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Executive Engagement

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"But you didn’t think of that before?" Michael asks. "You didn’t once ask for or receive an invitation to go to an event sponsored by China First Bank? You never thought to yourself that if you started fundraising as you call it, earlier, you’d have to raise less each day? All of a sudden these doors began to open up only once you passed the environmental bill, is that your story?

I know what Michael Anders is trying to do here. I can see his strategy. He’s a snake.

Everyone knows the billionaire mayor of New York City is looking to move up to becoming Governor one day. Everyone knows he’s got his eyes set on a prize even bigger than that.

It all falls into place now. He’s trying to clear the way.

Well, then he’s got another thing coming. It’s time to take my case directly to the people.

"Governor Carter?" Michael asks, eyeing me with

an evil smile. "Did you have an answer?"

I take a sigh. This isn’t how I wanted to end up describing my actions. But you don’t always get a chance to pick and choose the time and place of the battle.

"I think you’re a bit confused as to the nature of the environmental bill if you’re asking me that question," I say bluntly. "And I think it displays a curious lack of awareness in government for you to ask me that."

There are some muted whispers that go through the room. I’ve just stood up to my interrogator. But I don’t stop. I need to keep going.

"Imagine if you will turn on the water at your kitchen sink, and seeing thick brown sludge come out," I speak into the microphone. I can see several of the photographers turn white at the thought. "Imagine getting tumors from eating tainted beef. Having your lifespan shortened by twenty years because you inhaled too much methane. That’s all we attempted to stop."

"Is that so. In that case can you…" Michael Anders tries to continue but I stop him. Hard.

"Yes that is so, Mr. Mayor," I say sharply, raising some eyebrows. "And if you stopped once to look at the people who live in this state—aside from the other wealthy Manhattanites you surround yourself with—you’d see that New Yorkers are getting sicker at a much higher rate than the rest of the nation. They’re also dying at a younger age."

"Are you trying to say I don't know the…" Michael is about to start again but I cut him off.

"I’m trying to say, Mayor," I say with a damn sneer. "That you don’t care about anyone other than yourself. You could care less about me, the environment, or even the jobs you think my bill is going to kill."

"You’re out of line, Governor!" Michael shouts. "And as someone who is standing here testifying in the hopes of avoiding a corruption and bribery scandal, you’re not doing yourself a bit of good."

I think back to the Mayor and everything surrounding him. How he only came out as gay six months ago, right before the New York City mayoral election. This man fooled a city of 8 million. It’s time for someone to show the world who he really is.

"You want to know what I think?" Michael asks me aggressively. I don't get a chance to answer. But I bet you he’s going to tell me anyways. "I think you had a secret quid pro quo deal with the Chinese, Governor. Maybe not a deal—that implies intelligence. But they tugged at your heartstrings. Poor environment. Save the owl. Or something like that."

Jesus Christ. I’m sitting there, silent as he continues. "And then once you did what they told you to like a good little boy, they decided to start rewarding you." There is angry grumbling all around me. People can’t believe this garbage, can they?

"But, unfortunately Governor Andrews, this time you got your hand caught in the cookie jar. And now it's time to pay," Michael declares.

I got to admit. This man has played me very admirably. This is going to be a lot more of a knife-fight than I realized.

That’s when I hear a voice behind me at the back of the chambers near the door.

"Mr. Mayor, if you’re going to start accusing Governor Andrews of things, you better say it to my face too," Liam says, as people begin to whisper and low murmurs start rippling through the hall. "That way I can see that smug look of yours on it before I bash it in with my fucking fists."

Yeah. This wasn’t how I had intended for today to go down, either.


"Mr. Mayor, if you’re going to start accusing Governor Andrews of things, you better say it to my face too," I say out loud as I see people turn around to look at me. Of course they know who I am; my face has been on enough papers and televisions in the last two months that I’ll never be able to go to a strip club by myself again without getting photographed. "That way I can see that smug look of yours on it before I bash it in with my fucking fists."

That’s when the hearing bursts out in commotion. I’m guessing that they don’t get that many lawmakers fucking threatening each other in here too often. It’s too bad, really. Really does work well in getting all the fucking bullshit cleared up.

I start walking toward the main witness table that Carter is sitting at.

I told him when we first started preparing. I told him that just explaining his case wasn’t going to do it.

We had to be prepared for a fight. And I’m sorry to say, but I was fucking right.

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