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That Reckless Night

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* * *

JEREMIAH WAS LET into the house and led into the study, where Rhett awaited him. He’d half expected the man to make him wait a few moments in a show of power, but Rhett seemed ready to put the situation to rest and was there when Jeremiah arrived.

“I’m sure you realize that there is a conflict of interest for Miranda to continue questioning you,” Jeremiah began. “She loves you very much and the thought of you being involved in something like poaching is killing her inside. I hope for her sake you had nothing to do with the poaching cases.”

“Straight to the point, aren’t you?” Rhett leaned back in his big chair, regarding Jeremiah with a strong, steady stare. “What makes you think that I had anything to do with the poaching?”

“Your volume is down, your reported income is down, and yet you continue to live pretty opulently,” Jeremiah stated bluntly. “Given the lucrative nature of the black market, it’s only natural to wonder where you’re getting your cash if not from Big Game Trophy clients.”

“I told Miranda I had a healthy reserve. Some years have been better than others.”

“That’s not good enough of an explanation. I’m going to need to see your financials.”

Rhett scoffed. “Going a little far, don’t you think? I already told you I don’t have anything to do with the poaching.”

Jeremiah shook his head. “That might have worked for Miranda. But I don’t know you and it doesn’t work for me. If you have nothing to hide then getting a look at your financials shouldn’t be a problem.”

Rhett leaned forward and pinned Jeremiah with his gaze. “How would you like it if I poke my nose around in your financials?”

“I wouldn’t like it at all. However, if I were being considered as a possible suspect in an open case and I had nothing to hide, I would do everything in my power to clear my name and my reputation.”

There was a silent standoff between the two men until finally Rhett shrugged and said, “Sorry, son, you’re going to need a warrant for that.”

“I’d hoped you would have volunteered but I can get a warrant without a problem.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“You know this just makes you look guilty, right? And it’s going to kill Miranda. How do you feel about that?”

Rhett looked discomfited but held his ground. “I’m not about to sacrifice my rights as an American citizen without a fight. I told you I had nothing to do with the poaching, and I meant it. However, if my word isn’t good enough, then you’re going to have to follow due process to get what you need.”

“Am I going to need a warrant for your employee list, as well?”

Rhett smiled and pushed a piece of paper across the desk. “That I can give you. Is there anything else you need?” he asked.

Jeremiah picked up the paper and folded it in half before sticking it in his pocket. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Tell Miranda not to worry. My hands are clean.”

Jeremiah looked long and hard at Rhett and said, “I sure hope so. Because if they’re not, I’m going to find out and so will Miranda.”

Rhett gave Jeremiah a short dismissive wave. “Good day, Mr. Burke. I will look forward to your apology.”

* * *

MIRANDA ACCEPTED THE FOLDED slip of paper from Jeremiah when he returned and read it. “Rhett’s employee list?” she surmised. Jeremiah nodded and she added, “Tell me how it went. Is he upset?”

“He’s irritated but didn’t seem overly worried. I think he’s mostly pissed at the invasion of what he perceives as his privacy. I’ve already set in motion the warrant for his financials.”

“And I called for the financials for Vivid Adventures. We should have them by tonight if we manage to get Judge Pope—he’s a staunch supporter of animal rights and loves to stick it to the big-game operators whenever he can.”

“Then let’s hope for Judge Pope.” Jeremiah smiled. “Are you doing okay? I know there’s been a lot to absorb.”

Miranda leaned back in her chair, nodding. “Tell me about it. Yeah, I’m doing okay. I just wish there wasn’t so much noise going on in my head. Makes it hard to concentrate. My brother called me last night. He’s coming home soon to help me out. That’s a huge relief. My parents are a handful.” She looked to him, curious. “You never talk about your parents. Are they around still?”

“No. Unfortunately, I lost both parents when I was in my twenties. One to cancer and the other to heart failure about five years apart. The only family I have now is a brother I rarely talk to and an aunt who lives in San Francisco. My family was never what you’d call close-knit. I mean, I was close to my parents, but as far as extended family, we just didn’t live near enough to create those bonds.”

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