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Mr. President

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Exhaling sharply, he then throws himself back and collapses on the floor, laying flat on his back while his chest rises and falls fast. Turning around, I go to his side and lay down next to him; huddling against his body, one hand on his chest, I lean into him and press my lips against him, feeling the saltiness of his own cum in his lips.

“I love you, Austin…”

“Me too…”

“And I want this… all of this… every day for the rest of my life. Can you keep up?” I tease him, softly kissing him again. His response is a deep laugh, one that tells me what his answer is going to be.

“You should be asking that to yourself, babe,” he says, and I can’t help but laugh with him. I mean, it’s true – even though I want it every day (or, for that matter, every single hour of the day), I’m not sure if my body can take it. Is there such a thing as too much pleasure? And, more than that, is there such a thing as too much happiness?

Looking into Austin’s eyes, the smile on his face a tender one, I realize I already know the answer to that question.

No, it’s never too much.


Washington Beat

President Player Scores A Win!

From the desk of Margie Preston – our fearless and fun political reporter

The nation was glued to it’s television sets today as the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to begin criminal proceedings against the former Speaker of the House, Bob Walker.

The former Speaker is charged with several felonies that include spying on a public official, attempted blackmail, espionage, and numerous violations of the USA PATRIOT Act. If convicted of all charges, the Speaker of the House could face up to 102 years in maximum security prison.

The former Speaker is currently being held in a Washington D.C. jail and it was agreed by both branches of government that a member of the government could not effectively do their jobs while being incarcerated.

“We think it’s best for the nation if Bob Walker were no longer the Speaker of the House,” the new Speaker stated in an interview. Mr. Walker has assembled a legal team to represent him against what will most likely be an onslaught of criminal proceedings but experts contend that based on the nature of the crimes, jail may be more preferable.

“Let’s just say that somehow Mr. Walker is able to beat back the charges that he’s facing, this is the United States government you’re taking on. And this government is bringing over 150 separate charges against you for violating Federal laws. By the time you clear your name and get released from jail, you’re not going to have any money left after the legal fees. You’ll almost wish you could go back to prison.”

The former Speaker has indeed been denied bail and will spend the remainder of the trial from behind bars.

The President and his fiancée, Ms. Draper were out in Georgetown dress shopping when news of the indictments was released. The President had no comment other than to say that he was confident that the American justice system would do it’s work quickly and he was comfortable with whatever findings were released.

“Let’s just be clear, Bob Walker threatened my fiancée with being a spy,” the President continued. “So if he gets out of jail, he better watch his back. I say he’s better off where he is right now. Safe from me.”

The remainder of the President’s comments were then shushed by White House aides, his fiancée and other staff who did not want him to make a scene and enter into a situation that he was not a part of.

So, ladies of Washington and America, I think while we had some hope that the most eligible bachelor in the world was back on the market, it’s probably fair to say that this time, he is well and truly gone. He’s never looked happier. She’s got a glow. And you know what? The country is on the right track. For the first time in a long time, people actually feel that things are headed in the right direction.

It’s a great time to be an American. And here’s to

another wonderful four years.



There's nothing sweeter than the feeling of victory … going after something—especially something where the stakes are raised and you know you have to succeed. That's the kind of victory I'm talking about, and right now, I'm basking in the glow of that.

Well, I take back the part about victory being the sweetest thing in the world. There is one thing sweeter—I'll admit that nothing tops Ashley.

I'm sitting in the Oval Office with Tracy and Ashley, and Tracy's giving me the details of Bob Walker's sentencing for illegal wiretapping. I'm leaning into my leather chair, my arms folded behind my head and my feet resting on top of the desk.

"Consider it an early wedding gift," Tracy smiles.

"I still think you should've let me get married in Vegas, like I wanted to," I say.

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