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Boardroom Bride

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And look, babe—I know the title isn’t official, and I know it’s not technically the same as Miss Sexy Universe—but I’m pretty happy with it just the same.

I’m wearing a tiny little pink kimono that’s tied with a thick, darker pink band of silk around my waist. There’s a pair of chopsticks holding my long, thick hair in a massive bun at the back of my head, and I’ve even got two cute little circles of pink blush, Harajuku-style, painted on my cheeks.

We’re at the top of the Tokyo SkyTree, for which Chase and Eric handed out huge wads of Japanese yen to get the rest of the tourists to vacate tonight. The floor and ceiling are lit up with a beautiful blue neon glow, and the whole of Tokyo is sprawled out and lit up beneath us, totally ours for the taking.

The pageant might be over, but our fun here in Japan is just starting. I can fucking feel it, babe! Ditching the Miss Sexy Universe pageant might have been the end of one story, but tonight, there’s an even better tale just fucking beginning.

“Careful, Kara,” Eric says, pulling me back away from the window. It bubbles out from the SkyTree’s walkway here on the observation deck, so when you lean against the glass, it’s almost like you’re suspended over the entire city.

It’s like walking on air—which is exactly how much fucking life feels right now.

When I’m pulled back away from the glass, Chase and Eric’s arms welcome me, enveloping me completely, and that’s a feeling that’s even better than weightlessness. It’s solid, firm, and fucking real.

When they hold me, it doesn’t matter where we are. Their bodies feel like home.

Still, being on top of the fucking world in this SkyTree thing is still pretty fucking cool anyway.

“Mmm,” I moan as Chase and Eric’s lips dip to my neck. They’re kissing me on either side, pressing their lips hard against the delicate skin just above my collar bones like they’re trying to take my pulse with their tongues. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you boys were angling for something right now.”

“We are,” Chase growls, sinking his teeth into my neck.

“Definitely,” Eric agrees, doing the same.

I gasp, leaning into their roughness and letting them have at me.

What can I say? My men are nothing if not direct.

The pink silk sash at my waist is pulled away, letting the robe fall open around me. It reveals my body to Chase and Eric in all of it’s flushed, tightly muscled, well-oiled glory. I don’t think there’s any denying it at this point—I’ve got a bod so hot, curvaceous, and taut that even Kim Kardashian would lose her mind trying to replicate it.

My tits are big and bouncy. My nipples are dark pink and rock fucking hard, just begging to be licked and sucked and teased.

My waist is tiny. Like, tiny enough that when Chase holds it with one hand and Eric holds it on the other side, their fingers meet in the middle. Although, to give them credit—they do have pretty fucking big hands.

My hips are broad, my ass is shaped just like a juicy peach, and my thighs are as toned as they’ll ever be. The gap between them is the perfect size for Chase and Eric’s free hands to slide between, smoothing up and down my skin.

And boy, does their touch ever have lubrication—because I am wet right now. The night is cool, but my pussy feels hot and needy and absolutely fucking soaked. I’m so wet, my slick little slit is drooling right down my thighs and dripping with want.

Chase and Eric use their fingers to scoop up mouthfuls of my honey. They stare up at me with desire as they suck them clean.

“Do you want us, Kara?” Eric asks.

“Fucking looks like she does,” Chase assesses, licking my juices off his fingers and going in for seconds.

“I do,” I profess, humping Chase’s hand—then Eric’s—as they tease my pussy with their fingertips. “Honestly, I really fucking do. Fuck me, guys. Please!”

“You sure that’s not just our mind control cum talking?” Eric asks.

I laugh, but when I look down at him, he looks dead fucking serious.

Ugh. Just for the sake of his peace of mind, I consider it.

Jeez. After everything we’ve been through, he sure is worried that maybe all the things I feel for him aren’t actually real.

I’ve been off the Protein Plus shakes for a while now—long enough that I can’t even imagine that any of their effects are still in my system. I’m not even sure if it was ever the Protein Plus that was making me so fucking horny at all.

Exercise is supposed to come with an increased libido—as is weight loss. That, combined with my insane natural attraction to Chase and Eric—and the fact that I constantly have them at my beck and call, free to tease them and suck them and have them fuck me anytime I want…

I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if this whole time, it wasn’t just pheromones and true love.

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