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"I'm just like anyone else," I say.

"No, man. You're a role model for a lot of us … including me. And let's be fucking honest, hindsight is always 20/20, and nostalgia … or memory, or whatever the fuck you want to call it, always makes the past look unrealistically rosy. Believe me, you're in a good place."

The hostess hands us our wine, and we both sit back, taking a sit. A silence descends over us, and then Logan speaks. "You probably don't have to deal with the stuff I'm going through."

He says this almost under his breath. His entire tone and body language tells me he's holding something back, and that he's carrying something that he probably needs to get off of his shoulders.

It's not my place to pry, but I'm curious.

"Like what?" I ask.

Logan looks out the window with a faraway look. He opens his mouth to say something, but the moment is cut short when Lana approaches.

"Here you guys are," she says. "I was looking all over for you."

Logan looks relieved for the interruption. I wonder what's bothering him so much?

"Hello gorgeous," he smiles, motioning for her to join us. "Care to sit and have a glass of wine?"

"I have some good news," she says, not answering his question, and judging by the 100-watt smile on her face, I'm guessing this is a big deal.

"Well, don't hold us in suspense, do tell," I say.

"I've finished my manuscript!" she shrieks. "The Virgin Market is ready for the market. It's edited and everything!"

"That's great news," Logan smiles, and I nod my head.

We both stand up and give her a big hug.

Then, instead of ordering Lana a single glass of wine, I motion for the hostess to bring us an entire bottle. This is cause for celebration.

"I'm so excited," she beams. "I think we should celebrate … beyond the wine."

Logan and I look at each other, wondering what Lana means.

"I want to show you both a chapter," she says. "And I want both of you to act it out."



“Act it out?” Logan asks me, that deliciously wicked grin taking over his lips.

“That’s right … but first, there’s something else I want to show you,” I tell them, reaching inside my purse and taking out two neatly folded pieces of paper. I place them both on the table and push them across.

“What’s this?” Anders asks, grabbing one of the papers and unfolding it. He leans back against his chair, his eyes scanning the document as I wait anxiously for their reaction.

“Wow!” Logan cries out, arching his eyebrows as he stares down at his copy. “Are you sure of this?” he asks and, even though I can’t really read his reaction, I’m hoping he’s happy that I trust him.

“I’m sure, yeah,” I smile, reaching across the table and grabbing their hands in mine. “I trust you, both of you, and I want your help in this.”

“This is … a big step, Lana,” Anders says, his tone a solemn one. “You’re giving us the power to legally represent you, which means --”

“Which means that you can sign a contract on my behalf,” I finish Anders’ sentence, still smiling. I’ve thought long and hard about this, but it’s the right move. After all, I trust both Logan and Anders, and I think that enlisting them to my cause will help me secure a nice deal with Naughty Angel Publishing itself.

“I don’t even know what to say,” Anders continues, squeezing my hand in his and returning my smile.

“Me neither,” Logan nods.

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