5 Bikers for Valentines
It didn’t matter how attracted I was to her, I had to control my urges. She was still a stranger, and I knew there was no way in hell she was sticking around. Childhood home or not, the inherited property that had been dropped into her lap was in rough fucking shape. It wasn’t suitable for anyone to live in safely, and by all I’d seen, she was not exactly a handy woman. There was no way she could take on those repairs herself, nor did it seem like she had the money to fund them.
The last thing Lanie needed was to get attached to someone who was going to leave.
“Hey there, Sarah.”
“Hey, stranger! You forgot to call me, you know.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve just been so busy cleaning up this place, and I forgot. You got my text message though, right?”
“I mean, yeah, but I was really hoping you’d call. So, how’s the cabin looking?”
I glanced around my grandmother’s home before I leaned against the kitchen counter.
“Not gonna lie, it’s a mess,” I said.
“How much of a mess are we talking?” Sarah asked.
“It’ll take me hiring someone to come in and do some of the repairs.”
“Oh, shit. What’s wrong with it?” she asked.
“For starters, it hadn’t been dusted in years. I’ve had the windows open trying to create crosswinds to blow some of this shit outside while I wipe everything down.”
“What do you mean by ‘everything’?”
“All my grandmother’s stuff is here. Well, mostly. Some of the furniture is gone, but the bedrooms are still furnished and so is the living room.”
“You’ll have to have all that furniture steam-cleaned with all the dust that settled,” she said.
“Yep. That’s one of the things I have on my list.”
“You have a list?’
“Oh, yeah. And it’s extensive. The staircase has to be completely redone. The wood’s so rotted and flimsy that I put my foot through it when I first came in.”
“Holy shit, Manda. Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. My neighbor rescued me and helped bandage me up.”
“You have a neighbor? Please tell me it’s a male neighbor.”
“It is,” I said, grinning. “And before you ask, yes. He’s fucking hot.”
“Ooooh, yes! Amanda, it’s about damn time you hooked your claws into someone,” she said.
“And he’s strong. Picked me up like I was nothing. He’s got these piercing eyes and rippling muscles. When he found me in the staircase, he was shirtless, Sarah. Shirt. Less.”
“Fuck. Does he have a beard? Please tell me he has a beard.”
“He does,” I said, giggling. “I figured you would like that.”
“I love facial hair on guys. Have you seen him since your accident?”
“I have. He invited me over for dinner last night, and it was a wonderful evening.”