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Executive Engagement

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“I’m just telling you,” Adam continues,” that if this goes to court and we have to deal with Lori, I’m billing extra.”

I don’t even blink. Who the fuck do they think they’re talking to? I’m Jacob fucking Kent, the fucking Cunning Linguist for fuck’s sake. Whatever they can throw at me, all I have to say is bring it.

Because I know what I stand for, and there’s no way in hell I’m backing down.


Walking into the reception area of Jake’s office, I pass two official looking dudes who don’t look very happy. They grimace at me as they walk by, not even saying hello.

I knock on the door that’s still open and walk in. Jake and Toby are sitting at the desk, and they don’t look too pleased either. Something’s up for sure.

“What’s going on?” I ask, my eyebrows drawing together.

“Hey,” Jake says, the rough expression on his face melting into a welcoming smile the minute he looks over and sees me. He’s out of his chair and standing in front of me the next instant, taking my hands and pulling me inside the office before shutting the door behind me. “Haven’t seen you in a few days,” he adds teasingly. “Thought you might have already made up your mind about me.”

Yeah. I sure have. My mind is one hundred percent certain that a few days are way too long without him. But there’s obviously something going on, and I want to know what it is.

“What’s the deal? Why do those guys—and both of you, for that matter—look like you were just told you can’t have sex for the next six weeks?”

Jake laughs. “Well, when you put it like that, I guess our problems are nothing, isn’t that right, Toby?”

Toby snorts, and amused grin spreading across his face. “Yeah. This is next to nothing in that context.”

“Seriously, though. What’s up?”

Jake sighs. “Those were the corporate lawyers coming to talk to us about the FCC fine. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m fully prepared to fight the FCC if I have to. Though I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

I shake my head, surprised. “I haven’t made my decision yet.”

I don’t say it, but the truth of the matter is, I don’t want to get into a court battle any more than Jake does. I especially don’t want to have to fight this out with him. What I really want is to just get him back in my bed.

He smiles at me. “Then why don’t we get some work done and see if that helps you along?”

We sit down at his desk, much like we did the other day, and Jake and Toby start going through more letters and emails.

“Are there even more today than there were before?” I ask, surprised.

“Yeah.” Jake nods. “They’ve been pouring in after the increased popularity of the show. It’s pretty awesome that our reach is spreading. Just think how many people out there are realizing what they’ve been missing out on. All these women are desperate to have the sex they deserve. With us reaching more people, we could change society’s entire worldview when it comes to sex.”

I just stare at him for a minute. That’s a pretty lofty goal. It’s also kind of inspiring. Now that I’ve seen just how many people out there aren’t reaching their best potential, I kind of want to get behind Jake’s mission. I’ve taken my awesome sex life for granted it seems.

“Do you mind if I help you guys?” I ask, gesturing toward the pile of letters.

Jake grins. “That would be awesome. You know what you’re looking for?”

I nod. I actually do. Now that I’m seeing the value of A Cunning Linguist, I’m looking at these applicants in a whole new light. I start reading through the letters, and soon I’m totally consumed in the process. It’s kind of exciting thinking about helping all these women get the sex they crave and deserve.

Jake and Toby do much as they did the last time, throwing out comments about the applicants and sorting them into categories. At one point Toby starts laughing.

“What?” I ask, looking up.

“It’s just funny how all these women like to overanalyze everything. Totally dissect the situation. If they’d just learn to go with the flow, half the world’s problems would disappear.”

My eyebrows fly up. “Oh my god, Toby. Just when I thought you two might actually be some of the most enlightened men I’ve ever met, you go and make some sweeping generalization like that.”

“Are you saying you disagree?” Jake chimes in, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms with an amused smirk on his lips.

“Um, yeah! Hello. That’s like saying that men can’t be rational because they only think with their dicks.”

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