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Boardroom Bride

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The second I see the glances they exchange, my heart drops right into my fucking little toe.

They knew. All this time, they fucking knew.

“Is what true?” asks Chase, which makes me feel worse.

“Don’t treat me as if I’m a fucking dumb bimbo. You know what I’m talking about.” I’m so angry I feel like punching someone, maybe even punching one or both of them.

How could they betray me like this? I mean, I fucking trusted them.

“It’s a possible minor side effect,” Eric admits. “We’ve got our people on it right now—and obviously as soon as we realized it might be happening, we pulled the line.”

“Minor side effect? You call getting women all horny and lusting after you a minor side effect? You’ve got be fucking kidding me,” I scream at them and look around. I need to throw something. I need to grab something and rip it to shreds.

Fuck. I need to do something—anything—to let off steam right now.

I glare at the two of them. They haven’t shifted at all in their body language, but guilt is written all over their fucking faces.

My face is burning with shame.

So Ryan was fucking right. I’ve been brainwashed. I can’t fucking believe it.

“Look, babe,” starts Eric, but when I glare at him, he stops.

“Don’t fucking babe me!” I yell. “You should’ve told me. How long have you known? I mean, like, Christ, guys! How could you?”

Anger turns to shame, to frustration, to fury, to resentment and a hundred other fucking emotions I can’t all work out right now.

“Calm down, Kara,” Chase chimes in and takes a step toward me. “We’ve only known for a few days. We’ve been looking for the right time to tell you, but—”

“Oh, and that makes it alright does it? You fucking took advantage of me.” My voice is getting more and more high pitched as I’m bordering on hysteria. I know I need to get a fucking grip, but I just can’t get my head around what’s been going on.

Maybe I would’ve taken the news better if anyone other than Ryan had delivered it. If Chase and Eric would’ve just come clean with me, I wouldn’t feel so stupid and betrayed right now.

Fucking Ryan. He must have been fucking foaming at the mouth to come and spill the beans on what he knew.

“Kara,” Eric clears his throat. “We did try and tell you. Several fucking times, in fact.”

I glower at him, hands on my hips. “You never told me about any fucking side effect?minor or otherwise. Never,” I stop. I bite my bottom lip.

Finally, I’ve had enough, and the rage is boiling over. I march past them and head for the lounge. I grab the cushions and throw them with all the power I can muster at their fucking attractive heads.

From there, I march to the little kitchenette. I randomly open drawers and cupboards. Cutlery, pots and pans all bite the dust. The clanging and banging they make as they land on the tiled floor a reflection of my inner fucking turmoil.

Just as I reach for a bunch of plates, strong hands grab me from behind, and another set holds my hands so I can’t throw the porcelain.

Tears of anger are rolling down my cheek. I feel Chase pick me up, and I start kicking. With any luck, I might even get him in his sexy, traitorous balls.

“Kara,” he says and carries me away from the zone of destruction. “Listen to us. We know it was wrong to keep you in the dark, but you need to fucking listen for a sec.”

His arms around my body produce an instant fucking response. Wet. I’m getting fucking wet for him, even now!

Calculating little shit.

“Put me down,” I hiss and spit.

“Only if you promise to listen.”

I squirm and make things only worse. My body moving against his tight grip sends ripples of pleasure through me. I can’t fucking stay angry if I’m getting horny.

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