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Princely Passions

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I swear to god, I might just orgasm right here on the street, just listening to him say that. “Let’s,” I breathe, and crawl into the spacious limo.



I’ve never actually been in a limo before; my prom date my senior year had told me he was going to rent one and then that night, he showed up in his dad’s old beater, telling me the limos were all rented out. I’d been crushed, truth be told, I’d wanted to ride in a limo a lot more than I’d wanted to go to prom with the guy. That night was awful; I should’ve known when he hadn’t shown up with the limo that going out with him was a fuck-awful idea. Nothing like being drunkenly pawed at by your prom date who can’t even keep your name straight.

My name is not Diana, it’s Daphne, thankyouverymuch.

I shake the bad memories off.

“Wow, I love it,” I breathe. “And the silver is sexy.” I’m running my hand along the door panel gently. I’m not sure how much I should be touching everything.

“Pretty standard color scheme,” Dominic says with a laugh. “What did you expect, burnt orange?”

“Ewww…no. I hate orange. Ugliest color on the face of the planet. But I don’t know, I guess I just expected it to be black on the inside too, to match the paint job on the outside. Or maybe red ...? I guess I never thought about what a limo would look like on the inside.” I shrug. They didn’t exactly have a shit ton of limos on campus at med school.

But this limo seems to be living up to my every daydream … leather seats and dim lighting and a bar along the side and a sunroof and…

My phone goes off before I can find the button to open the sunroof, and I dig it out of my purse. A text from Carla is showing on my lock screen.

Just went to drop off something at your apartment but…

The next text pops up on my lock screen just as I finish reading the first.



I let my head fall back against the headrest and I groan. So much for keeping this on the down low. I love Carla, and I love her ‘cause I know her. She’s already texted every last one of our friends, telling them everything that she saw. It’s just who she is.

Which means Dominic and I have been outed.

And I have no fucking clue what to do about it.



As we head toward MASA, I eye Daphne’s legs, shown off to perfection by her short, tight, deep purple skirt and black flats. God, she looks amazing. I’m starting to calculate how long it is until we get to MASA and how many orgasms I can give her before then, when she starts digging in her purse for her phone. Pulling it out, her face goes white, and she groans, dropping her head back against the seat.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. She looks shaken up; there’s just no way that whatever happening on the phone is good news.

She just shakes her head silently, eyes closed, and I move across the interior of the limo to sit next to her. I’d originally sat across from her so I could admire the view, but it seems as if more important things than me drooling over her body need to happen.

I gently take the phone out of her splayed fingers and read the texts.

Oh fuck.

“What are the chances that Carla will keep this to herself?” I ask, dropping the phone back into Di’s purse.

“You’d be better off betting that you’ll win the lottery, even when you haven’t bought a ticket,” she says, eyes still closed tightly against the world.


We pull up in front of MASA and come to a stop, the driver hurrying around to open up the door for us.

“Well, let’s go inside and eat and figure this out,” I say, brushing my fingertips against her smooth skin. I want nothing more than to kiss her and fuck her troubles away, but this situation calls for more than just fucking, and if I’m not going to be fucking Daph, I can at least be feeding her oysters by hand.

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