afterglow” by INXS.

Slowly Chris returned to earth, breathing hard, blinking in a kind of stupefied trance. Slowly, she untangled her brain from the fading ecstasy and tuned in to the man on top of her, slumped and breathless.

This time when he raised his head to look down at her, she held nothing back, let him see her vulnerability, her passion, her awe of what they had done, her hope for what they might be able to do, given time.




They spoke together and both laughed, a little shaky, a little uncertain.

I love you.

No, it was too soon, the emotion unfairly influenced by the passion they’d just shared. These declarations needed to wait until she was sure, until...

No. To hell with caution. To hell with analysis and practicality and common sense. She wanted to say it now because she was feeling it deep down through her whole body and through her whole heart.

She opened her mouth to speak.

Zac opened his mouth to speak.

In a crazy intuitive flash, Chris thought he was about to tell her the same thing she was about to tell him.

Her phone rang, catching them both with their mouths open, ruining the mood and the moment. Zac kissed her and rolled to the side. “Did you want to get that?”

“No, I’ll look later.” She forced a smile, feeling cheated out of something potentially momentous and life altering, but also relieved. Zac might have been about to say, thanks for the world’s greatest orgasm. Or to ask to use the toilet. In which case she would have sounded pretty stupid telling him she loved him. Maybe it was just as well.


She snuggled up against Zac’s chest, inhaling his scent, concentrating on all the places their bodies were intersecting instead of on what might have been and whether or not it was a good idea.

“What time do you think it is?”

“I have no idea.” Chris lifted her head, straining to see the clock by the bed, forgetting that Eva didn’t have one. “I forgot we have a reservation. Hell, I forgot my name.”

He stroked her hair, one of the best feelings in the world. “I know what you mean.”

“I’ll go check.”

“Do you have to?”

“Yes.” She rolled away from him, sat on the edge of the mattress and stretched luxuriously. “Because otherwise I’ll worry.”

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