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Princely Passions

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First, let's get the big giant thing out of the way and say that the sex that I've been having is like freakin' off the charts good. Like life changing good.

I mean, to describe it any other way would probably not do it enough justice. Derek just seems to know exactly the right buttons to turn me on. And then once I'm turned on, to keep me in that zone. I think in one week I've had more orgasms with him than I've had combined the last few months.

And he's not all about sex, either. Like, we sit around and talk also. You know, for a billionaire, he's pretty down to earth. I mean there's the confidence that he possesses, which I think he would have regardless of whether he was made out of money or not. That's pretty sexy. Like, he knows exactly what he wants and how to get it.

Sometimes, that means me too. He knows exactly what he wants me to do, or how he wants me. When he just uses me like that—uses me in a good way, of course—the orgasms just shatter my mind. I mean, it's a whole different level of pleasure that I'm getting when this guy is just completely using me as a sex toy. In the process he's just making me cum my brains out. To the point where I see black stars, and pass out for a few minutes. No lie, I swear. He fucks me so good that I just basically fall into a literal sex coma.

But see, I just went back into

sex again. I promise there is so much more to our relationship than just sex. This guy has basically conquered the world as far as he needs to. He's pretty much the big dog wherever he goes. So I feel safe with him. It's like the sense of security I don't get when I'm hanging out with guys my age—still trying to find themselves and such. He's a great provider, and he's always thinking about the next thing.

What? I know that look. It's the same look Ashley gave me like last night when I was talking about him.

"You totally love him already," she declared after like a few minutes. We were at Dos Caminos after Pilates and on our second Pina Colada.

"I do not!" I remember telling her.

"Then maybe try talking about something, anything, other than him for a bit, babe," she gently chided me.

And it's so true. Like, I am totally crushing on the guy. Remember when Ashley was trying to get me to spill the beans on Derek and I didn't want to say anything?

Well, it's like the tables are suddenly turned now and I want any ol' excuse to bring up Derek.

I think I'm turning into one of THOSE girls. You know, the ones who can't stop talking about their boyfriends.

But, not like Derek is my boyfriend or anything. I'm totally not thinking that.

Besides, the only reason my mind is wandering right now is because I'm sitting in front of two computer screens looking at rows and rows of numbers and I have no idea where to start.

I mean, so this project that Nadia is tasking me with and promoting me for has like just me on the team. And I can't tell anyone about it. I'm supposed to be looking at Derek's transactions on a individual line item level and find any inconsistencies or red flags. A lot of the transactions are automated and already pre-programmed so I have no idea what I'm looking for. Plus I'm not a tech person. So I have to go through this data bit by bit.

This promotion is the only thing that I'm kinda thinking may have sounded better in theory than in practice. Because it's turning out to be pretty frustrating. I mean, just a little bit of excitement would be nice, you know? But I don't even know what kind of excitement I'd --

Wait a second.

My eyes narrow and I look closer a the spreadsheet.

That's odd.

Six months ago, there was an individual money transfer that was done manually. Monies from one of Derek's accounts left the country. Usually when it's this much, $1.2 million, you have to fill out some forms. But I don't see any forms declaring foreign capital outflow that the government requires attached to this transaction.

And it looks like the money went to an offshore account based in ... North Korea?

That can't be right. There are sanctions placed against doing business in North Korea.

But wait.

I start looking at the transactions in this account. Money inflows from Russia. Outflows to shell corporations that have ties to Iran. Some transactions with businesses are based out of Iraq.

Normally, this kinda stuff would trigger automatic red flags. But I just stumbled onto this account by accident. It was literally on my screen and hidden as a sub-account in such a way that if I hadn't gone line by line, no one would ever have seen it.

I need to tell Derek. He could be in a lot of trouble.

I'm about to send him a text when I realize Nadia told me not to tell anyone.

Not even Derek.

Maybe I should go to her?

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