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Boardroom Bride

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“I’ll still get you off if you want, though.”

That’s when Lorraine seems to register what she’s just done. Stupid girl.

She sighs and stands up, obviously defeated. “No, it’s okay.” She knows she’s in trouble. She knows I’m watching.

I sit back in my chair and groan again. Lorraine was the best. No one else could've done a better job. Yet she still failed. There’s only one other option. I’m going to have to go in. I guess it’s true what they say. If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself.


It’s late at night, but the streets of New York are just as crowded as ever. I’ve been in this city for two weeks now. Only nine weeks to go. Nine weeks until I’m two billion dollars richer. I’ve got this.

That chick from last week was almost too easy. She was practically begging to blow me the minute we went to my apartment. I scoff. So much for her claim that she was going to change my life. Lola’s too. They have no idea.

It’s just too easy to resist these women that throw themselves at me week after week.

“So what’s next?” I ask Chase as we make our way down the sidewalk. We’ve just left a bar. It’s about time for the next woman to throw herself my way in an attempt to make me cave.

Chase laughs. “Well, this week the network is trying something new. They want you to go to a strip club.”

“Seriously?” They really think that going to a strip club is going to make me give it up? They really are clueless. “Why?”

He shrugs. “I guess they think it'll make good television. But they want you to spend some time there. Make sure they get some good footage. Up the sexy factor for the viewers.”

“I can do that. When?”


I glance at Chase. “Like right now?”

He nods. “That’s where we’re headed.”

Now it makes sense why drink after drink was shoved my way at the bar. They wanted to get me good and drunk so I’d let down my defense. It almost makes me laugh. Do they really have no idea who they’re dealing with at this point? I mean, it's been five years. A few drinks certainly aren’t going to make me crack.

“Okay, bro,” I say, “let’s do this then.” I think it could actually be fun. I might have a good time, and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of strippers there ready to have a shot at getting me off. Who I am I to stop them? I grin and turn to Chase. “Just so you know, though, I’m not spending any of my money.”

Why should I have to pay for strippers, lap dances, or anything else they might offer me? I can get all that shit for free just because of who I am.

Chase shakes his head. “No worries, man. I’ve got you covered. I’ll spend it for you. Anything you want, it’s yours.”

I arch an eyebrow at him skeptically. “You’re paying?”

He grins sheepishly. ?

?Well, I’ll spend it for you, but it’s courtesy of ABN.”

Of course it is. I shake my head again, amused that they think this will be what makes me crack. Lola is something else. Apparently she’s willing to pull out all the stops to keep from paying out that two billion.

“Whatever, dude,” I say to Chase as we enter the strip club that we just walked up to. It’s pretty posh. Not some sleazy strip club. But I wouldn’t expect anything less than the best. The viewers eat up my billionaire playboy lifestyle. I have to hand it to the marketing team—and Lola—this'll be good for the show.

We stand just inside the entrance, and Chase is going on about some bullshit the network probably told him to say about what we should do now that we’re here, but I’m not listening at all because despite my skepticism about this whole thing, I suddenly can’t drag my eyes away from a girl who's headed my way. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life. And that’s saying something because the network doesn’t let just anybody on the show to tempt me. But this girl. She tops them all. And she’s walking straight toward me.

“Dude,” I say to Chase, elbowing him in the ribs. “Check this one out.”

I hear his low chuckle and know he has to have that devious grin on that he usually gets when I find a girl that I want. But I don’t bother looking at him. My eyes are locked on her like she’s got some kind of gravitational pull on me. I can't look away, even if I wanted to.

Then she’s there in front of me, her blonde hair falling in sexy waves around her shoulders and cascading down over her tits, which are fucking perfect. Gorgeous and huge and round, I can see her nipples pointing my way through her outfit, and I can’t wait to get my hands on them. Her bright blue eyes are gleaming, watching me closely, filled with the same lust that’s taking over my body right this minute. My dick is instantly hard when she licks her full lips. Fuck, I want those lips wrapped around my cock. Right the fuck now.

“Carter.” Chase’s voice filters in through my hazy brain, forcing me to snap myself out of the momentary stupor. What the hell? I always have the upper hand with women. They don’t send me into a lust-filled haze where I can’t even think straight. I’m the one who does that to them.

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