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Executive Engagement

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And pure.

My eyes drift closed as he leans in, his lips a breath from mine.

“Marry me.”

My breath gusts out, and my eyes fly open.


Hang on. Am I dreaming here? Am I in some tequila-induced fever dream that looks an awful lot like an alternate reality?

Evan smiles.

No, he’s really here. I can feel the hard planes of his chest beneath my hands, the scratch of his stubble as he brushes his lips against mine and repeats, “Marry me.”


One word. That's all. And my whole fucking world is turned upside down.

Evan crushes his mouth to mine, and we kiss with desperate passion like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I thought I’d seen it all, done it all with Evan.

I was dead wrong. There’s so much more ahead of us that I’m only just starting to see.

The entire plane erupts in cheers, and I laugh. I nearly forgot we had an audience.

“Stay right here.” Evan pulls away drops a quick kiss on my forehead.

I watch him in confusion as he goes to the front of the plane again, then reappears with…

…a priest.

I blink, shake my head, now wondering if I really am in that fever dream.

“Evan…” I cut my eyes back and forth between him and the priest. “What the fuck?”

He laughs. “I’ve got you here with nowhere to escape, and you’ve just said you’ll be my wife. You think I’m not going to seal the deal here and now?”

“You’re crazy.”

A wink. A grin. “You know it.”

I look at the flight attendant, certain she’s going to tell us we need to take our seats because it’s time for takeoff. What I’m not sure of is if Evan’s going along. I mean, he’s on the flight, which means he must have a ticket…

But the attendant is just smiling, watching us like she was in on the plan.

Fucking Evan.

I shake my head. “I love you.”

He gives me another kiss. “Let’s do this thing.”

Then, right there on the plane, the priest starts performing the ceremony. It’s crazy. But at least we aren’t hurting for witnesses.

It all goes by in a blur. I know I won’t remember any of it. But I don’t care.

All I can think about is how my heart—which so recently felt shattered beyond repair—has never been fuller. More complete.

What we’re doing is so totally insane—but it’s perfect for us. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

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