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Life—it drags you down into the gutter, but then it carries you toward the clear waters of an open ocean. That’s how I’d describe the last days. I lost my job, lost my boyfriend … but then the whole world seemed to blossom like a flower around me.




Three men, each one of them offering me a helping hand when I needed it the most. Who’d believe that I, nothing but a simple assistant to a raging bitch, would find herself in the arms of three men as handsome as they are? Sometimes life’s stranger than fiction.

“And here’s to me,” I whisper to myself as I pull the cork from a bottle of Pinot Noir, one that I kept stashed away for a special occasion. Well, I guess that the situation I’m in gives me the right to enjoy a glass, doesn’t it? Sure, I’m wearing my lucky pajamas, and not a gala dress… But sometimes you don’t need fireworks to celebrate.

Tilting the bottle, I pour the wine onto the glass, only stopping when the thick red has settled in the middle of it. I put the cork back into the bottle, and then saunter over to my couch; I sink down onto it, kicking my feet up and resting them on the coffee table, and then I reach for my Cradle.

Powering it up, I glance at the pink tones of the 24 Inches cover and then press my thumb on it, mentally preparing myself to feel my brain heating up inside my skull. In just a few seconds I’m sucked into a world where everything’s possible and women are the center of the universe. I guess I might say something like ‘I wish stuff like this happened in real life,’ but I no longer have that right; after everything that happened between me and the most perfect men I’ve ever met, my life feels even more outlandish than one of Abby’s novels. Sipping on my wine while I read, I let that familiar warmness spread all over my body, and my breathing grows more and more ragged with each page flip. Before I know it, I have my legs pressed together, the wetness there making me feel all slippery.

It doesn’t take long for my glass of wine to be empty. And by the time that happens, I’m more than ready to ... indulge myself. No, I’m not talking about drinking some more. Although I wouldn’t say no to another glass, right now I can’t be bothered with getting up from the couch.

That’d just ruin the moment.

My eyes fly over the words on the screen, and soon enough a fog starts clouding my vision. Words turn into images, and images turn into sweet electricity crackling under my skin.

Running the tip of my tongue between my dry lips, I place the Cradle on top of the coffee table and close my eyes. Twenty-four inches of pure pleasure… I wonder what Abby went through to write that book. If only she knew how good thirty-six-inches really are, I have no doubt that I’d be reading a completely different book right now.

Still with my eyes closed, my mind drifts back to those moments I shared with Derek, Mason, and Parker… Their big hands tracing the contour of my body, pulling at the fabric of my dress and turning my mind into a jumbled mess

of incoherent thoughts.

I don’t know what it is about them, but they turn sex into an…art form. It’s hard to explain, but once those lips brushed against my skin, soft and furious at the same time, I knew that it went beyond the physical. My body burned, yes, but so did my brain and soul.

In a way, I think I should thank Sienna for what she did to me. If it weren’t for her, I’d still be in that cramped office, slaving away and trying to find readers willing to read her advanced copies. Not an easy task, considering that most of her writing is as flat as the floor of my apartment.

But after she ripped Trevor out of my life, taking my job as well, everything started happening fast… And now, the old, shy Cara from before has given way to someone who’s stronger. Someone strong enough to survive the burning lust of three men. And now here I am: thinking of them while the wetness between my thighs keeps on growing, completely soaking my panties.

I can’t help myself; breathing in deeply, I place one hand on my stomach and move it down, sliding it underneath my pajama pants and pressing down on my drenched panties. The moment I feel the pressure of my fingertips against my pussy, my eyes roll in their orbits and a column of fire rises up my spine, turning all thoughts inside my brain into volcanic ash.

I knew that the moment I combined red wine with one of Abby’s books, that the night would end like this… Add to the mix the memories of what happened between me and the three men that stormed into my life, and you have an explosive combination.

Pursing my lips, I push my pants down and kick them off to the floor. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this, but I’ve been honest with you so far, haven’t I? I won’t be coy with you, as long as you promise not to judge.

Reaching to the side, I open my hand and rest my fingers on the smooth surface of my faithful companion of so many lonely nights—a long vibrator. Grabbing it, I push my panties to the side and hold my breath; I push the vibrator’s tip against my inner lips, arch my back and close my eyes.

I imagine Derek’s hands on my waist.

Mason’s lips on my neck.

And Parker’s cock inside me, stretching me wide.

“Fuck,” I moan, and then simply slide the vibrator all the way in. It strains against my inner walls, pushing its way past my pussy lips, and I surrender to burning pleasure.

Ah, this is pure bliss.

Chapter 19


The moment I feel the vibrator sliding inside me and stretching my inner walls, the whole world fades around me. The walls around me seems to vanish, and even the couch under my body turns into something ethereal I’m no longer in my living room, but somewhere else - somewhere where I can feel the burning lust of these three men, somewhere where I can fully submit to the way they crave my body.

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