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Boardroom Bride

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“Whatever you want.”

When we get to the end of the runway, he stops and gets down on one knee. I’ve seen this move before.

But instead of teasing me with a ring box, he slides his hand up my skirt. I gasp involuntarily, forgetting that all our models are watching us. “Higher,” I whisper.

“Not yet, naughty girl,” Tanner laughs. I feel a tug, and that’s when I realize that he’s found my garter. I put it on when I got dressed this morning without even thinking about it.

I let him slowly slide it off my leg, savoring every moment of his touch.

“How did you know?”

“When I was on my knees inspecting Katerina’s train, I took a look at yours as well.”

He gives me a little pat on the backside. “I like yours better.”

I burst out laughing. He holds my garter and raises it to the sky, pretending to choose a target in the invisible crowd.

The models are enjoying the spectacle, too. Some are jumping up with their arms raised to catch the garter. Others are throwing flowers and rice at our feet.

Finally, Tanner stretches the garter back like a slingshot and releases it, sending it soaring to the front of the stage. When Katerina catches it in one hand, I’m happy for her.

I’ve just done something I never thought I could do. I remember when Tanner and I broke up, I never wanted to be in the same room with him ever again. And now here we are, working together on a lingerie line, sharing a stage, even sharing models.

I feel as happy as a bride on her wedding day, and as horny as a bridesmaid at a bachelorette party.

Chapter 24


Fashion shows are usually more fun than this. Inside the Dirty Little Angel boardroom, the men and women of the board are sitting stiffly in their office chairs, waiting for Elsa and I to present our new line.

One of the men pours himself a glass of water from the pitcher. One of the women checks her phone messages. No one smiles.

Just in time, our army of professional lingerie models arrives to whip this meeting into shape. On the other side of the room, Elsa opens the door and herds the women inside. All around me, jaws are dropping to the floor when the board members see how beautiful they are.

The women are still wearing lace, pleather, and flowers like they were in rehearsal, but after a week of tweaking, reconfiguring, and resewing the designs, the lingerie looks absolutely stunning—and much more expensive.

Our floral bridesmaid set makes the model look like Eve in the garden of Eden. The bridal set, on the other hand, makes the model look like she’s spread out on a bed of fucking roses. I want to marry every bra and make babies with the panties.

This might very well be the best lingerie line I’ve ever created, and as much as I hate to admit it, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Elsa. When I see how big her smile is as she watches her models show off our designs, I know she feels the same way.

Someday she’ll thank me for coming up with the idea. At least that’s what I tell myself.

“Always a bride,” Elsa steps to the front of the room to introduce our theme.

Her long blond hair is shiny and soft around her shoulders. Her red lipstick makes her full lips look even bigger and more kissable.

She is positively glowing, and is it just me, or are her tits even bigger than they were the last time I saw them? Boobs are so mysterious.

Maybe it’s the dress she’s wearing. It’s very form fitting. I like the way it looks in the front. And the back. Are we done yet? It’s hot in here.


That’s Elsa, reminding me that I’m supposed to be talking now.

“Always a bride, yes. A woman only gets married once…”

Elsa raises her eyebrow.

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