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I sigh. The President has a way about him that makes you roll your eyes but melts your heart at the same time.

"I’m good, Mr. President, what seems to be on your mind this morning?" I ask into the phone.

Mr. Lobbyist keeps at it, and I can feel the first of the muscles in my body begin to tighten. Is it me, or is the fact that I’m on the phone while I’m getting head turning me on even more than normal. I may not have cum as easily, but something about this is doing it for me.

His tongue continues to lap at me, pressing, flicking, and squeezing my clit. I shudder. It’s good now.

"Say, Viv, I need your help, and because your technically Independent…" the President begins but I interrupt him, trying to talk through the sex haze.

"I am an Independent, sir," I say into the phone. I switched political affiliation from Republican to Independent a while ago. Before that I used to be a registered Democrat.

"Right," the President says. "Well, your unique nature in the Senate can be of help in a sensitive situation."

"Ooooohhh?" I ask, my voice catching as I feel a finger and a tongue now rubbing at my clit. I’m going to cum soon. I can’t stop it. The fires are spreading. I’m starting to go numb in my toes. It’s like this man’s tongue is operated by batteries or something. Oh God, it feels so fucking good. Fuck.

"I have a small problem happening in New York, and since it's your state, I was hoping you could take a look. It looks like Governor Carter, with his environmental legislation that he just passed is running into some trouble," the President says and I have to say I’m barely able to comprehend. My mind is burning with pleasure at the sensations I’m feeling.

"Apparently the mayor of New Kingston, I think his name is Liam Jeffries—and if he sounds familiar it’s because all the papers call him America’s Mayor and he’s the youngest or something at being mayor ever—just got a foreign company to open several factories in the town. Bring back 10,000 or so jobs," the President continues as I thrash my legs in sweet pleasurable agony. "This flies smack in the face of the Governor’s environmental bill and I don’t have to tell you it sets us up for a pretty ugly fight between red states and blue states, Viv."

I’ve slipped past the point of no return and I can feel my body begin to have that delightful seizure as my muscles clench all along my body.

"So if you can go down there and help them negotiate this out, it keeps the Federal government from making a bad situation worse, you know?" he asks me. "Have you ever dealt with either the Governor or the Mayor?"

"Oh yes!" I scream out in pleasure. I feel a fire of pleasure travel across my body and I tighten my legs around Mr. Lobbyist. Momentarily, I forget myself. When I come to, the President is still talking and I’m breathing hard.

Wait, what did I just say yes to?

I’ve never met either man. I’ve been in Washington most of the time. My staff has most likely dealt with and pretended to know and like both men, but personally, I can’t even remember what either looks like.

"Good, so maybe you have a shared place to pick up with them," the President is saying.

"Yes," I say again, a bit more subdued as the post-orgasm endorphins start to sluice through my body.

"Great, I knew I could count on you, Viv. I definitely owe you one, and I’m willing to pay up for whatever you need me to do," the President says. "Thanks and goodbye."

I don’t have a chance to say goodbye, I’m just laying there, enjoying the last of my orgasm before the day starts.

"Is it my turn?" Mr. Lobbyist raises his head, asking me. What a wimp. I can’t believe this man runs his own business. That before he met me, he was supposedly considered a badass by the Washington women who swoon after powerful males.

I swing my legs out over him, and get off the bed. I need to take a shower. And it sounds like I’m going to New York.

"What about me?" the Lobbyist asks, getting out of bed too. I look over his body. His cock may be tiny, but his body was alright. Standard 6-pack abs, maybe could stand to work out a little more—get some more definition.

I head to the shower. Anyone who has to beg me for sex isn’t getting any.

"I need to shower, feel free to show yourself out…babe," I tell him as I turn on the water and then turn to face him. He looks crestfallen. I feel so bad all of a sudden.

"Oh, don’t be sad, babe, it’s okay," I tell him. "It’s not your fault. I just don’t fuck losers in the morning is all."

He nods, and leaves, tail tucked between his legs. Hopefully he rescues some girl from someone or something to get his ego up soon.

As for me, I have a plane to catch.


Get in. Tell the Governor that he can’t openly cut down on jobs if he wants to keep his seat next time around. Twist his arm if I have to. Smile nicely and let him know I have a knife behind my back. And then get the hell out. I should be able to make time to catch the midnight shuttle from La Guardia back to Reagan if I stick to this plan.

/> That’s what I’m telling myself as my limo drives down along Park Avenue past 59th Street as it heads toward the Waldorf.

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