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“Magnus to Earth! Magnus to Earth!” Joyce says, repeating that sentence over and over again until she finally slams the palm of her hand onto my desk. I sit up straight, cough into my hand, and nod at her, trying to pretend I was listening to her all along, which I fucking wasn’t, of course. After that night with Penny, focusing on anything is just outright impossible.

“I’m here,” I tell her, and she just sighs and throws the latest New York Daily Journal on top of the desk. She looks at me with a self-satisfied smile, pointing at the newspaper.

“Like I was saying, it seems that the tides are turning.”

“Indeed they are,” I whisper, leaning back against my chair and propping my feet up on the desk. I grab the newspaper and head straight to the Gossip Central column. I’ve already read the newspaper on my way to the office, but a second pass won’t hurt. It feels good to read something different; usually all I get is hate. “You were right, Joyce, this gala thing really helped out.”

“Of course I was right. That’s what you pay me for,” she says, slightly offended, and then she smiles. “Anyway, you’re pretty cheery today. Anything you wanna share?”

“I’m always fucking cheery, Joyce.” I stretch my arms, taking my feet out from the desk and swiveling around on the chair. I look out into the vast New York skyline; the concrete jungle sprawled right under me. Joyce would fucking kill me if she knew what I was up to last Friday night. I mean, she’s a fucking lawyer, she knows how to get away with murder.

“Yeah, I’m just asking because when you’re this happy … that usually means trouble is heading our way.”

“Jesus, you’re such a fucking killjoy.”

“That’s what you pay me for as well.”

“Really funny, Joyce, you should’ve been a comedian instead of a lawyer.” She starts replying, but by the time the words get out of her mouth, my mind has already drifted off again.

I can’t stop thinking about Penny, about how it felt to brush my fingertips over her smooth (and oh-so-very-naked) skin—my hands on her hips, my cock deep inside her tight pussy, the warmness of her body, the strawberry flavor of her kisses. I want that again—no, I fucking need it, even more than I need air to breathe. Even though I know we shouldn’t have crossed that line, I can’t stop myself from wanting to do it again.

You must think I’m a terrible guy, huh? To go around fucking my stepdaughter and all that. But you saw what she did; Penny’s not innocent in this whole affair. I should’ve resisted, maybe … but fuck, I’m only human.

“Magnus? Are you even here?” I hear Joyce’s voice again, her words cutting through the fog that’s clouding my mind, and I turn to her.

“I’m right here, babe.”

“I told you already, don’t call me --”

“Yeah, yeah, Miss Political Correctness, I got the memo. Anyway, it’s Sunday, what are you even doing at the office?” Joyce’s a hard worker, but sometimes she crosses the border and veers into workaholic territory. You might think I’m an asshole, but I actually care for the people around me. And besides, being one of the main pillars supporting my company, I consider Joyce to be family. Oh no, don’t even think about making a fucking joke, alright? Just because I fucked Penny, it doesn’t mean I’ll go on a rampage and start fucking all the women in my life.

“I just came in to work on some of the paperwork on the Equinox deal… And then I saw the article about the gala and came to check up on you,” she suppresses a yawn, trying to hide how tired she is, but there’s no hiding the bags under her eyes.

“Yeah, that was fucking glorious, wasn’t it? I don’t really like bragging about my donations, but I gotta give it to you… It fucking worked.”

“Of course it did,” she tells me, pride making her swell up.

“But seriously, go home now. Don’t make me fire you.” She gets up with a tired smile, picks up the newspaper from the desk and tucks it under her arm.

“You’d be lost without me,” she says, turning around to leave. She walks all the way up to the door, but then stops and looks back at me. “You should rest too, you know? Like you said, it’s Sunday.”

“Yeah, maybe I will.”

“Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

“When have I ever done anything stupid, Joyce?” I tease her, but I feel a stab of guilt in my heart, memories of Penny’s naked body flashing behind my eyes. I lean back against my chair as Joyce leaves, closing the door behind her, and I close my eyes for a moment.

Penny’s moans bubble up to the surface of my mind, and I grin to myself as I remember how it felt to be inside of her, her pussy lips wrapped tight around my cock. I don’t think I’ve ever been that hard for a woman. But, then again, Penny’s not just any woman, is she? There’s something special about her, something that draws me in just like a moth is drawn to a flame.

My fingers twitch as I remember how it felt to squeeze her round breasts, her hard nipples between my fingers, and I feel boiling blood rushing to my cock once more. I become hard in a matter of seconds, my shaft straining against my boxer briefs, and I sit up straight. I reach for my phone, grab it, and scroll down my contacts list until Penny’s name is on the screen.

Maybe I should call her. It’s Sunday, and she’s probably free. And Joyce’s right, I need to take a fucking break.

I’m about to press the Dial icon, my thumb hovering over it, when I stop myself. What the fuck am I doing? I’m not the kind of guy who calls a woman after fucking her. I mean, we were together Friday night, and it’s only Sunday… I’m not some fucking desperate dweeb. That’s just not my style.

Still, I need to see her.

My cock needs her, and who am I to deny my cock anything?

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