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Executive Engagement

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I peer at him over my shoulder. He spots me and immediately orders me to turn back around. “I didn’t tell you you could look, Lizzie. Do not overstep me.”

I immediately bring my head back to a forward-facing position and stand stiff as a doll as I hear him fumbling through his drawer. I hear the wheels on the track of the drawer and finally a quiet close and he meets me, standing directly in front of me.

He raises his hand to reveal a stress ball, I assume offered by one of his many clients. I can’t make out the logo anymore; it’s clearly been in his hand many times in the past. I can see him needing an outlet for all of that harbored stress.

Lately he’s been able to release his tensions all over me, but before that, I bet this was his go to.

Darcy brings his other hand to my face and puts pressure against my jaw, forcing my mouth open. He pushes the stress ball in and lifts my jaw back up against it. I taste some mixture of styrofoam and rubber and can only speak in vowels.

I suppose that’s his solution to my recent interjections, as well as a way to push boundaries more?

As I work through this in my head, Darcy spins me around energetically. He forces my entire upper body to rest flat against his desk, my bare chest pressed hard against the surface.

My hands are resting against the edge of my spine, right down the center. My legs are about shoulder width apart and my feet are planted directly on the floor.

I’m obedient, and my nerves are heightened. What is Darcy doing? God, I want his touch.

I want him to fuck me so badly. But I can’t even tell him that with this little gag in my mouth. What a clever son of a bitch.

I hear something slide off Darcy’s desk. My head is turned to the other side, and my cheek is resting along his desk, so I have no idea what office supplies he’s decided make great pleasure devices at this moment, but I’m ready for him.

A moment of silence greets us. I sit in anticipation for what feels like an eternity before a solid, unexpected whack cuts the air. My ass is now hot and tender from the solid pressboard clipboard that’s just collided with my butt cheek.

I let out a squeak. I jiggle my ass slightly, just exploring the feeling, and suddenly, smack. The clipboard strikes my other butt cheek. Whelp, at least he’s being symmetrical.

I moan slightly this time, finding great pleasure in his playful swats across my ass. He takes his nails and drags them down my back, under my arms, still bound in place. I shudder and moan again, wiggling my entire bottom half as he finds his way down my spine.

He lifts his hand away and strikes my ass again, this time right in the center, hitting both cheeks. This time my teeth sink into the stress ball in my mouth and accidently chomp it into two pieces.

I let half of it fall out of my mouth onto the desk and push the other half out next to it with my tongue. “Oops,” we simultaneously utter.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Darcy. “I didn’t mean to bite it at all, let alone break it in half.”

Darcy isn’t phased. He’s much too concerned with his own mess he’s made. I move my hip to the side to get a view of him and see that a contract he’s been working on is now all over the floor.

Apparently my ass is pretty enrapturing, because he forgot to take it off the clipboard before smacking me with it.

“Let me clean that up for you later, Darcy. It’s the least I can do to show my appreciation,” I offer.

“Always such a good girl, Lizzie.” Darcy’s hands cup my ass, now bright red from the impact of the clipboard. I moan at his touch. “Are you ready?”

“God, yes.” I don’t know what I’m ready for, but fuck yes. Let’s do it.

Darcy drags his massive, hard cock against my soaking pussy lips. I’ve been aching for his cock this entire time, and I get to have it. This is what he wanted.

He’s been teasing me, exploring me. Getting me all worked up over every touch so that this moment will be incredible.

Fuck, Darcy. How do you do this to me? I can see myself getting lost in it every time.

My eyes roll back into my head, and I lay hard against the desk. Darcy grabs my hips with both hands and thrusts his cock into my pussy, and I take his full length right then.

I cry out in ecstasy as he fills me with his giant man meat.

“Is this what you’ve been waiting for, slut?” insists Darcy. His words resonate through me, and I fall harder into a submissive persona.

“Yes, master. Thank you for your cock, sir!” I find myself shouting in response.

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