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Executive Engagement

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"And thank you, truly, for dinner," I say. "It tasted wonderful."

He looks at me like he wants to kiss me. Okay, if he does kiss me, I wouldn't mind, you know? Like, I'm not going to reach over, but just saying if he did, it wouldn't be the worst thing.

Instead, he asks me, "What do I call you till then, love?"

I'm a bit started and he smirks. "We can't keep calling you Misty. I know that’s not your real name.” Oh crap! He figured it out! I knew this wasn’t going to work!

“I’ve been around a lot of strippers to know Misty is your stage name, love,” he says with a wink. “What’s your real name?”

Just as fast as my heart sped up, it starts to come back down to normal. He doesn’t know I’m his Alicia Bayer. He doesn’t know anything about me.

I can be anyone I want to be.

I pause to think. A giant MAC truck from Daphne Furnishings drives by.

"My name is Daphne," I tell him. "You can call me Daphne."

"Daphne it is then, love," he says, smiling and showing me his gorgeous teeth. "Would you have a last name?"

"Yeah," I say, my mind scrambling. "Daphne Apple."

Daphne Apple?

Oh my God.

It only fazes him for a second.

"Okay, Daphne Apple," he says as he walks me to the line of waiting taxicabs. "I don't suppose you're coming home with me, so I'll just call you tomorrow."

I turn to him one last time and genuinely smile at him as I get into the cab. Even if he is a major asshole, I feel kind of bad for lying to him the way I am.

But that's my assignment. Dig until I find something juicy on the billionaire bad boy prince.

Even if it breaks my heart in the process.

Abby Adams: A Sinful Sweetheart?

I’m Abigail Adams, and here’s what Abby’s hearing...

Looks like New York City’s very own Prince Sin has found someone he can spend an entire evening with. Our spies tell us that the young lady – and she was young – met the Prince at the fabulous Per Se restaurant at the Time Warner Center. They had cocktails and proceeded to enjoy

a 14 course tasting menu put together by Executive Chef Jolan Tru.

But all is not well in Camelot. Sources in the restaurant confirm for Abby that the Prince pulled out all the stops. He booked the entire restaurant, and left it empty. Meaning that he and his special love were the only ones there that night. But witnesses saw the pair get into an argument – we’re still trying to figure out about what. The last thing people saw was the lovely lady running out of the restaurant before the Prince caught up to her.

Was it a successful night for the billionaire playboy? Apparently not, because the lady in question was seen hailing a cab off Columbus Circle, while the Prince was picked up by his own car. Woe to us for not getting a picture of the duo – especially when it means that Prince Sin struck out…

And for you skeptics there that think the Prince may have hightailed it back to the lady’s apartment, Abby has full confirmation that he was in fact spotted in the Meatpacking District. We lost sight of him after that. Oh well, we’re sure our bad boy Prince of Sin is going to show up sooner rather than later. Until then, here’s a recap on our brooding hero.

The District Attorney is still weighing charges to be filed against our wayward Prince. Should he be indicted, we are now almost certain with our legal experts, that the Prince will lose his residency visa and be deported from the country.

The Press Secretary for St. Livy, Samantha Bayer, gave no comment to the Prince’s condition, only referring to the ongoing trade talks between the Kingdom of St. Livy and the US, stating that that was the overriding concern of the King at the moment.

One things for sure, if Derrick Blaine is kicked out of the country, there’s probably a legion of women prepared to follow Prince Sin and his gorgeous body and enormous appendage to wherever he settles next.

Stay with us for daily coverage on this breaking news situation. Until then, I’m Abby signing out. Keep your ears open, New York City…


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