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Boardroom Bride

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“I bet they did.” Holly-Anne nudges one of the boxes with her foot. “What’s in here?”

“Um. Protein shakes,” I tell her, since I’m not sure how to broach the subject of how the primary source of protein in them is Chase and Eric’s delicious fucking cum.

“Gross,” Holly-Anne sneers, recoiling.

“They’re not that bad.” I breathe a sigh of relief, though. I’m glad—because I don’t want to have to fucking share.

“So are you going to do it, then?”

“Do what?”

“Take whatever job they’re offering you.”

I consider it again. On one hand, they’ve boosted my self-esteem a lot just by being in proximity to me—and all of their compliments certainly don’t hurt.

On the other hand, competing in Miss Sexy Universe for them means being naked on live television, and I’m still getting used to being naked in my fucking shower. I just don’t know that I’m there yet.

But then I think about that woman at the gym—the way she looked at me when she saw me with Chase and Eric’s dicks inside me and the way it motivated her to work even harder.

I could actually help people by doing this, I realize. By sharing my story, I could help a lot of women who were in the exact same place I was two years ago. And with that in mind…

“I don’t know,” I admit, giving Lucy a scratch on the head. “I…I think I might.”

“Get it,” Holly-Anne says, smacking my ass. I wish she wouldn’t have—it’s still full of Eric’s cum. “You want pizza?”

“Nah,” I say, popping one of the boxes open and putting a few of the shakes—Cream Pie flavored—in the fridge. “Gonna have a shower. I’m on a, um…a new diet.”

Yeah, I think to myself as I head for the bathroom. A diet of billionaire cum.


I go into work on Monday feeling like a billion bucks.

Considering the net worth of the sperm shakes I’ve been chugging all weekend, it’s hardly a surprise.

“Swiped another of Gilded Lily’s models on Friday,” I brag as I smack the file down on my boss’ desk. “That’s, what? Eleven this month?”

“Twelve, actually,” Mr. Ackerman says with a smile. “You’re on a roll, Kara. There’s nothing I like more than watching you put Evian Sprague and her shitty little agency in their place.”

Mr. Ackerman was my saving grace once Evian dumped me. I’d been modeling since I was a preteen, so I never went to college or anything. The fashion world is all I’ve ever known, and I didn’t know what I was going to do when Gilded Lily tossed me out the door and onto my fat ass.

But Mr. Ackerman was there to help me get back on my feet.

He offered me a job scouting for Wild Rose, Gilded Lily’s biggest competitor. And better yet, he offered me a chance for a little revenge on Evian. How could I turn that down?

“Actually, boss, I’ve been thinking about that,” I begin. I take a deep breath—because considering what I’m about to ask him, I’m gonna need it. “I’ve got another former Gilded Lily model that I want you to sign.”

“Oh? I’m always happy to steal that bitch Evian’s thunder. You’ve got my attention.” Mr. Ackerman leans back in his desk chair, kicking his cowboy boots up on his desk and twirling his mustache.

If he wasn’t a former male model himself, he wouldn’t be able to get away with it—and truth be told, it’s not my favorite look on a dude. But I guess when you own your own company, you can dress however you like.

I’m just fucking glad that Chase and Eric don’t dress like that.

Chase and Eric. I haven’t been able to get them out of my mind since our last bang sesh, and I’m already salivating at the thought of another one. They’ve put the idea in my head that I might still have a career in modeling—not just signing models, but being one.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this industry, it’s not to listen to the business opinions of dudes that you’re fucking. Ryan warned me away from leaving Gilded Lily a thousand times while we were dating—and as soon as Evian dumped me, so did he.

I need a second opinion, and maybe I’ll get a second chance to boot.

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