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Stories From The 6 Train

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I look over at the report in question, immediately spotting him in the crowd. "I'd like to keep the discussion on the issues that matter," I reply.

The reporter pushes back, "I think I speak for everyone when I say that's an issue that matters to all of the citizens of New York City."

"I've said this before, but I want to make it clear that my private life does not concern the public. That's final. I don't give a fuck about what the media thinks about me. As you all know, at the end of the day, I'm a mayor who get results for this city."

Another reporter chimes in, ignoring my stance on privacy, and says, "Mr. Trask, is it true that Amy is your daughter, and that she's been staying with you at Gracie Mansion?"

"That's incorrect," I say. "She's my stepdaughter and—"

The red-faced reporter cuts me off before I can get another word in. "Wouldn't you agree that having personal relations with your stepdaughter sends the wrong message to citizens?"

"Well, that's not what—" I try to say, adjusting the microphone, but am cut off again.

"Isn't it against state rules to be undergoing such an affair within the walls of Gracie Mansion? Not to mention, don't you agree it's morally corrupt?"

"No comment," I say, trying to move on. This is going downhill fast. This definitely isn't where I wanted our discussion to go today.

"Mr. Trask, just answer the question," the reporters continue to chime in.

"I repeat, I won't be answering personal questions. We should remain focused on the real issues."

"But Mr. Trask, what are you really hiding from the citizens of New York City? Why won't you simply answer our questions?"

"This press conference is over," I say, raising a hand to the crowd. I realize there's no use trying to steer a sinking ship.

I can hear boos from the crowd, and a jumble of questions still rumbling through the reporters. But I wave them off and walk backstage, joining Megan and Amy.

I wipe a thin line of sweat that I didn't even realize had begun to gather on my forehead.

"Well, that felt like being lowered into shark-infested waters inside of a chum bucket," I say, looking at Megan and Amy. "Fuck, that crowd was out for blood. I couldn't get a word in."

Megan's pacing back and forth, and her confidence seems to have faded faster than a new pair of jeans.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, concern growing on my face. "I know this press conference didn't go as planned, but I have a feeling there's something you aren't fucking telling me."

With that, she looks up, holding my gaze and says, "I hate to say it, but we have bigger problems."

"Bigger fucking problems?" I ask, eyes wide. I honestly can't think of anything worse than this press conference.

"It's Susan Duran," she says. "She was seen going into the Governor's campaign office Downtown."

I look over at Amy.

She's standing next to Megan and nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the next. I've never seen her look so nervous.

"Don't worry," I tell Amy, placing the palm of my hand gently against her cheek. When I do that, she walks over and rests her head on my chest.

"Whatever comes … we'll face it together," I say.


“Her poll numbers have been climbing steadily,” I sigh, waving at the stack of papers in front of me with a frown. His staff provided us with the last analysis on the Senate race and, despite Parker's numbers being as solid as ever, my mom is just snapping at our heels.

It’s been a week since Susan left.

“Yeah, I can see that,” he frowns, peering over my shoulder at the graph in front of me. We’ve been pouring over these documents for the last half an hour and, even though we haven’t said it out loud, we both know that with the numbers my mom is pulling right now, all she needs to do is use the relationship Parker and I have to secure her position in the polls. Which means that we have a sword hanging over our necks, and no idea when it’s coming down to cut off both of our heads.

“Still, unless something major changes, I’d say you’re well on your way to secure the Senate,” I smile, swiveling the chair around so that I’m facing him. I’m trying to be optimistic, but it isn’t easy. Especially now that Susan jumped ship.

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