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Executive Engagement

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I’m screaming, I’m thrashing, I’m grinding against the car.

I’m pinned by Will’s strong hips and huge cock, and I’m dripping wet down my fucking legs. Will drags it out another few strokes then pumps into a fast rhythm, slamming me against the bonnet as he begins to moan and growl, and I just scream.

“Yes, yes, YES!”

Into the dull grey mist. I don’t give a fuck who hears me or sees me.

I’m in love.

He’s so deep inside me that when he starts to blow, I can feel the base of his cock pumping out a rhythm all its own.

He keeps me pinned hard for a second, then leans down and kisses my bare shoulders, rubbing my arms.

“I’m not done yet. I’m going to eat my cum out of you until my cock is ready for your pussy again, and then I’m going to fuck you even harder, even longer, right here, right now. And I don’t give a fuck if a whole troop of boy scouts show up to watch.”

I can’t help but giggle at that, wriggling as I feel him slowly drawing that luscious dick out of me.

I feel his fingers on my ass cheeks again and yank on the windshield wiper as I get up on tiptoes.

Just as his hot cum starts to ooze out, I feel his lips gently mouthing at the hole, sweetly licking out the juices to start with, then sliding his lips in deeper and pulling my hips towards him.

“God, you taste good,” he mouths into my cunt.

I want to say something smart-assy like ‘don’t talk with your mouth full’.

But I’m done, I’m gone—the jerking deep in my cunt is coming out across my whole body, and my screams of delight send flocks of birds scattering off across the lake.



Kat and I are embraced, happily, watching the night fall. It’s quite dark now, but I can still see the trees playing winks against the mist as it rolls in.

Kat snuggles closer to me, and I realize she’s shivering.

“Shit, babe,” I remark, getting up straightaway. “You should’ve said something.”

I move over to the back seat and find my jacket, hurrying back to wrap it around her. She gazes up at me steadily, the glinting gold flecks in her eyes alive and sparkling even in this light.

“I don’t mind the cold,” she assures me, smiling and looking just so content, like there was a fire inside her driven by loneliness…and now it’s died down, leaving her peaceful in its wake.

“Just give me a sec,” I say, rubbing her arm lightly. “I’ll get my chariot properly fitted for my princess.”

I get the heat going and roll up the top, pulling out the little basket I stashed in the back seat. Kat giggles as I escort her to her door, theatrically bowing and opening it for her.

Once she’s safely tucked in, I shut the door and hurry over to my side, pulling out a warm thermos of coffee, sandwiches, biscuits, and my favorite whiskey.

“You did plan for everything!”

She takes up a cup of coffee, wrapping her hands around it and holding it out for a generous dollop of whiskey. I take a mouthful of whiskey straight and pour my own coffee as Kat takes a sandwich.

“Yes, I had a whole calendar planned,” I admit.

I just can’t stop grinning at her.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way. I keep waiting for my heart or my cock to start screaming at me to do an about face and flee, but all I feel is warmth. Comfort.

I was never a bad guy, I realize—I just had to find the right woman. A fucking tigress in the sack, smart enough to close five deals at once on three different calls, and gorgeous as a sunrise.

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