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Blowing His Horn

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Olivia’s gaze dropped for a moment, then she looked up at me through her lashes. “Would that be such a bad thing?”



Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“I’m not fucking you on our first date,” I told her honestly.

“On our second then?” She winked and wiggled on my dick, making me groan. I was grateful it was nighttime because I couldn’t be sure that my steadily leaking cock hadn’t made a visible mess in my slacks.

I opened my mouth, all ready to tell her there wouldn’t be a second date. Instead, I said, “No.”

Olivia sighed. “You seriously have a third-date rule? You’re a guy. You’re not supposed to be the prude one.”

I laughed and kissed her nose. “Wanting our first time to be special and being a prude are two very, very different things, baby. No one would describe the things I’m doing to you in my head as prudish.”

“Really?” She sat up and grinned at me wickedly. “Like what?”

“Wow, baby. I had no idea you were so naughty.”

She shrugged, and her cheeks tinged with pink. “Neither did I.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the headrest. She was definitely going to kill me. I needed to end this. Maybe once Danny was with Delia, I could ask her out again with a clean slate.

The idea of waiting two years to be with my girl made my heart and cock shrivel—figuratively speaking.

Sighing, I lifted my eyelids and drank in the sight of her beautiful face illuminated from the moonlight. “You are so fucking gorgeous,” I whispered. “I don’t know how to resist you.”

“Then don’t.”

It sounded so simple. My mind began spinning, and I wondered if it was really that simple. Sure, I’d asked her out the first time for devious reasons, but a second date would be because I…I knew exactly what Danny had been talking about.

Olivia was already everything to me, and any future without her in it wouldn’t be worth living.

And maybe I could still help Danny by keeping an eye on Delia. I understood his reasoning and desperation now. If I was in the same position as him, I’d be doing the exact same thing.

Luckily, nothing was holding me back from Olivia. She didn’t ever have to know why I asked her to dinner the first time. All she needed to know was that she now belonged to me.

“Okay, baby.” I dropped my hands to her ass and drew her forward until we were fit snugly together. “But let’s get a few things straight. From this moment, you are mine, do you understand? There will be no other men in your life, and I reserve the right to beat the shit out of anyone I think crosses the line with you.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “You can’t—”

“I sure as fuck can, Olivia,” I said with a glare. “Now, be good and listen. I’m not finished. You are never to wear this dress in public again. If anyone else sees your underwear, I will lose my fucking mind. And last, I’m warning you right now, I won’t be letting you go. There is no one else for you. Ever.”

She eyed me for a moment then asked, “And does that also mean you’re mine?”

“Fuck yes, it does,” I said firmly. “I’ve been yours since before I met you. I just didn’t know it.”

Oliva beamed and leaned forward to give me a soft kiss. “Then I guess it’s settled.” Her smile was sly when she straightened. “Does that mean we can have first-date sex now?”

I laughed and wrapped her up in a big hug, kissing the top of her head.

“I was serious about making it special, baby. Especially since I’m guessing you’re a virgin?”

Her head bobbed, bumping my chin.

“Then let’s give it some time, baby. We’ll get to know each other a little more and plan a weekend away where I can worship every inch of you.”

Olivia sighed but cuddled in close. “Okay. As long as you promise to do some of the really dirty things you were thinking about all night.”

“I promise,” I vowed with a grin.

We made it halfway through our second date.



Two years later

I was nervous as Leland and I walked hand in hand up the sidewalk leading to my parents’ house. This wasn’t the first time I’d brought my boyfriend of two years home with me, but never for this long or over a major holiday. Spending Christmas with my family was a big deal. It had always just been the three of us—my mom, dad, and me—and we’d always been super close.

My dad tended to be overprotective, and I wouldn’t put it past him to get all weird about my relationship being serious enough for Leland and me to spend the holiday together. As excited as I was for Leland to get to know my parents better, a little something in my dad’s tone when I called to give them our travel plans had worried me.

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