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The Perfect Indulgence

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Now he tended to not go out. It was like being in prison. Walking to the window, he groaned when he saw a familiar car parked out front.

He must have drunk more than he usually did to have Jackie over. What a mess.

“Hey, sexy. Hungry?”

Jackie stood smiling inside his bedroom door, then she crossed the room to link her arms around his neck and kiss him before he could say anything. He turned his head, breaking the kiss and loosening her hold.

“Jackie, what are you doing here?”

She shrugged, pouting.

“I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d come over and surprise you with breakfast.”

Brody brightened slightly. “So you just got here?”

“About an hour ago. I brought some muffins from the bakery you like, made coffee and I could put on some eggs, too. I thought you might like to work up more of an appetite first, though...”

He stepped away, putting some distance between them—he’d been trying to put a lot of distance between himself and Jackie. He’d explained it to her several times, but she was more persistent than he’d expected. She’d been a high school girlfriend and more impulse. A mistake.

He was thankful that at least he hadn’t made it worse. She knew where he left his extra key, and had let herself in, obviously.

Grabbing some jeans from the chair, he pulled them on.

“Don’t get dressed on my account.”

Brody’s only response was a withering look as he left the room. He could hear her heels on the hardwood stairs close behind as he went to the front door.

“Jackie, I appreciate your making breakfast—”

“Then show me,” she said, sidling up to him again and putting her arm through his.

Brody sighed, stepping back and putting her away from him, his patience threading thin. He wasn’t interested.

“You need to go,” he said bluntly. “We’ve already talked about this.”

Her eyes turned diamond-chip hard as she set her hands on her hips, ready to argue. A knock at the door startled them both, and Brody almost groaned aloud. Who else was here this early in the morning? He was relatively private about where he lived, but still, fans and reporters seemed to find him more often than he liked.

“Hold on,” he said, turning away from Jackie to see who it was.

When he swung open the door, though, he couldn’t have been more shocked to see a familiar pair of blue eyes staring back at him.

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